Today's Mighty Oak

Porn and Crime

As an alumnus of Saint Vincent, this is big news (not quite as big as when the Hollow Tavern burned, or more importantly, Route 30 Beer), but the Adult book store just off campus was set on fire.  I drove past it (heading out past Ligonier for work) and the building is just decimated.

Now, here’s the thing.  There are a couple of businesses between Fraser Purchase Road (where Saint Vincent sits) and Route 981, which, depending on which way you turn, either takes you to the Arnold Palmer airport or into downtown Latrobe.  However, those businesses are either obscured from the road, or down in a small gully, so you never really notice they are there to begin with.

Fun story though, a year or two after I took the class, a group was getting ready to film their music video for the introduction to video production class.  They talked with the owners and were going to see if they could use some of the stage space during the day for their project.  While they were waiting to speak to said manager, they were admiring the printed profiles of the ladies who worked there, which were pinned to a bulletin board just inside.  Low and behold, one of the dancers took her picture with a very distinctive desk which was only found in one building: the lobby of the Freshman dorm.

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