Today's Mighty Oak

“If we had a battle cry, it would be, ‘Have you triple-checked this with your superiors?’”

The above quote and title of this entry comes courtesy of Nom Anor.

So many things have happened since my last entry, and I really don’t have time for an entry, but wanted to write another one for February while I had the chance.

Work is quickly coming to a close on the wedding invitations (they are due/will be done for the first of March), which will be good to finally free up some room. They have been fun, but a lot of work. After a quick break, I’m going to make up a set for me and put up a picture of the set in my portfolio (with addresses and dates smudged out so as to discourage creepy stalkers).

The APO section 65/66 conference that I was the adviser for was last weekend, and it was great! There were a few things out of the hands of the staff (non-working elevator and chapters not really doing roll-call), but otherwise it was great. The conference planner and her staff handled everything with poise and stride and I was very pleased with how they pulled everything together.

I always feel a little bit out of place at these things though. I was there to do a job (to advise the planning committee and be an additional layer of support) but otherwise, I didn’t really feel necessary. I think it was more of a feeling out of place: I don’t necessarily know a lot of the people "everyone knows" so on those accounts I’m kind of on the outskirts, which doesn’t really bother me too much I suppose, just makes me feel a bit awkward when I’m trying to advise (which, aside from a few things, was really minimal really, everything was handled well). And I know APO is a great program, I just see it from a different perspective I suppose, and see where it could be even better (but mostly from a level I couldn’t even begin to imagine influencing), but really, any organization that offers students service and leadership opportunities is a good thing.

The business meeting seemed to go on for a long time (because it did), and sadly I did see some of the uglier side of the politics that are inherent in any organization (little league comes to mind as the general organization to compare to), which also diminished the wish for me to become more involved. That’s not to say I don’t want to keep helping out, I love the work I do, I just really don’t have any desire to become tangled in the crazy webs that could be woven, so I’ll keep doing what I’m doing: helping out where people ask me to and where I see I can lend a hand.

I was given a really nice certificate (Thanks Ka3ytl!) at the banquet which was nice, I wasn’t expecting it at all, so that was very nice, I was glad to know I did (I think) a good job helping out (sometimes I really can’t tell if I’m doing a good job with some of these things, especially since I feel like I was asking as many questions as I was answering). After the banquet I headed back to visit Matt and Nick (I stayed at their apartment on Friday night so I didn’t have to drive all the way back to Oakland from Monroeville) and we hung out for a bit before I headed home and promptly fell asleep for a good long while (that’s why you didn’t get me Tim, I was asleep, for once it wasn’t networking problems!)

The Summer Sessions pamphlet is off to the printers, which is really exciting. For the past who know how many years, the St. Vincent summer sessions pamphlet has had the same cover: two professors walking behind Prep during the fall. So I was asked to come in and update it. The whole thing is very bright and cheerful and actually shows summer-y scenes (what a concept!). Although I don’t think Zach knows he’s on the back cover yet…but it was such a great photo I couldn’t not use it. Once it’s all printed, I’ll put a copy in my portfolio as well, so look for that in the near future.

I’m still waiting to hear back from Public Safety about their pamphlet (also one of my favorites), but hopefully I’ll hear soon.

I just finished two Star Wars novels (although out of order) by Timothy Zahn and of course, they were excellent. I’ll have the reviews (along with many others) up soon, as soon as I have some time (read: hopefully next week). They were confusing and had character twists around every corner that only Zahn could deliver. The first (in the timeline came first, but actually written second, but I read first) was Outbound Flight, which tells of Thrawn’s first encounter with the Republic/Empire/Republic. It also lays out some groundwork for the New Jedi Order saga as well as the Thrawn trilogy. The second book, Survivor’s Quest, finishes up the story from Outbound Flight and again leaves more details for the NJO and ends with an absolutely phenomenal closing scene, leaving a lot of things hanging for the reader to ponder.

I always wonder whey I put myself through so much sometimes. The amount of crap the staff at UO takes sometimes is just incredible (in a bad way). I guess I’m just frustrated with some trends I see in the Myst community, and as much as it was crazy to be basically away this month, the few times I popped in, it seemed like I got hit with examples of all the horrible things wrong. Who knows, things always work out, and besides, we have some great things coming down the pipes for UO (only one of which the general public knows about, and one of which was suggested by me!), so onward we plunge (into the land of snow in even more Ages apparently…)

Ok, I think I’ve been rambling since the second or third paragraph, so I’m off for now, have a great start to March (I’ll be doing training at round table for the OA: the symbolism and symbolic progression of the Pre-Ordeal Ceremony) and I’ll catch everyone soon!

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