Today's Mighty Oak

Second change banner

TDP Banner 2

This is the banner for the second roll-out of changes for the TDP (Transit Development Plan) by the Port Authority.  Something about it was bugging me,

and for the longest time, I couldn’t figure it out.  Then it finally hit me.  The banners, especially the first iteration, remind me a lot of the artwork used in the card game “Beer Money.”

Beer Money

Beery Money boxart

The first round of changes was ushered in by a purple banner, which matched the Beer Money cards and box (shown below).

But I do like them a lot.  The movement, although more understated, matches the banner at the top of their website and I do love the choice of bus that they used (one in good repair, with their name all over it), but I digress.

These are seen on the side of buses, as well as inside (think ads in the NYC Subway, above everyone) as well as online.  I’m still trying to locate the first banner, and if I can find it, I’ll put it up here.

And now for a shameless plug: want to read more about PAT?  Check out my (almost regular) weekly column, PATransit Tuesdays, over at Pittsburgh Metblogs.

Filed under: Online, Outdoor Tagged: PAT, TDP

Slate takes a look at the new system of “Like’s” that will be all over the Internet, feeding information back to Facebook.

Yes, lots of other firms mine our online activity, but Facebook’s system will be all the more powerful because it is voluntary.

Quick update for everyone:

Are you on Facebook?  Of course you are, so why don’t you go and become a friend of Episcopal Priest Barbie!  I know, it’s pretty awesome.

This video is pretty cool, would be a neat application for cubicle dwellers, if the feeds could be set to be live from and outside location:

In religion news, I like Wheat Thins, I think they are far superior than Triscuits, but I will stand in solidarity with Triscuit, being as that is one of the names of my car.  Have no idea what I’m talking about?  Neither do I, here’s the quote that started it all:

Darwinist faggots who are as despicable as the rest, walking around eating your Triscuits.”

But Gawker caught up with the spokesperson for Triscuit:

Basil Maglaris, a spokesperson for Kraft Foods, the company that makes Triscuits, was nevertheless also stumped when asked why Islamic extremists might target his innocuous and nutritious charges. “I don’t think we have any comment on that,” he said. “Triscuits are a very popular cracker. We have a broad variety of people who love them these days.”

Except Islamic extremists?

“(Pause.) Everyone loves Triscuits, and we hope that everyone enjoys them.” We consider this to be a coded call for unity and peace. The religious and the secular alike must enjoy the crackers of their choice, free from the tyranny of snack censorship.

And in other religion news, a giant protest was held in Lebanon to demand the separation of Church and State.  Pretty interesting read.

This is a pretty awesome trailer for Super Mario Galaxy 2 (the second half is just color bars, don’t bother watching for any new tidbits).  The entire campaign is really fun, with awesome little sound bites here and there including “Good gravy!”:

Two more videos, then I’ll let you go, first off, Betty White is getting ready to host SNL, here’s the promo:–g

And finally, I’m an Independent.  But I think I might change my affiliation to Bear Party (I seem to remember this from some time ago, but it’s good to be reminded of it)

Couple more things for you today:

OkCupid! has a great article about staying in shape, beginning with their first suggestion, proper attitude:

Any physical improvement program is at least fifty percent mental. That’s why the undead and children under 2 are often so out-of-shape. Above all, you must have a positive self-image. Here’s mine:

Notice that my girlfriend is really hot, she never wears a bra, and I’m very, very close to the moon. In fact, my life will be perfect as soon as Devil-ra and her ghoulish minions taste cold steel. The power of a positive mental attitude knows no bounds.

However, it’s essential to be realistic about your expectations. Notice that every muscle in my mental picture is anatomically accurate and that the folds in the leather of my battle-boots are very true-to-life. If I actually were a barbarian, I would look exactly like this. You wish you were this honest with yourself.

I wish I could be that close to the moon!

The New York Times takes a look at online coupons.  I was actually thinking about coupons this morning in the shower (I don’t know how I did that either), but I would think that retailers would be moving to coupons via app, like on iPhones, Androids and the like.  It would save paper, and I’m sure cash registers can track data without the paper back up of printable coupons.  With the new square barcodes, they could hold such an insane amount of information, I think the only probably we’d be looking at is if scanners could read them off the screens.  Anyway, the article looks at information contained in barcodes that have been printed at home.

Here’s yet another article about the iPad and its restrictions, the reason I won’t be getting one.  And as I’ve said before, they aren’t the only company to do this, just the biggest at the moment, which is why I’m looking at a Droid for the next phone I get (well that and some other reasons):

Apple is still insisting on locking the device down as though it were an iPhone: No third-party apps can run on it unless they’re approved by Apple. Apple wants to play gatekeeper so it can establish itself as toll-taker

That’s it for now, have a great one!

Couple quick things I’m finally getting around to posting.

Do you want to wear a kilt, but need pockets?  Try a Utilikilt!  May I suggest the survival one, which features detachable pockets that can be worn as a utility belt.

And I haven’t been backpacking in a while, apparently things have changed, a bit:

Thanks to my buddy Tom for both of these!

The Scout Shop (Supply Division) asked me to create a card to be blown up and sent to the National Council in celebration of the 100th Anniversary of Scouting in America.  The card features art from Rockwell, as well as portraits of five of the founders of the Scouting movement.

For the first time, Heritage Reservation offered a DVD with multiple videos, selected from a menu.  I created the menu system as well as the screen viewers saw as they made their choice.


This is the invitation to the 2008 annual meeting, made to look like the “Learning from our building” series inside the McGinnis Center, where the meeting was held.

Over at Warhol’s Phone I got to talking about Net Neutrality, something I’m trying to learn more about.  Slate once again has covered it, saying the recent ruling in appeals court isn’t as disasterous to Net Neutrality a we think, it will just take a little bit of backtracking to get moving forward again.

Here’s a few quotes:

Unfortunately, by 2006, it was obvious that things had gone horribly wrong. Instead of more competition in broadband, every year brought less.


Even if the Bush FCC was wrong about the glory of competition, was it perhaps right to cripple the FCC? Might we be better off with a disabled agency, one limited, effectively, to licensing radio and TV stations? The idea may sound appealing, like kicking over your brother’s sand castle, but you pretty quickly begin to see the problems. The truth is, we actually do rely on broadband as our common carrier, much as our ancestors relied on trains and the way we still rely on taxis and innkeepers. The problems and likely abuses in a system everyone depends on haven’t really changed, and why should they? Technology changes, but human nature doesn’t. Then as now, carriers have the means and reason to discriminate, charge exorbitant prices, and confuse customers with weird bills.

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