Today's Mighty Oak

Eagle Up training week 11

Oh boy, is this thing on? February was a rough month for training. Ice kept me off the roads and trails for quite a bit of it (and local COVID transmission still has me wary of going to a gym), although I tried to get as much in as I could.

Overall, I have to say I’m happy with this last week of training, considering how inconsistent February was. Looking ahead to when my races are, it’s daunting, to say the least, but I’ll go out and have a good time no matter what (and week 12 is the halfway point anyway).

  • Monday: 8 miles, tiny loops.
  • Tuesday: Rest.
  • Wednesday: 10 miles, tiny loops. I said it before and I’ll say it again: ten mile mid-week runs are the worst (but good time for me to think about things)
  • Thursday: 5 miles, tiny loops.
  • Friday: Rest.
  • Saturday: 22 miles on the trail. Started this run in the 30’s, ended up in the 60’s, so just a wild temperature swing. Was really good to get an actual long run under my belt after missing February, so I’m taking what I can get (and even for not being able to do speedwork due to ice, I wasn’t too unhappy with my speed, either).
  • Sunday: 5 miles, tiny loops.
  • BWF/Core work/Yoga/Meditation: Did the BWF routine once this week, so back to that!
  • Stretching: I stretched after each run except one of them, first one I’ve missed this training cycle!

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