Today's Mighty Oak

Due to lack of interest tomorrow is canceled

Alright, here’s blog post one of three that I promised (I’ve also included a new movie at the bottom!):

Something that I’ve noticed that happens at work more often than it should, if someone asks if my boss is in his office and I say that he isn’t, or if I respond that he’s on the phone, some people still feel the need to walk past my desk and check, as if I would lie to them.  I don’t understand it at all, there’s no reason why I would just make an answer up.

Which brings me to another (and ironic) point about workplace "politics," although this is more about discussions of politics…most people think my generation is stupid and can’t be trusted.  And to be fair, there are a lot of reasons why that is true (and why I sometimes think it as well), but really, Gen Y (I’m on the edge of the second and third waves, but fit more in the second wave) is doing great things, but we’re doing them in different ways, and we need and want different things.  Case in point, I know that I’m going to have to work long hours and overtime and even on the weekends (really, I’ve worked at least a little most weekends), but I don’t mind, because I like my job and I’m happy to put in the extra effort, but likewise, I (the plural I, for Gen Y) need to know that I can still have a life at work, since I’m spending most of my time there anyway and that I can take a few minutes when I need to to take care of my life.  Eh, ruminations I suppose, it’s all findings thats been backed up time and time again by sociologists and psychologists, but I guess the generations will never be able to fully accept one another and how they do things (Gen Y included, it all works both ways).

I got to change two of the flags at work the other day, which was a lot of fun actually.  You don’t really realize how big the flags are, since they are on appropriately sized flagpoles, but they are huge (I want to say 20 by 15 feet, or somewhere around there).  The state flag and the council flag needed repair, so we switched them out.

I don’t know if this link will work (it sill should), but an outrageous bill is up for vote in Kentucky, making it illegal for people to post online without providing their real name, address and other information.  This is crazy, not only because the internet doesn’t just stop at the boundary of the state of Kentucky, but apparently people didn’t think this through…what happens when someone hacks into a database (or someone loses another laptop), for say, a Disney site, it would be a breeding ground for child predators and other deviants.  Hopefully reason (and financial costs) will prevail and keep this one from being passed.

Another link for you, this time, a link to an article discussing the top 50 blogs in the world.  Strangely, I’m not on there…hehehe.  But strangely, PostSecret is not on there.  I don’t know if it was considered art instead of a blog, but I was hoping it would be there.

The NCAA tournament is almost over, but just to clear things up, this year I once again picked a bracket, choosing wins on whichever team sounded cooler, my normal system.  Needless to say, I didn’t do well, but it was still fun.

Mr. Roger’s "Won’t you be my Neighbor" day was a few weeks ago, and a lot of people wore sweaters (I forgot mine), even national TV hosts, which is awesome.  Also, in case you didn’t know, the season 1 DVD of his show comes wrapped in a little red sweater.

And finally, I found out this year that there is such a thing as edible easter grass.  I think that is one of the most ingenious inventions and will probably get widespread attention in the next few years.

And as a bonus, here is the trailer for American McGee’s upcoming game, Grimm.  It’s coming to GameTap, so hopefully it will eventually be released for PC and then Wii (a la Sam and Max), since most games stopped working on my computer for whatever reason, and I’m going to cancel anyway since they are stopping URU.  It looks cool though, so hopefully it’s something we’ll see on the Wii:

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