Today's Mighty Oak

Because we listen for the shout, we miss the whisper.

Alright, let’s see what we have today, first up, very exciting news: Bill Nye is getting a talk show on Netflix!

Also exciting, Moulin Rouge is being made into a stage production!

What if the Avengers had an opening like Full House:

WikiLeaks, which for some reason is trying to elect Donald Drumpf, has released the names and personal information of gay men from countries where it is illegal to be gay. For many, this is a death sentence.

“Religious Freedom” has always been a ruse to discriminate against gay people.  And now a federal judge has ruled that companies can in fact fire people for being gay, without any fear of retribution.  This is why we need a nationwide ENDA.

Related, finally, the federal government has outlawed discrimination in credit lending to gay people.

 The trailer for the new Russel Tovey movie (from HBO’s Looking):

Republicans in Wisconsin were trying to promote a phony news story about voter fraud to scare people and boost their own voter turnout.

Google is testing out burrito delivery drones.  Best.  Sentence.  Ever.

I actually knew this, but it pops up every now and then: Disney and Cyan were in talks to make a Myst (or at least Myst-like) island at Disney’s now defunct Discovery Island.

Sadly, I”m missing the Pittsburgh premier, but here is the trailer for King Cobra, which looks amazing:

The FCC is working to kill the set-top cable box.  Instead: mandatory apps.  Depending on how DRV’s factor in, could be an awesome step forward!

The build team from Mythbusters are also coming back to Netflix!

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