Today's Mighty Oak

Mike’s 2008 Election Extravaganza

Alright, I decided to write up a post about the election since NaNoWriMo starts Saturday and chances are, I’ll be deep into noveling very, very soon. I’m going to add the word count widget to the left hand side, so keep coming back to check my progress and to send kind words of encouragement!

I found this page very useful. The Post Gazette has this feature where you can compare candidates (based on your street address so it gets down to your local representative) and when you’ve made all your choices, you can print out a ballot to take with you so you know who to vote for once you get into the booth. It’s a cool feature and really important since I knew just about nothing about most of the races besides president. Head on over and put in your address to get your ballot!

While I was walking up the hill to work on Monday, I heard that Obama was going to be speaking at the Mellon Arena. And I figured that since I work across the street, I would go over and listen to him. During the day, the police used our building as a staging ground, and at one point we had members of the SWAT team riding in our elevator with guns. Just another day at Flag Plaza I suppose.

I headed over, and eventually found the end of the line (a feat unto itself) and headed inside through the metal detectors. As I was going to my seat, Obama came out and began talking, first by thanking Mayor Luke (mostly cheers, a few boos) and then Onorato (the entire arena booed). As I got to my seat, he began to speak, and he was amazing! He was always great listening to him online or on TV, but hearing him live was just awe-inspiring.

The speech wasn’t anything too new, but had some new details and was interesting. At one point the crowd began booing at a mention of McCain, and Obama reacted beautifully (and in a way that everyone should heed): “Don’t boo. Just vote!”

So anyway, enjoy the videos below (I reposted the Jibjab because it’s too much fun not to watch over and over again) and please go out and learn about the candidates (including people not running for president, like local representatives) and go vote on Tuesday, no matter who you’re voting for!




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