Today's Mighty Oak

It’s specifically about the publishing industry, but appears to be very heavily influenced by Cluetrain:

Which is interesting in a way.  My first interactions with The Cluetrain Manifesto was through a physical medium (copied pages in a class, and then the physical book) and now the tenth anniversary edition has been published, and of course, the website lives on.

Okay, there was almost a complete thought there, which goes against everything The Great and Secret Show is about (hehe), I’ll flesh this out later.

As I posted before, I’m currently reading Infinite Jest, and in addition to that, I’m still working through The Wheel of Time (although I’m missing the book I’m on at the moment…), as well as Speaker for the Dead and Harry Potter 6 (to get ready for the movie).  However, this spectacular book arrived yesterday and has been tempting me ever since to drop everything else that I’m reading:

That’s right, the 10th anniversary of The Cluetrain Manifesto.  Cluetrain is, in my mind, the most important book about the Internet.  And that sentence itself, has so much to unpack, it makes me shiver sometimes.  Anyway, I’m trying to get through some other things first, but I already was flipping through the first part and was drawn to it.  Let’s see how this take shape, I’ll keep you posted!

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