Today's Mighty Oak

One last ‘double yoi’

Finally, a new post!  Sorry about the delay, I actually had a post written about my trip to Panera, but it’s stranded on my laptop, my wireless card died, and I keep meaning to transfer it on my flash drive but keep forgetting.  Anyway, enjoy the post!

Finally, a book that I’ve been waiting for is coming out in paperback at the end of April: Legacy of the Force: Sacrifice.  I didn’t want to buy the hardback, and consequently, am now four (I think) books behind in the series.  Oh well, I didn’t think it was worth the extra money when I just filled my reading docket with other books.

Speaking of, I’m reading The Wheel of Time Book 6: Lord of Chaos right now, and crap, all kinds of crazy things are happening!  Some I was expecting due to some spoilers I read a while back, but others still caught me by surprise!  Great reading (the books are good the whole way through, but usually pick up towards the end, which I’m nearing now), although now I’m  just waiting for the inevitable killing of one of the Foresaken, as that has ended every other book in the series so far.

Very sad news today, Myron Cope died this morning, which is strange, I was just asking about him on Saturday.  I’ll hearing him when I flip past the sports news, and I can say, the few times that I watched a professional football game, it was always better when we muted the TV and turned on the radio to listen to Myron.  I would like to read his autobiography, but last time I checked it was pretty expensive, so maybe it will come down a bit in a few months.

Other Pittsburgh happenings of note: the Boulevard of the Allies is under construction, it has been for a while.  No worries, except of course for the people who didn’t realize it was going to be closed (and then got lost because they didn’t know how to get to Oakland), or my new pet peeve, the people who decided that we should only use one lane and drive right down the middle, blocking traffic.  Yes, twice now I’ve been stuck behind people who have taken it upon themselves to cause major backups, because they feel scorned.  When I get onto the Boulevard of the Allies, I’m in the left lane, and I usually get over (especially since before the construction, my exit was on the right), but now, with all the back-ups, I use the left lane as much as I can.  I’m not on a medium, I’m not on a shoulder, I’m in a lane of traffic that we’re always told to “use both lanes until the merge point.”  If I  make a mistake and get caught in the right hand lane, I’ll stay there instead of weaving in and out of traffic, but people should not mess up the entire drive home because they feel bitter.  Freakin’ drivers need smacked upside their heads sometimes (and a lesson in being courteous).

I watched a new show last night called Quarterlife, and it was excellent, but then again, it’s pretty much geared towards me as a demographic, so if I didn’t like it (aside from tastes in genre, acting, etc), something would be seriously wrong.  And I realize the irony of me talking about the show here, and I’m sure bloggers all over the net (the blogosphere if you will) are making the same comments: I’m blogging about a show whose main character tells the story through her blog.  But I honestly did like it (and I want to go back and see the web episodes), the characters were believable and I felt that I was even rooting for some of them, and I really am excited to see it again next week.

It’s moving times though, to Sunday night, which may or may not coincide with the premier of Dirt (which I think will then move to its regular Tuesday night, but I haven’t confirmed that), so we’ll see.  But if you missed Quarterlife, basically it’s about seven friends in their early to mid twenties, figuring out what to do with their careers and other things in life.  Dylan, the main character, blog about them, and they thankfully find out about in the first episode, so we don’t have to go through that drama later on, and the writers trying to keep writing the show so the characters don’t realize they’re being blogged about.  Anyway, I recommend it, check it out, hopefully it continues to be a well produced show.

My life lately has been putting together the leader guides for summer camp.  When I get them done, I’ll be sure to let you know, and give you links to them, I think they’re coming together well, and if all goes as plan, they will be 10 pages shorter than last year (I was shooting for 20 pages shorter, but that will be a goal for next year).

Robin came up to visit and help me with some PHEAA stuff, so that was nice.  I’m going to meet her this week or next at Subway to go over some more of it, but it’s always nice to see her.

I think that’s it for now, no links this time, maybe next, I have a bunch to share, I just don’t have them with me at the moment, so they will have to wait.  Have a great one!

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