Today's Mighty Oak

everything in Pittsburgh is Six Degrees of Westinghouse.

Alright, quick update, let’s see what we have today.

They wish we were invisible.  We’re not.  Let’s dance.  Joe My God’s annual Pride post, worth the read.

Speaking of Pride, here’s Target’s video they released for Pride this year, really awesome and includes a clip from a great wedding video I love:

Shark killed in traffic accident.  Sad, but true.

Men who have sex with men are still barred from donating blood.  To protest this, an artist has created “Blood Mirror” a tank filled with the blood of gay and bi men:

Philea, the lander on the comet 67P, has woken up!

Alan Rickman and helium!

Mapping where in Africa it’s illegal to be gay.

The evolution of Disney:

An economics professor explains how the Empire built the Death Star.  And, how many batteries would it take to run the Death Star?  Spoiler: A lot.

Wall-E is going to be a Lego set!  Adorable!

And finally, couples ask each other’s questions in truth or drink:

That’s it for now, but I’ll be back soon, have a great one!

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