Today's Mighty Oak

If you can’t do something smart, do something right.

The title of this post is a quote from "Serenity."  Great movie, I suggest everyone see it.  If you haven't seen Firefly, don't worry, neither have I, and the movie still makes sense (speaking of, if anyone has Firefly and wouldn't mind me borrowing it, let me know…)

So, some decent things have been going on, and some observations.  I've really taken a liking to Samantha Brown's "Passport to Europe" series on the travel channel.  I know it's a little campy and dorky, but I really like it.

Also, I've known this for a while, I just always forget until I drive by Hooters.  Everyone always jokes about knowing the waitresses there, and it turns out I do.  One of my friends from my old church is now a waitress there.  Which is weird unto itself, but also in the fact that she was never the one I imagined working at Hooters (not that she wasn't pretty…and a gifted waitress, becasue that's really why they are hired…) she just always struck me as more of the sultry type, not a peppy, flashy, bimbo…but I guess that is equal opportunity at work (and granted, I haven't seen her in about 2 years, so things could have changed).

I do have to say though, I was really excited yesterday (and still am), I actually ran into my district comissioner (for the boy scouts) at the mall and we got to talking.  She's really upset with everything that happend with our troop (buried somewhere in the mega update below is the story, basically myself and a bunch of other very knowledgeable leaders were attacked and run out of the troop by a bunch of religious fanatics).  I knew that I still wanted to be involved, but I didn't know how, so I asked, and it looks like I'm going to take the plunge and become a comissioner!  I'll go to The school of commissioner science in the fall and then work from there.  I'm nervous, but still really excited!

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