Today's Mighty Oak

“Image Iran is a little Teapot.”

The title of this post comes from the Daily Show. I believe it was John Oliver, discussing the weapons and structure of various terrorist cells, he mentioned that the head and shoulders were strong…head and shoulders, knees and toes. knees and toes. He then went on to say the teapot quote.

Random musings: Last week on Dirt, Adrianne and Chris from "My Fair Brady" did a guest spot as celebrities trying to get back into the spotlight by concocting these wild schemes including "the first triuple." It was entertaining, possibly because I watched the second season of "My Fair Brady," but humorous nonetheless.

Because of the announcement of the release date of Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows (July 21), I decided to listen to Mugglecast again, thinking maybe it improved. Nope, I was wrong, it’s still crap. The "hosts" (and I use that loosely because there are a few that only agree with the others and never really contribute) spent 10 minutes trying to figure out and relate to the listeners what a fiscal year was.

The following video is from My Chemical Romance. I like the song a lot! The video is pretty much a rip off of a Greenday video though, but the song is enjoyable.

The actor (Nathan Fillion) who played Mal in Firefly/Serenity (and Caleb from Buffy) is in the new movie Drive. I really don’t have any desire to see it, but it did make me notice the commercial for it. On a related note, I’ve been listening to the Wicked soundtrack and I looked up a video, the actor that played The Wizard played Doc in Buffy season 5. Also, Dr. Cox from Scrubs was one of the Bobs in Office Space (happened to see it on Comedy Central and I hadn’t noticed it before).

I keep knowing the answer to the 100.7 Road Warrior Trivia Questions, but can never get through to tell the operator my answer. But it does make me feel a little better about my random trivial knowledge.

And now, more random funness in the form of two You Don’t Know Jacks (both very funny, give them a shot!):

Valentine’s Day Themed:

Chinese New Year and Lost (yes that’s right, you’ll just have to play it to find out):


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