Today's Mighty Oak

Let’s see, quick update for everyone.  First up, I finally found a cool voter resource.  Put in your address, it pulls up your choices (down to local representative) and you can send to yourself an info page including polling place.  Check it out here.

Here’s a reminder for you though:

More info about it here.  And Romney’s disastrous history of emergency management.  And a Republican campaign manager tweeted known false information last night during Sandy, resulting in more chaos.  Like yelling fire in a crowded movie theater, this may be illegal, and he’s being investigated.

And here’s a cool NYT editorial about the government’s response to Sandy

And lastly, nothing to do with politics, this awesome family circle (easier than a tree) of mythological gods.

That’s it for now, have a great one!

Alright, let’s see what we have today.

First up, a fun Halloween magic trick:

And if you want to learn about the GOP and rape, watch this and then this.

One of my favorite authors has written a piece about digital storytelling, and it was turned into a video:

That’s it for now, but I’ll be back with more later, have a great one!

Alright, let’s see what we have today.

First up, a really cool webpage from Starbucks that allows you to look up referendum that are going on in your state this election.  Note to those in Pa: we got nothing.

But I do have to say to the House of Pa: WTF.  No seriously.  YOU WANT NEWBORN BABIES TO STARVE.  What is wrong with you?!

This is going around, I saw it from Betty Bowers, and of course, Santorum make an appearance:

Amazing take-downs of Ann Coulter.  Although I am loath to even mention it, I hate giving her any attention.

And President Obama takes down Ayn Rand.  Very well done.

But this will make you a smile, a fun radio ad airing in Minnesota.

And quite possibly the best tweet ever:

This has made me happy all day: “Not my problem” in Polish is “nie moj cyrk, nie moje malpy.” Literally “not my circus, not my monkey.”

— Howard Tayler (@howardtayler) October 24, 2012

So here is the first TV spot for The Hobbit:

Or if you’d rather learn about Middle Earth, check out the LotR statistics project.

Penguin and Random House are in talks to merge.  Not great for the publishing world, or readers.

This is really cool:

And finally, coming soon to The Nerdist channel on Youtube:

That’s it for now, have a great one!

So many points to a great volunteer who had today’s title on his facebook earlier this week.

Let’s see what we have, first up:

Lifehacker has a cool post up about using paper bags as a floor covering.  I also like the idea in the comments about adding old maps mixed it.

They also cover how to make an emergency bracelet that conceals fishing equipment.  A nice hack on something very trendy right now.

Thank you, Bill Nye:

Kind of like the meme of placing photos in their real world space, this does the same with album covers, pretty cool.

This is so very, very true:

Wow, image heavy post today, but here’s one more for you:

That’s it for now, have a great one!

Hello everybody, another update for you!

Check out this really cool interactive billboard from McDonalds, pretty awesome.

Here’s an incredible little story.  Father and son at the first and last shuttle launches:


I think we all knew this was coming, and honestly, I think it may even make reruns more relevant, and fun to watch to spot them, but now there are new ads inserted into old sitcoms.

Your daily dose of politics from me:

 Okay, one more link for you.

Worried about what will happen to your online life after you die?  Here’s the Dead’s Man Switch and a way to help plan your funeral.

I missed this the first time around, but part of the big news is that Scissor Sisters are doing some of the soundtrack for the New Fraggle Rock movie.  The other is, how did I miss there is going to be a Fraggle Rock movie?!

If only this shirt was still true:


Oh yes, how very true:


Couple things for everyone, first up, happy day after the Rapture!

You’ve probably seen this already, but really, Santorum, what the crap?!  You honestly think McCain doesn’t understand torture?  My mind seriously can’t wrap itself around the stupidity of Santorum‘s thoughts.

And speaking of politics, here’s the official GOP bracket:

So, there are apparently porn parodies of everything.  However, one nerd took all the sex out, and it turns out Star Trek: The Next Generation porn is actually a pretty good episode.

Slog has an article up about MakerBot, the 3D home printer.  I just watched a podcast about this too, I can’t wait until this becomes cheaper and the technology advances.

Fun video:

Scientists may have found a new planet we can live on!  Awesome.

Points to Ginny for cracking the code as to why Pittsburgher’s brake unnecessarily:

BRAKE! Look! A tow truck. Let’s slow down in case a dozen children jump out of the truck and run into the road. It could happen.

That’s all I have for now, catch everyone later!

Smaller update today, but here’s what we got, hope you enjoy.

Huge news, URU is finally being released as open source!  I don’t quite understand how it all works, but I’m very excited that the community will finally get to sink it’s teeth into Age Writing (and everything that comes with it).

I”m really afraid of public protests, but I think I could hold this sign up, it’s smart, witty and makes an good argument:

Have you been following all the trouble surrounding Spiderman: Turn off the Dark?  George Takei is going to fix it all:

This is just amazing.  I now kind of want to go bread shopping!

BuzzFeed has the link to a survey of GOP voters from Mississippi.  I don’t think I can sigh enough:

A guy, for Lent, is doing a Monk-diet: only beer and water.  Follow his adventure here.

The new “Kingdom Tower” will be one mile high, twice the height of the Burj Khalifa.  A normal elevator would take 12 minutes to reach the top from the bottom.  And it was just given the go ahead to begin construction.  Crazy!  Take a look:

That’s it for now, catch everyone later!


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