Today's Mighty Oak

“I’m so deck, my dad should have hired me in the summer of 1993 for five dollars an hour to build myself!”

Big update, and mostly LGBT related, but I’m trying to catch up on my newsfeeds, and this was what I had.  Not all though, so read on:

Michael Phelps is coming out of retirement, probably for the Rio Olympics.  My mom totally called this.

A hate group leader went to a school who was ready for them.  They all grabbed tickets to his talk just to walk out on him and humiliate him.

Some kind of sorcery allows these jeans to “come out” the more you wear them:

A new bit of Papyrus tells that Jesus may have had a wife.  I’m sure there will be all kinds of gnashing of teeth and rending of garments, but I really don’t think it makes much difference (except maybe to the Catholics who use that as part of the reason priests can’t marry).

A PA lawmaker will introduce legislation to allow same-sex divorce, which is actually a good thing.  Right now, married couples (From other states, obviously), that move to Pa, have no way of ever divorcing, usually without moving back to where they got married for years of residency, which is usually not really an option.

A gay Scoutmaster in Seattle, now has the support of the city council and mayor, which is actually kind of a big deal.  He’s continuing to lead the Troop (although he’s on vacation at the moment, with his husband) and their Chartering Partner couldn’t be happier with him, he’s the reason they even have a Troop.

And the BSA “alternative,” Trail Life?  Yeah, they’re not only discriminating against gays, but also Jews.

I didn’t talk about the Mozilla flap, because if you noticed, the boycott wasn’t organized by the glitterati (Dan Savage, Andrew Sullivan, Evan Wolfson, Joe Jervis, Andy Towle, Michelangelo Singorelli, Box Turtle Bulletin, etc), but rather by straight supporters.  Do I think he should have resigned, probably, especially since the facts that surfaced made so many of his employees distinctly uncomfortable.  But just remember, when the gays and our allies call for boycotts, it’s fascism.  When the far-right does, it’s good and apple pie and Jesus and America!

The other big story is the discriminatory bill in Mississippi.  It’s the same bill as what was defeated in Arizona, we just really didn’t have a chance of winning in Mississippi.  Basically, segregation has returned, but this time instead of based on race, it’s based on perceived sexual orientation.  I can be denied by any business in Mississippi, and all they have to do is claim it would violate their religion to serve me.

And just as a reminder, although sadly this happened here in Pittsburgh, gay men can’t donate blood, or organs apparently.  Because you know, we all have AIDS according to the government, even though everything is tested and anyone can have HIV/AIDS.

A new book is due out about the lives of gay steelworkers, although sadly in Indiana, not Pittsburgh.

Okay, that’s enough for this depressing update.  Have a great weekend everyone!

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