Today's Mighty Oak

I’m all done with my NaNoWriMo novel, so now I can finally get through some of my RSS feeds, here’s what I’ve found:

The combination Star Wars/Indiana Jones you didn’t know you needed.

Now you can get a giant Ritz cracker that doubles as a serving tray.

Brian Sims discusses why queer people thrive in politics: empathy.

The bottles you need to stock your bar.

What August Wilson can teach us about the current Supreme Court.

Alright, that’s it, short update today, have a great one!

Alright, let’s see what we have today, it’s a fairly short update.

First up, what we witnessed on Friday, while showing the absolute strength, resolution and power of women and sexual abuse survivors, was, all-in-all, one of the most heinous things concocted by the Republicans in the 242 year history of this country, and that is saying something.  Don’t forget to take some time for yourself and self-care, and if you need help, reach out.

A priest in Chicago defied the Archdiocese and performed an ‘exorcism’ of a Pride flag, burning it.  A reminder, the Catholic Church is a hate group, full stop.

There’s a new trailer for the next Fantastic Beasts movie:

Google celebrated Mister Rogers this week with a wonderful Doodle!

That’s it for today, have a great one!

Alright, let’s see what we have today.  First up, I might have actually linked to this before, but did you know that we have a plan in case we ever find Nessie?  Now you do!

If you haven’t seen it already, stop everything you’re doing and watch the new Randy Rainbow song:

There’s going to be a Baby Groot Chia Pet!

The Downton Abbey movie is finally confirmed and moving forward!

Remember all that money Jill Stein raised for a recount, yeah, she’s spending it on her legal defense for her involvement with Russia.  Raise your hand if you’re surprised.  Nobody?  I didn’t think so.

Gay ‘conversion therapy’ is torture.  Full stop.  And there’s a feature film about it and it looks powerful:

Queen Elizabeth II is a master stateswoman.  She greeted the President last month while wearing a brooch given to her by the Obamas.

Speaking of Britain, an artists has created a portrait of Princess Diana using diamond dust and HIV+ blood:

And in infuriating news, the Health and Human Services have removed all LGBT references from the ObamaCare website.  The erasure continues.

Integrity USA celebrates progress made at the General Convention.

And finally, Stranger Things 3 has a great new promo!

Alright, let’s see what we have today.  First up, the trailer for Disney’s Maleficient:

I really can’t prepare you for this, but 12 awful sex tips from Cosmo…presented by Gollum.

All the weird stuff that Blockbuster is putting up for sale on Craigslist.

And also, the new Muppets trailer:

Sadly, I don’t fit the age categories, but if you do, you can audition for Star Wars Episode VII

As it turns out, dinosaurs might have been bigger than we thought.  Scary!

Who knew that dollar bills could be such works of art.  Check them out here

In breaking news, women make less than men.  And it’s awkward when it comes out in politics.

Personally, as a matter of style, I don’t use the Oxford comma, but I’m always of the camp that whichever style you choose, you be consistent with it.  And XKCD covered it here.

That’s it for now, but I’ll be back with more soon, Happy Thanksgiving!

Alright, let’s see what we have today.  First up, the new trailer for Kick Ass 2 (NSFW):

A Firefly MMO has been announced, although it appears to be exclusively for mobile phones.  Will be interesting to see what it’s like, but it may be too late. 

A great ad campaign which uses national flags.  Very well done.

A mash-up I didn’t expect to see:

John Williams has come on board to score Star Wars: Episode VII.

What if the Internet was laid out like a galaxy?  Check it out here.

It has some strong language (deservedly so), but the best response yet to Orson Scott Card comes from Harvey Fierstein.

Can Richard Simmons stay still for 60 seconds?

The new trailer for the next Hunger Games movies is here.

I was never into the boy bands the first time around, but I kind of like this song, maybe it’s a weird reverse nostalgia thing:

Amazing “get well soon” wishes….to roadkill.

The best (or worse) drinking game ever?

Okay, one more video, this amazing thing happened:

That’s it for now, have a great one!

Alright, let’s see what we have today.

I’m going to warn you about following the link in this article.  The thinking of so backwards, and so full of logical fallacies that I almost got an aneurysm.  Not to even mention the leaps of judgement and total void of logic.  I think I may have already gotten a nosebleed.

It was a bad day for me, but this made me feel better:

So DC and Marvel own the copyright to the term “Superhero.”  That’s weird.

Need some inspiration?  Check this out:

So this of course is the big news of the day.  Because it’s a man in one of the big four American sports.  Yes, it’s a bit sexist, ethnocentric and rude to other professional sports, but based on reach alone, it’s a big deal.  And here’s the fascinating (and heartfelt and touching) behind the scenes of the article.

In case you missed it, this is the cover of “Boston” Magazine, made from shoes from runners of the marathon:

Oh happy day, you can use your XBox Kinect to order Pizza Hut.

The summer movies coming up:

That’s it for now, have a great one!

Quick update for everyone.

First up, there is a new trailer for Oz, the Great and Powerful that went along with new year’s.  I’m pretty excited for it:

And this is something I had never thought of before.  It can be illegal and punishable by death, either legally or by custom, depending on your religion in many parts of the world.  But it can also be punishable by death if you’re atheist:

Belgian newspapers are making an interesting point about engagement:

Alright, another update today, a lot of videos, but let’s see what all we have.

First up, make your own Twinkies (or go to Canada, you know, either one):

Sweet burn from JCPenny:

Mika’s new single (Stardust is better, but this is good):

She didn’t win, but the best campaign slogan ever:

To get into the Christmas spirit:

This is so true:

And finally, the movies of 2012:

That’s it for now, have a great one!

First up, the main character looks really familiar, and I could look him up in IMDB, but I haven’t yet:

And second:

Another update today, let’s see what I’ve found today.

First up, Ellen envisions a political world in which the ads are kind.

Amazing, and crazy footage of a volcano:

A movie theater in London has employed ninjas to remind people of movie etiquette.  Awesome.

McDonalds is counting on the McRib to save Christmas.  I’m hoping we can turn that into a heartwarming children’s special, or something like that.

The popinator may actually become a real thing, believe it or not:

Social networks can actually help to encourage people to go out and vote.  Pretty awesome to see our online lives helping us to be politically involved.

Speaking of voting, it’s very vulgar (of course, it’s Sarah Silverman), but it’s important information:

And finally, it’s the same day as Homecoming, but I’d like to see it, Stewart and O’Reilley are going to do a live debate!

That’s it for now, but I’ll be back soon with more!  Have a great one!

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