Today's Mighty Oak

A short one today, dare I say that I’m just about caught up (on one source of blogging)!

First up, some karma: three lions killed rhino poachers.

New York has unveiled the first of a series of LGBT monumentsĀ that will be going up around the city.Ā  I’m hoping to see some of them when I’m there in December if I have time!

Currently the only gay male athlete in the five major sports, Collin Martin, got a standing ovation for his entrance into his first game since coming out publicly.

And finally, this amazing quote from one of the survivors of the shooting at the Capital Gazette:

I donā€™t know what I want right now but Iā€™m gonna need more than a couple days of news coverage and thoughts and prayers. Thanks for your prayers but I couldnā€™t give a f*ck about them if thereā€™s nothing else,ā€ she told the unfazed CNN host.

Today I took some time and did a little bit of writing and a lot of cleanup on my portfolio here on the site.Ā  I still need to go through and add quite a bit, but at least what I had (months ago) migrated over from my old Joomla site, are now in working order.

The catalyst for finally doing some work on this is that I’d like to do some volunteer work with an amazing organization called Get Her Elected.Ā  They team up with progressive, female candidates around the country and help find pro bono work for them: everything from simple data entry and using online text banking tools, to policy analysis, graphic and web design and coaching on fundraising and volunteer recruitment.

I figured I’d like to throw my hat in the ring in the future, so I better get my online presence a little bit beefed up, plus, it’s something I’ve been neglecting for a while, so this is a great excuse to get things where I’d rather they be.

Note: Yesterday’s Camp NaNoWriMo writing was a recap for one of my DnD games, so it’s nothing published here, but I’m still on track for the month!

This morning was the Second Annual Pittsburgh Frontrunners Back of the Pack Fourth of July Run and Brunch (For a Cure).Ā  Note, it’s not really ‘For a Cure,’ I just add that.Ā  Anyway, our little pace group is wonderful.Ā  The tradition started last year when the Fourth fell on one of our normal running days we go out with the Frontrunners, and instead of skipping the day, we got together, and a tradition was born.

There’s something to be said for being with groups of the same people.Ā  Yes, safe spaces are vital and needed, but that’s just one step.Ā  Actually being with other people that are also considered ‘other’ is hugely gratifying.Ā  It helps us remember that we’re not alone, that we’re not wrong in any way.

As brunch continued, the conversation turned to queer theory, and in this case, the actual use of the word, ‘queer.’Ā  We were able to discuss, in a candid way that I think would have been prohibitive if there weren’t other queer people there, the evolution of the word, it’s use in the lexicon and how different generations view and use the word.Ā  That spawned side conversations that spanned coming out stories, workplace discrimination, travel, safety precautions, family dynamics, therapists and Netflix specials.

We talked freely about going to different parts of the county and being cognizant of hiding who we are in order to remain safe.Ā  Even in places like San Francisco, the world is dangerous, and though we’ve come so far in the 49 years since Stonewall, we still have a ways to go.

But maybe, just maybe, earnest conversations, with friends and way too much food, will help to bring us all a little closer together.Ā  A little tighter community.

All my best,


There’s new Firefly comics coming out!Ā  This time, a new studio, Boom!, who did the Munchkin comics, will be publishing them.

I’ll be writing at length about theĀ MasterpieceSCOTUS decision, but of course, a member of the South Dakota GOP has said that because of that case, businesses can discriminate based on race.

Students from Majory Stoneman Douglas performed a song from RENT at the Tony’s:

New research shows that anti-gay views correlate with lower intelligence.Ā  Of course.

The trailer for the new Matt Groening’s new show.Ā  It’s definitely the same art style as Futurama, and I’ll give it a chance.

I’ve been a local volunteer (municipal liaison) for National Novel Writing Month for a few years now.Ā  It’s so amazing and I love helping participants and kids (through the Young Writers Program) unlock their creative potential and write for 30 days with literary abandon.Ā  NaNoWriMo also runs two camp sessions: participants get to choose what they work on and how they measure success.Ā  This year, I”m jumping in with a great group with the goal to write each day.

A lot of that writing will be here, some of it will not, but getting back into that discipline is something I’d like to practice a bit, and what better way than with an amazing team of writers (all of whom identify as Slytherin but they’ve adopted this Hufflepuff to create the ‘Drunkest Slytherpuff” cabin once again)!

Today’s writing (and many of them, I do have a big backlog) is a ‘normal’ blog post for me, so here we go!

Nerdist asks if George Lucas’ idea for the sequels is what you imagined.Ā  No.Ā  No it is not.Ā  But, in retrospect, it gives more credence to some of the things I hated about the prequels (and again, Star Wars is his creation, he can tell whatever story he likes, we get to choose if we like it or not.Ā  Well…Disney does now).

An amazing parkour video for Pride month:

The next season of American Horror Story will mash up Murder House and Coven.Ā  This is exciting!

The creator of Godwin’s Law has suspended Godwin’s Law.Ā  That’s should tell you where we are in this country right now.

That’s it for now, I’ll be back very soon!

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