Today's Mighty Oak

Alright, let’s see what we have today.

I’m going to warn you about following the link in this article.  The thinking of so backwards, and so full of logical fallacies that I almost got an aneurysm.  Not to even mention the leaps of judgement and total void of logic.  I think I may have already gotten a nosebleed.

It was a bad day for me, but this made me feel better:

So DC and Marvel own the copyright to the term “Superhero.”  That’s weird.

Need some inspiration?  Check this out:

So this of course is the big news of the day.  Because it’s a man in one of the big four American sports.  Yes, it’s a bit sexist, ethnocentric and rude to other professional sports, but based on reach alone, it’s a big deal.  And here’s the fascinating (and heartfelt and touching) behind the scenes of the article.

In case you missed it, this is the cover of “Boston” Magazine, made from shoes from runners of the marathon:

Oh happy day, you can use your XBox Kinect to order Pizza Hut.

The summer movies coming up:

That’s it for now, have a great one!

Sorry for my absence as of late, I’ve been sick as a dog and trying to recover.  Here’s a couple quick things before I dive into some work I need to do this weekend.

Ummmm, Tiger.  You’re not helping yourself:

This is amazing, according to her own wishes, Elizabeth Taylor was late to her own funeral.  Awesome.

I’ve been told time and time again to read the Fire and Ice saga, which starts with “A Game of Thrones,” also being made into a mini-series on HBO.  However, this Better Book Title makes me think that maybe I shouldn’t read it:

What do $1,000 trash cans, the Strip District and Snoop Dogg have in common?  Ginny has the answer.

I have a really, really dark sense of humor.  So I can’t decide if this is the worst, or possibly the best product placement in the history of the world:


In a cruel twist of fate that I totally saw coming (and so did everyone on the Internet), Duke Nukem Forever has once again been delayed.  For those unaware, the game was first announced in April…of 1997.

And in other video game news, the Kinect is being used to perform surgery.  Ok, not really surgery, but to scroll through digital information (a la Minority Report I think) to keep their hands sterile while looking at the images and information.  It’s also being used to make battle bots and help the blind navigate the world.  Awesome!

Okay, that’s it for now, catch everyone later!


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