Chris Potter over at Pittsburgh City Paper has a great article about how the Port Authority is communicating during the the snow storms:
Over the weekend, I found myself hooked on the Port Authority’s Twitter account, which I’ve never really noticed before.
Potter brings ups a lot of points I’ve thought about, but never really found myself articulate to put down on the screen (page?), including the idea bouncing around my head about a giant LED screen at Penn Station telling me which bus is about to come around the corner, and how that idea is almost possible! It’s a great read just for that!
But, the main focus is about PAT’s use of twitter and their (I think even more under-promoted) blog. It boggles my mind to realize that the Twitter account is staffed by only two persons. And for that, I have to hand it to PAT, that has been the most reliable way to get in touch with them, and the interactions have always been awesome, if not completely transparent, but really, hats off to PAT!
Check out the latest route updates on their twitter feed, scheduled (awesome by the way) updates on their blog and through their continuously updated press release.
Stay safe out there, be warm!