I’m working on some updates to the blogs, so pardon the mess. Test articles will be popping up and then disappearing, I’ll clean it all up once I get it all set up…I hope.
Towards the beginning of the summer, Metblogs quietly launched a new site called the Global Conspiracy, looking at citizen journalism. I was selected to be one of the writers, representing the Northeast. And while I certainly hope the project will live on, for now at least, it is on hiatus. If you’re interested in reading my writing, I’ve cross-posted it here as well.
If the GC ever comes back, I’ll let everyone know (and unpublish the posts here so as not to confuse people), but in case you want to check it out, here is the link to my articles.
Just a quick note, I updated to the latest version of Joomla. Everything is working per se, but a few things aren’t acting correct. I’m still working on them, hopefully I can fix the top banner and spell check next. Thanks for your patience!
Update: Still working on some issues. But I think I fixed the banner at the top, although time will tell, we’ll have to see once caches refresh and whatnot. Also, the galleries are not working at the moment, I’m working on that. I enabled something I’ve been trying to get for a while, and now those don’t work…hehehe
Update 2: Galleries should be working again. Still working on a few details, but I’m happy thus far. More details in a bit!
I just switched over to a new server. Hopefully nothing breaks, everything seems to be going smoothly, and if you can read this, then things have worked! Basically I ran out of space on the old server. The company I worked with was fantastic and their customer service was awesome, but just not enough space. So more picture galleries coming soon!
I finally added the following galleries: Heritage 07, Heritage 07 Scenery, Heritage 08, Heritage 08 Scenery, Christmas show at Phipps, Lightning Strike, Kevin’s going away party, Flag Plaza Christmas party and Tzofim Friendship Caravan. In addition, I also updated the Smash Bros. Brawl gallery.
I have a couple more to come, including the restoration of Flag Plaza and the Flag Plaza 40th annviersary, so look for those hopefully soon!
I just uploaded four new galleries: Chihuly Nights at Phipps 2, Endowment Art Tour, 2008 Family Banquet and the National Aviary. More are on their way as well!
I added a couple new photo galleries, so make sure to check them out. I have a bunch more in the works, I just have to resize all the pictures before I upload them, but they are on their way.
A couple of the galleries are small, so I’m trying out a new layout for them. Let me know what you think, they should show up as a bunch of polaroids which can be dragged around.
So a new improvement is a rudamentary tagging system. If you click on a blog entry, you’ll be taken to the page for that entry, which allows you to add comments. Also included there are tags. I’m trying to remember to add tags to everything I write now, so when you click on a subject you want to see more of, you’ll be taken to a search page for that term. It’s not a perfect system, and I may be upgrading in the future, but for now, it’s there.
I’m also still working on getting my metblogs feed up and running. For whatever reason, Joomla doesn’t like that module ever since I migrated over to 1.5. I’ll keep playing though to see if I can get it!
The new site launches! There are still lots of things to add and many messes to clean, but in the meantime, I hope you enjoy the new site. The comments have been redone, so they are seamless to add, and there are now two RSS feeds (located on the left bar), one for site news, and one for my blog. Add them to your favorite RSS reader (my.yahoo, outlook, etc) to keep up with my updates easily!
At the top, you can easily adjust the font size, and the site isn’t fixed to a certain width anymore, I think both help it out a lot.
The galleries will be the next thing brought over, and hopefully the book reviews won’t be far behind. Down the line I’m looking for more server space, so I can increase the number of galleries and book reviews, but until then, I’ll finish cleaning up the mess and we’ll go from there!
Let me know what you think in the comments (and if you don’t want to log in each time you write one, register an account)!
The current plan right now is to update the site this weekend. In the meantime, I’ll be doing some work behind the scenes, so please excuse the mess.
The update is a long time coming, but I wanted to do some testing. Hopefully things go smoothly (although book reviews and photo galleries won’t be up at first), and the new site will bring new functionality, such as a dedicated RSS feed for my blog (as well as one for the frontpage items here), a better comment system, and a new, cleaner look.
More news as I progress through the update!