Today's Mighty Oak

Ever tried? Ever failed? No matter. Try Again. Fail again. Fail better.

Big update, that has kind of been a month in the making, so here we go!  Let’s see what we have, first up, Surviving the World:

Speaking of Surviving the World, I was named to the Dean’s List with the best codename ever: Whiskey Flower!

Last year’s biggest news stories in infographics.

Because we can’t possibly allow other ideas to flourish.  Or have nice things.

The new Avengers Trailer:

Great piece from the Good Men Project: A letter to my boyfriend’s homophobic family.  Go read it.

A Fox affiliate edited a protest video to provoke anger.  Who would have guessed.

Pat Robertson, astonishingly, is wrong.  He thinks gays will die out since we can’t reproduce.  Well, we’re still here, because straight people keep making us….

I’ll just say thank you to the people of Portugal for this.

So, the Archbishop of Canterbury (who is under strange laws in England where they have marriage equality but are not permitted to perform them in Anglican churches, that’s what happens when they’res a state religion I suppose), is refusing to say why he opposes marriage equality.

Right now, 14 Florida counties are throwing hissy fits and are refusing all marriages at courthouses so they don’t have to perform same sex weddings.

And speaking of marriage equality, this is the year we’ve had:

And what may be the endgame for marriage equality, SCOTUS will hear the cases before the sixth circuit (Michigan, Ohio, Kentucky, Tennessee), and we should have a ruling by the end of June.  Please pardon me while I’ll be nervously waiting.

A great new series of photos of LGBT life.

Did you hear about the “ex-gay” therapy billboard in Virginia?  The stock model they used is gay.  And not a twin.

Speaking of, want to help stop teenage LGBT suicides?  Then outlaw “ex-gay” therapy.

Two pundits fighting on cable news are surprised when their mother calls in to scold them for fighting.

I might have linked this before, but it’s really funny:

Ireland will be voting on marriage equality, and foes have started their lying ads already.  But they have their work cut out for them, because of the massive child abuse scandal from the Catholic Church, they have lost all trust and credibility from the Irish people.  And they’re fighting against marriage equality, turning many citizens towards equality.

The Native American “zodiac,” which I fit in very nicely a the bear (late August).

NASA made awesome travel posters for various “destinations” in the universe.

I love the word ‘moist,’ because everyone else seems to hate it.  But here is The Oatmeal’s take on it.

Twins come out to the dad, and they’re an emotional wreck.  You will be too.  This is about right, by the way.  (But it’s a good video, watch it)

Finally, a good use for the Nintendo Power Glove.

My new favorite tennis match:

The Good Men Project lays out why we need to ban so called “reparative therapy.”  AKA, torture.

The dichotomy of being a non-media-portrayed-stereotypical gay man.

Awesome new ad from Nikon, you may remember the dads from about a year ago:

And what we’ve known for a long time, now with scientific backing: knowing a gay person makes you much more likely to support gay rights.

The best of Chobot from Nerdist News last year:

I’ve been a bit harsh on my bishop, but he impressed me with this letter.

Are the Whedon properties related?  Possibly by The Slayer.

A ball pit in their house.  Awesome!

Um, sadly, yes:

When you’re a sitting governor and trying to insult the education plan of the President, better make sure your grammar is correct.

The Sony Walkman is (kinda) back!

Really cool timeline/map of marriage equality in the United States.

This guy nails his Celine Dion cover:

Infographics about all your favorite (alcoholic) beverages

And Nerdist has a series of infographics about Disney princes (Seriously)

The best thing about the Miss Universe competition, by far.  Thank you, Canada.

Hat is back, this time, gays versus lesbians:

Guaranteed there is a bunch of backlash over this: The National Institute of Health funded a study to examine Grindr behavior

The only openly gay representative in Alabama is threatening her colleagues: if they push back against LGBT legislation, she’ll publicly out the ones having extra-marital affairs.  Now she’s getting death threats.

And asshat Sally Kern (representative in Oklahoma), even though she “totally has gay friends, you guys,” pulled her “right to discriminate” bill, but still has two radically anti-gay bills pending

Mesmerizing sculptures make math beautiful!

Some of the ladies of Downton Abbey play Cards Against Humanity:

I’ve told some friends about these yoga mat covers, but I love them!  Especially the quiver of arrows!

Really good mash-up of Star Wars and Age of Ultron

Because of Obama’s executive order, ExxonMobile has finally added LGBT protections to their corporate policy, but only because they wanted to keep their government contracts (it’s been a 17 year battle)

Pew Study looks at the segments of the LGBT population who oppose marriage equality.  There’s a lot to unpack there, I may do a separate post about it.

I think this has been my point all along.

Whew, that’s it, have a great one!

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