Today's Mighty Oak

Friday, Week 3, Independence Day

I headed down the mountain into Uniontown yesterday, got some Chinese at a new buffet and made a quick pass through Wal-Mart.  The Chinese buffet that I went to was a new one, as my favorite, China Wok, has closed since Wal-Mart moved.  The new buffet was bigger, but most of the food seemed to be American food. There were garden salads, ribs, and the strangest of all (at a Chinese buffet), mashed potatoes.


All in all though, it was decent, but besides everyone else’s protests, I still like the China Wok better.  Afterwards, we headed to the new Wal-Mart, which is really nice, it reminds me of the one in Latrobe, but even nicer inside, if not a bit smaller.  We raided the $5 DVD bin, and found a bunch of really good movies, and I picked up the soundtrack to Across the Universe.


I was going to pick up a plant, but didn’t see anything I really liked, I might head back to take a longer look through and see if I can find anything good.


A new metblogs site opened up, this one for Spoon River.  Spoon River, aside from being a great piece of music I played in band once, is the name of a play done by the Saint Vincent summer theater a few years back (specifically it is called Spoon River Anthology).  It is a collection of poems which are the epitaphs of a town called Spoon River.  The characters recite the words on their gravestones and as the play progresses, you see revealed a complete picture of the town.


The new site works to do that, but using the web as the medium, as opposed to theater or newspaper (I think I read Spoon River Anthology was originally published as a column in a newspaper, but I could be way off on that one).  I think it will be really cool to watch this progress.


It’s been raining here non-stop all day, and pretty much all week.  We’re also supposed to be in store for a couple more days of rain, how exciting.  I hope everyone has a safe and enjoyable Independence Day, we’re working of course (and working in the guilt), have a great one!

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