Late update, but still wanted to get this down. Work and NaNoWriMo have me pulled in about 1000 different directions, and Uncle Pete is still trying to kill me.
I’ve also come to accept that I may not hit my goals in Philly. Or maybe I’m just hedging my bets. The last time I ran a training plan specifically to get faster at a distance, it was a much, much smaller race. I know Philly is a huge race, and because of that, it may not be really condusive to setting a new PR. We’ll see how it goes, I’m still going to try, but I also know that a lot of the jostling and crowds are not going to help.
My goal is still sub 2:10. I’ve gotten faster from this training, and I probably have a faster time in me, but I don’t know if I’ll be able to go much faster on race day due to the crowds and the environment. Either way though, I’m excited to go see a new city and get a few vacation days in!
- Monday: 4 miles: 5K pace (9:25) two sets of : 4x150m.
- Tuesday: Rest.
- Wednesday: Rest.
- Thursday: 4 miles. New (to me) shoes! Got a pair of Ghosts 11’s off eBay and they were in great condition, only a little bit of red on the bottom from running on a track, otherwise, couldn’t tell they were used!
- Friday: PRANK Run! 14 miles. Joined Mike, Mike and Fox and we ran “My Little PRANK Run: Friendship is Magic,” centered in the neighborhood of Friendship. We headed to Highland Park, Bloomfield, Oakland (where we got some great comments) and others, was a blast, as always!
- Saturday: Rest.
- Sunday: 10 miles.
- Strength: No time this week to do any workouts. Need to get back into this habit, although I’m proud of myself for staying with it longer than I ever have before!
- Stretching: I’ve been doing my full stretch/IT band/knee rehab routine. This plan has really beat me up, and that helps, but my legs are really feeling the accumulated soreness, so I’m looking forward to bit of a break.
Nope, you didn’t hit your goal for Philly – you SMASHED it! Try to remember this post and the actual result the next time you’re feeling discouraged on training. *hug* I believe in you!
Thank you for the kind words, good for me to remember!
I just signed up for the Spring Thaw, and I think I’ll get to see you there!