Today's Mighty Oak

o teh noes! Kadish has a bom! evry1 run 2 surfice!

Lots of things to write about, the first of which will be April Fool’s. Every year for April Fools, the staff at UO does something crazy (it also helps that it’s Dan’ni’s birthday). This year, Dan put together a great skin for the forum (honestly, it was great, I want to use it as my permanent skin) that looks like it came out of the sixties and seventies and recorded the beginnings of a song for our upcoming CD. The in-game staff then reported on the situation outside of the Library…Guildmaster Kadish holding the cavern hostage with a bomb Relto page (hence the title above). Quite a good time if I do say so myself.

Facebook also got into the action, leaving me messages on my feed such as "Harry and Voldemort have set their relationship status to ‘mortal enemies’ ," "Two oxen died when you tried to ford the river," and "you are reading your feed." I liked the last one a lot, especially since they were poking fun at their own stalker tool.

I saw it a while ago, but was recently reminded of it: AARP is offering a new cell phone service to its members, but in the commercial, they use one of the original cell phones that probably weighs close to twenty pounds. And they don’t use it as a comedy gag, they actually think people still use them…scary.

I’ve had a spambot trying to post things at my website. I’m not entirely sure how it’s doing it, although nothing is actually being published, just written and waiting for my approval. I quickly delete them, and it seems to have died down, just a bit strange. I’m going to be looking into it, just to make sure everything is ok.

Rusty (our neighbor) got new stones for the driveway, and he increased parts of his. When I left to go to SVC on Saturday he was getting the first loads in and by the time I got back, we had two very nice new layers of rocks.

I did get to meet his dog, as well as his girlfriend’s. Both are very nice and lots of fun, her dog tried to follow me inside once, which was funny, but as soon as I put my packages down, I could pet her and rub behind her ears and she was happy!

Speaking of, when I went up to SVC on Saturday I had a good time. I made sushi for people (we did run out of sushi rice, so we tried brown minute rice, and although it didn’t stick together well, it worked for the cone-shaped hand rolls) and I made definite improvements to the sweet California roll recipe I’ve been toying with. I got a "bulk carrot" for 16 cents (and felt like I was robbing a farmer) and a huge cucumber for 99 cents, it was amazing! I tried a few sips of sake and found out that I don’t like it, but overall, everyone loved the sushi and we had a great time.

As I was cooking in the room, we played some Wii games, including Cooking Mama. The game was interesting, although sometimes we didn’t understand the directions and Mama would become angry (literally with fire coming out of her eyes). But we had a good time making fun of her heavy accent and the weird catch phrases she would yell at us, our favorite being "You not trying!"

While I was on campus I got to see Godspell, which was good, I really enjoyed it. I saw the show with Mess and Alandra and saw others there as well, so all was well. There were a few things which seemed a bit odd, most of which were in the program, but no biggie.

So I did the summer session brochure for SVC, and it was awesome. I see the finished pamphlet, only to find that what I gave them wasn’t what they had printed! The back cover is now just white, without anything that I had on it, and the front cover image was changed. I can understand changing the logos to what they wanted, although really, they should have asked me, I would have been happy to do it. But the changes that were made, without consulting me (the artist) is really aggravating. Yes, it is their money, but still, I should have been the one to make the changes, or at least, be told what was going to be changed.

Speaking of SVC, an editorial cartoon from yesterday’s PG:

Volvo’s The Hunt is returning. A lot of it was "click around until you find the random pixel you’re supposed to" but I liked it, so I’ll probably try again. More updates as it happens.

The palm I got at church on Sunday was particularly stringy this year, kind of odd.

San Fransisco is reported to be putting a plastic bag ban into affect. They want everyone to carry their own canvas bags or plastic totes when they go shopping. Seems weird to me, but then again, we use plastic bags as trash bags, so we’re doing our part for the environment, just a different way.

Wow, long entry! That’s it for now, catch everyone later!

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