Today's Mighty Oak

Blog Action Day 2008: Poverty


Around the world, bloggers are discussing a singular issue: Poverty. To me, poverty is one of those problems that seems so daunting, so big, that there isn’t anything I can do. I mean, if the UN can’t figure it out, then what chance do I stand?

But, just like last year’s topic (the environment), I think with a little help from bloggers, some web 2.0 and maybe even a couple other surprises, we may not be able to solve it, but make a difference: enough of a difference to continue empowering ourselves to change the world.


I do find it a bit ironic that we’re discussing poverty on a day that, for a large chunk of the population, a pay day. So maybe we can think about that today. Another thought crossed my mind, and something that helps cement the poverty crisis to home (and not to say other parts of the world, or even other parts of the country don’t face larger problems than Pittsburgh does) is the (presumably) homeless man I usually pass on my way up the hill to work every morning. He has his spot that he’s claimed, and most days he’s there.


The strange thing was, it took me a while to even see him. Probably for a month of walking up the hill I didn’t even realize he was there. Kind of like some distorted view of the inequality seen in the Book of D’ni, where those in power have trained themselves to not see those below them. And while it could just be me of fin my own little world (as I tend to do), maybe it is something that’s partially engrained in our minds.


I’m reminded of a friend from college who constantly took it upon himself to do service in the city, leading Service Charges and organizing all kinds of projects. I’m so used to working on service projects behind the scenes and usually away from the city that it seemed so foreign and strange to me, but now maybe I’m beginning to understand why he felt so called to help.


So it is in that spirit that I join with over 10,000 websites and bloggers, with an estimated audience of over 11 million. And while I can’t offer anything earth shattering (in fact, I didn’t know what I was going to even write about until I woke up this morning), I can offer some things that we all can do:


Goodsearch allows you to use a Yahoo! powered search engine while supporting a charity of your choice. Simple, easy to use, and something we can all utilize, I mean, we’re all searching on the internet anyway. Find a charity to help combat poverty in your area and you’re off and running!


In addition, Goodsearch has a shopping area as well, same concept, just online shopping instead of searching.


Sell stuff on eBay? Donate some of your profits to charity, and besides, people are more prone to bid and bid higher if they know they are supporting a good cause.

Create an event! Firstgiving allows you to get sponsored and donate money to any nonprofit. So do something crazy, make a mini-golf tournament with a group of friends, see how many hours you can drink a glass of unsweetened grapefruit juice, hang upside down while reading the bill of rights, anything that you can come up, spread the word and get some sponsors. Who knows, maybe you’ll start the next big charity event.


So I hope that these meager ideas helped you out, or maybe inspired you to see what you can do in your own life to help combat poverty. Best of luck, and I’ll catch everyone soon!

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