Alright, let’s see what we have today. First up, the trailer for Disney’s Maleficient:
I really can’t prepare you for this, but 12 awful sex tips from Cosmo…presented by Gollum.
All the weird stuff that Blockbuster is putting up for sale on Craigslist.
And also, the new Muppets trailer:
Sadly, I don’t fit the age categories, but if you do, you can audition for Star Wars Episode VII
As it turns out, dinosaurs might have been bigger than we thought. Scary!
Who knew that dollar bills could be such works of art. Check them out here
In breaking news, women make less than men. And it’s awkward when it comes out in politics.
Personally, as a matter of style, I don’t use the Oxford comma, but I’m always of the camp that whichever style you choose, you be consistent with it. And XKCD covered it here.
That’s it for now, but I’ll be back with more soon, Happy Thanksgiving!