Today's Mighty Oak

I’ve posted before about an awesome local blog called 101 Achievements, but I need to post this one as well, seeing as I busted out laughing:

And then Michael decided we would play a game called 'baby Jessica stuck in the well.' Except that baby Jessica's well wasn't freaking HAUNTED.

Love it.  Check out the blog for more Pittsburgh awesomeness.

Fleeting Pages is a pop-up indy book store.  It opened yesterday in the former Borders in East Liberty (a short walk from the Busway), the idea behind the project is to take a former big-box book store, and create, for a month, a place where independently published books, magazine and works of art can flourish.

Their calendar is quickly filling up with free workshops and open mic nights, and it’s staffed by a slew of volunteers.

I’m really sad that this isn’t happening in November, this would be an awesome place to have NaNoWriMo write-ins, but I’ll be sure to go visit before their lease is up.  I’ll post some pictures from my trip, I just need to find the time.

Find out more information about Fleeting Pages here.

Cool article from Slog about an actual conversation from a bus operator (original emphasis left intact):

“I hope you have the best day you can possibly imagine, and I hope you can’t possibly imagine the limits of your imagination. The fare is $2.50.”

I certainly have a couple operators I can imagine saying the same thing.

As an alumnus of Saint Vincent, this is big news (not quite as big as when the Hollow Tavern burned, or more importantly, Route 30 Beer), but the Adult book store just off campus was set on fire.  I drove past it (heading out past Ligonier for work) and the building is just decimated.

Now, here’s the thing.  There are a couple of businesses between Fraser Purchase Road (where Saint Vincent sits) and Route 981, which, depending on which way you turn, either takes you to the Arnold Palmer airport or into downtown Latrobe.  However, those businesses are either obscured from the road, or down in a small gully, so you never really notice they are there to begin with.

Fun story though, a year or two after I took the class, a group was getting ready to film their music video for the introduction to video production class.  They talked with the owners and were going to see if they could use some of the stage space during the day for their project.  While they were waiting to speak to said manager, they were admiring the printed profiles of the ladies who worked there, which were pinned to a bulletin board just inside.  Low and behold, one of the dancers took her picture with a very distinctive desk which was only found in one building: the lobby of the Freshman dorm.

As Ginny’s Bandwagon finds itself with more and more seats, the Pirates continue their losing streak.  But don’t lose faith, instead, watch this awesome video from Benstonium (which I”m not sure if it will show up embedded below):



Copyranter found an old letter that Mr. Rogers wrote an overly-eager fan.  Of course, his poise, compassion and kindness show through, even all these years later.

Click through the link to read Copyranter’s post and see the larger version.

I saw Quantum Theatre’s production of “Twelfth Night,” and really enjoyed it.  However, I learned a lot of other random things that night.  In no particular order, here’s what else I gleamed from my trip to an unused building on a dead-end street in Bloomfield:

I recently got a new camera, and have no idea how to use it apparently.  However, I did manage to capture this really awesome shot, somehow.  And one, which I’ll never be able to do again, even if I tried.

As a whole, I think the audience had a hard time with the Shakespearean English.  The guy next to me, had no idea what was going on.  I know, because he told his wife that, multiple times during the first act (they left during intermission).  Now, it might have been all the wine he drank before coming to the show (again, I know, because he wreaked).

I found myself laughing a lot more than the rest of the audience.  Maybe I was just picking up more of the jokes.  Maybe I’m just the right mix of intelligent and immature, but this play has a lot of dark, adult humor in it.  So I of course, loved it!

I got bit by a mosquito.  Anyone who has camped with me, will not find this to be a surprise at all.  I’m a mosquito magnet.  But, I guess that’s a hazard (one that I’m willing to withstand) of seeing a play outside.

Which, aside from the interference from the trains, the actors also have to deal with car alarms, racing motors, police sirens, helicopters and what sounded like a table saw.  Good for them for being able to block it all out.

I had read about this production before going to see it, so I was prepared for the train stoppages (and kind of looking forward to seeing them), but I don’t think many of the audience members were.  Which, of course, combined with their apparent lack of understanding, made me laugh even more at their confusion.  Because I’m a horrible person.

I did find it extra amusing, what appeared to be the performance’s third train stoppage, which was announced with the train whistle after a very climactic moment…then to be called off.  I’m still amazed at how the actors and crew coordinate it all.

Again though, go see this show, you won’t be disappointed!


I thought it was illegal to sell fireworks in pa

A player from my alma mater was gunned down while in North Carolina.

An impromptu vigil was held this afternoon as word spread.  WTAE and are both following the story.

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