Today's Mighty Oak

I’m heading to Fort Wayne for Practice Thanksgiving, but before I go, I wanted to pass on a few things.

It’s a bit over the top at the end, but it’s a great trailer.  It does remind me why I’m so scared of public protests, how crazy and violent they can get.  And yes, it’s a bit one sided, and it itself is probably propogating hate, I think the truth lies somewhere in the middle, I just don’t know where it is:

Disney is working on a new game, Epic Mickey.  It looks dark and creepy and all kinds of cool.  Even cooler: they traded an ESPN sportscaster for the rights to the villian…in 2006.  Apparantly it’s been in development for that long.  Hopefully it lives up to the hype.

If you’re not watching Glee, shame on you.  And besides, Joss Whedon is going to direct an episode!

The picture of the Pope at this article is frightening.  But really?  I find it very uncalled for, and quite frankly, detremental to any kind of honest eccumenical dialogue.  Rowan Williams was suprised, but I think is handling it fairly well, for this to come out of left field at least.  Shame on you Pope.  Andrew Sullivan examines it here.  My favorite line:

Now recall that the celibacy requirement has clearly contributed to the decline of the church in the US and the West and has led indirectly to the sexual abuse problems of screwed up celibates. Why would the Vatican make an exception for Anglicans but not for, you know, Catholics?

And he chimes in again here:

For now, however, it seems an almost baldly political move, made at a pace more reminiscent of modern politics and public relations than the traditional ecclesiastical creaking of the wheels. That is troubling to me. Churches are supposed to be about eternal truths and freedom of conscience, not what amounts to an unfriendly take-over bid for a franchise.

And it does not seem to have occurred because of some deep resolution of the theological disputes between Anglicans and Catholics, but merely by a shared abhorrence of women priests and openly gay ones. If you want to switch churches, prejudice seems a pretty poor reason for doing so. But this is so sudden it will take some time to absorb and it’s a little hard to take in. Stay tuned.

Fresh on the heels of “Blame it on the Girls,” comes the new video from Mika, “Rain.”  Watch it here.

I first saw this video a few months ago.  It is heartfelt, moving, and short, so there is no reason not to watch it.  It’s making a huge resurgance right now since marriage equality is on the ballot in Maine:

These photos made me smile.  A lot.  Take old war photos…and add superheros.  My favorite:

A few days old by this point, but crazy local politics.  This is a direct quote from one of our elected officials in an e-mail calling veterans traitors for working against global warming:

Remember Benedict Arnold before giving credibility to a veteran who uses their service as a means to promote a leftist agenda. Drill Baby Drill!!!

I can get behind him saying whatever he wants, however big of an asshat he wants to be.  However, when you end an e-mail with that many exclimation points, as well as the phrase “drill baby drill” I will laugh.  A lot.  Then weep for the state of politics.

Bad AT&T, bad!  Don’t do that!

I was given a link to information is beautiful, and I love it!  If you love charts and graphs, you probably will too.

Ok, that’s all I have for now.  I have a lot more to go through, but I should get some sleep before packing tomorrow.  Have a great one everybody!

I’m working on getting more pictures up, including my massive collection from URU, so hopefully those will be up sometime in the foreseeable future.  But of course, probably not!

Did you know there are still tea parties going on?  I didn’t.  And apparantly there will be one on Wednesday at Boyce Park, at the ski lodge.  Good lord.

A new book is coming out, entitled Secular Sabotage: How Liberals are Destroying Religion and Culture in America.  Fair enough.  However, as this article at Slog points out, I feel that someone is about to lose their job, since this quote appears on the dust jacket:

“Wake up, America! The secular minority has cut the brake cables on America’s In-God-We-Trust-Mobile™! Not even all 43 of our Christian presidents can save us now.” — Stephen Colbert, host of “The Colbert Report”

That makes me very happy.

Former Catholic bishop of Pittsburgh and now Archbishop of Washington, D.C. (which, I don’t think I knew there were such things as Archbishop…it’s a very impressive title) is on the crusade to stop marriage equality.  Which is nothing new from the Catholic Church, although I do have to say, the picture of him is a bit scary.

And in support of marriage equality comes this video from Ireland:

Which is very well put together, although I do have to confess, I can’t tell if Irish names are male or female most of the time.  Not that it matters, but to a dumb American like me, I feel like I’m missing at least something.  Oh well, moving on.

If you want to read the first chapter of the first of three parts of book 12 of the Wheel of Time (whew!), check out this post at Dragonmount.  The prologue will be available later for purchase as an e-book.  An interesting choice.  While Robert Jordan was alive, it was customary to  release the prologue before the book was released.  Interesting to see the change, I wonder if we’ll ever find out if it was deemed successful or not.

A new commercial is out there for the movie 9.  I can’t find it on youtube or else I’d post it here, but I am very excited for it.  If you want to see the short film it is based on, I’ll put that below.

That’s it for now, back to image editing for me!  Happy Labor Day!

Media heavy update for everyone.  So grab some popcorn, sit back, and enjoy the movies, with commentary from me of course!

First up, I promised it, and here it is, a number from Silence, the Silence of the Lambs musical.  Obviously, it contains strong language and is just not safe for work (NSFW):

And in an almost complete 180, here is the new trailer for Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince (movie/book six):

Now for things a bit more serious.  I have fun stories about this weekends festivities, and that recap will be coming soon.  For now, though, I’ll add some comments about the start to my weekend: Thursday night.  We went to see RENT, which was amazing!  I am so glad I got to see it while it was in town.  We hit up Tambalinni’s beforehand for dinner, which was very nice.

Leaving the theater, in the crowds of way too many people, i was passed by two drag queens.  Which I thought was very appropriate.  Which kind of brings me to my serious point (and more chances to put more videos in this post, I might be going for a record).

The county has been exploding (in a good way) over gay marriage the last couple weeks.  I’ve said it before, gay marriage is our generation’s segregation.  Not that I am trying to compare the two (well, I guess I kind of am), but in their own way, each is a civil right’s issue that I think defines an entire generation. Not that I think it’s an issue that needs to be forced down everyone’s throat either, especially religious organizations. They are free to make their own choices and set their own rules (hence the separation of church and state), but there are those that would (and do) go for marriage equality. And besides (another disjointed thought), many people say that a civil union is the same as a marriage. And while the government can grant civil unions, and I think they should, if they are so equal, why don’t those opponents trade their marriage for a civil union. Didn’t think so.

So what I find amusing, is now that Vermont, Iowa, Washington, D.C. and Seattle have made progress, the crazies start coming out.  Case in point, the National Organization for Marriage (NOM, which always makes me think of the lol cats and anytime they eat something going, “nom nom nom.”).  You’ve probably seen their storm ad that is floating around.  I’d like to bring your attention to some parodies instead.

Not bad, kind of dry in the delivery, but a fun spoof nonetheless.  Even better however, is this one from the Colbert Report.  Ok, I think I got it to embed. But no promises.  Follow this link just in case, it’s worth it!

The Colbert Report Mon – Thurs 11:30pm / 10:30c
The Colbert Coalition’s Anti-Gay Marriage Ad
Colbert Report Full Episodes Political Humor NASA Name Contest

In the original, NOM talked about their 2M4M campaign (Rachel Maddow has a great clip looking at that phrase, as well as teabagging). And what really cracks me up, is that they started that campaign, without securing the domains!  So now, is a site supporting equal marriage rights (also running on Joomla by the way!).  I like the justice of that.  Here is their funny little sketch video:

I think it’s this video, but I could be wrong, that brings up one of my favorite arguments about gay marriage.  Opponents will often say that gay marriage will make straight marriage less meaningful.  Very sarcastically, I like to agree.  That yes, allowing gay marriage will totally make Brittney Spears’ 55-hour Vegas marriage less meaningful.  Sigh. So I keep coming back into this post to add things (and clean up and fix the code), and I just want to interject one more thing in here, because now I’m all riled up. I think the travesty is the fact that a straight couple can walk into a courthouse, flat out say they don’t love each other and are just getting married for monetary purposes, but my gay friends can’t get a marriage license when they finally find the person they want to settle down with. Again, sigh.

Ok, I’ve been up on my soapbox for too long.  And have posted way too many videos (I lied, there’s one more coming up).  Of course I’m biased, so this post obviously leans one way.  I do think it’s an important issue, and it’s exciting to see the tide turning.  In addition to the states and cities listed above, I was pleasantly surprised to learn that other countries around the world support marriage equality, including South Africa, Norway, the Netherlands and Spain (I think I got that list right).

So anyway, this was my little bit of activism.  It’s not very often that I do and public protests of any kind still scare the crap out of me.  Quick aside, when asked if I was going to go to the March for Life in D.C., I replied no.  Which was responded to the fact that they get counts ahead of time so that the city knows how many people to expect.  Which in my mind is so they can have enough tear-gas on hand.  That’s just how my mind works, and I don’t think it’s going to change any time soon, so I’ll stick to this blog for now.

And a bit lighter fare, today’s title comes from a song from the Daredevil soundtrack by The Calling (a favorite band of mine) called For You.  I’ve really liked this song for a while, I think a big part of it is the full orchestration.  Anyway, check out the video below if you want to listen:

That’s it for now, thanks for reading.  Catch everyone later!

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