Today's Mighty Oak

And I’m back, sorry for the time lapse between posts, work keeps me busy.  But in the meantime, I hope you enjoy:

If I had an iPad, I would download this app, it arranges your music like space!

Nerve has a great list of what the internet does best: summing up the killing of Osama bin Laden in gif format.  Check it out.  Also cool, his death made the NYT stop the presses.  That never happens, contrary to popular belief!

My friend Steve’s girlfriend, Mallory (who I did not know had a blog, but now I’m going to subscribe to it), has a fantastic post entitled “The Death of One.”  It’s worth a read, please check it out.

Apparently this is a urinal in Germany, specially coated with a thermochromatic paint.  The weirdest thing I think is the person taking the photo of two men peeing:

Go Nintendo has an awesome article up about the new Zelda game, Skyward Sword.  Watch the video, and then listen to the music, which has been extracted and then played backwards.  Absolutely amazing!

The streets of Paris are having their potholes filled in with yarn!  How awesome:

That’s it for now, but I’ll be back soon with more!

Written: 02/15/2011

A quick story about how I gain some sick pleasure:

For my birthday last year my boss got me an iTunes gift card since he always sees me with earphones in.  Which was very nice of him, he certainly did not need to do that.  Nor was I going to lament that it was a gift card for iTunes, and I have a Zune (also, iTunes is one of the most bloated programs, ever, but I digress).

I was going to download “The Onion: Future News” but as it turned out, that is now free, so instead I downloaded a new CD from a friend of mine.  Sadly, I usually can’t make it to his shows, but he is talented, so I was happy to support him.  This left me with $4 and some change, which I’ll be slowly working down.

One track I purchased with that left over credit: a new remix of “We Belong,” the proceeds of which are directly supporting the Trevor Project, a charity which supports LGBT youth.

Oh, the irony (and the good music)

All my best,

The King of Spades

Quick update for everyone.  First off, Randy Rainbow tries to save the Spiderman Musical:

Good news, Sir Ian McKellen will reprise his role as Gandalf in the upcoming Hobbit movies!

This might be the coolest idea for a soap dispenser ever:

I like that it not only saves you money and is better for the earth (no plastic containers for liquid soap that is mostly water anyway), the soap will throw off it’s scent into the air, doing double duty!

I think I’ve always known it, but music, does in fact, make you happy.  And now it’s been proven!

One more quick video (less than 20 seconds):

And lastly today, from NaNoWriMo’s blog, this may be the most awesome book store in the world.  Now I just need a passport and a lot of money to go to Buenos Aires:

That’s it for now, short update, but I’ll be back soon, have a great one!

Written 01/04/2011

Originally I was not going to keep this going after I find a new job, but as I’ve written it, I think I will keep it as a separate category, to keep my thoughts about equality all in one place.

So I wanted to break things up a little bit.  I love music, it keeps me going, and of course, who doesn’t love pirates?  So enjoy the musical interlude:

All my best,

The King of Spades

Well I’m back.  Well I never really left, so here’s a giant update for everyone, enjoy!

I somehow missed this commercial the first time around, and I really like it:

For all the music folk out there, Slate has a cool article about playing in tune.  I remember going to a concert of Catham Baroque in College, they had major issues because where they were performing was a cold space, except the floor was heated.  It wreaked havoc on all their instruments.

Also in Slate, an article about the AP Styleguide and how changes are made.  I need a new one, I’ll have to check out their store to see if the 2010 version is available.

And again in Slate, a cool article about PowerPoint.  It can be awesome, it really can be, just don’t do what most people do!

The first part of Star Wars Uncut is up.  The project brings people from all over the world to do small segments of A New Hope and then splices them together:

Star Wars Uncut “The Escape” from Casey Pugh on Vimeo.

Also, I’ve watched this video a couple times, and it’s amazing, an Octopus steals a diver’s camera while it is still on.  The diver chases and finally gets it back:

octopus steals my video camera and swims off with it (while it’s Recording) from Victor Huang on Vimeo.

Want to know what kind of hell happens to your mind when you stay inside a Wal Mart for 24 straight hours?  Read the hilarious report here:

An employee yelled “Shut up!” to me after I stood in the middle of the lingerie section and screamed “Spring Break!” at the top of my lungs.

I know it’s over, but I meant to post this while the contest was going on, but this Lost video was made by a local guy.  It didn’t end up winning, although when I watched all of the finalists, I really liked it the best:

Ok, some more about Lost.  Here are the characters are summarized by cats:

And Sally Wiggin (yes, that Sally Wiggin) talks about what the finale meant to her.

There was a theory that the eruption and subsequent ash cloud of Mt. Eyjafjallajokull would cool us down a bit, or maybe even stave off summer.  Sadly, it’s been warm here.  Read the article here, and I’ll be glad that my friend Kyle was finally able to make it back from Europe after all kinds of delays getting there (and the possibility of becoming stuck)

NASA captured this amazing photo of clouds over Africa:

I fully realize that this would probably clog anyone’s arteries in about three seconds after putting the first bit in your mouth, but it still looks really good: pancake, cheesecake, pancake, strawberries whipped cream.  I’m assuming the strawberries make it healthy, right?

Let’s play a fun game.  It’s called “Imagine.”

Here’s a good follow up:

Maybe the national media wouldn’t be blindsided by things like Arizona’s new anti-immigration law or Virginia’s racially tone deaf governor if it took attacks on gays and lesbians seriously, if the media saw them for the outliers they are, and stopped giving politicians like Brewer and McDonnell a faith-based pass when they attack sexual minorities. Because governors and legislators who attack sexual minorities today invariably go on to attack other minority groups tomorrow. Hate is hate is hate.

And also on that note:

Leviticus 19:33-34 (NIV)
When an alien lives with you in your land, do not mistreat him. The alien living with you must be treated as one of your native-born. Love him as yourself, for you were aliens in Egypt.

Moral of this story, don’t celebrate a win before the game is over:

Hold on.  they can’t be serious.  Apple is saying they are more open than Adobe?  Excuse me while I go catch my breath from laughing.

Want to see some cool sand art?  Here’s an example, and here are the rest.

Well this is awkward:

Aussies are safer in a strip club than a church, suggests new government data. According to the latest figures compiled by the New South Wales Bureau of Crime Statistics and Research, 1600 people were charged with committing a range of 27 offences in the state’s “places of worship” in 2008. Astonishingly, the data showed only 282 people were charged with the same offences in adult entertainment premises.

I think I have a new favorite blog, it’s called The Big Caption, bringing together images and typography

Thanks Newsweek.  And in other news, the Gulf: oily

I’m angry at Arizona for so many things, including their ban on willingly creating a human/animal hybrid (How will I amass my Centaur army now?!), but this is always heartbreaking, Arizona is now firing or moving teachers that don’t speak English properly, which makes sense to me (granted, how they frame that bill and everything associate with it was kind of underhanded), but I’d like to bring attention to what ope of the Secretary of Education’s advisers said:

Teachers should speak good grammar because kids pick up what they hear

And thanks to Jezebel for putting together this awesome guide to traveling in Arizona:

Thank you, that is all.

Ok, it’s cool, but the bicycle wheel is just showing off:

Gravité from Renaud Hallée on Vimeo.

I’m just going to go ahead and declare this a total win:

This also rocks a lot, and continues the Star Wars theme (if not a bit creepy and direct):

Ok fine, one more Star Wars related item:

Need some help picking some colors?  I haven’t played around with it, but this site was suggested to me, let me know how it works!

This is just amazing, check out the art installation that puts you into a dry pool.

This ad is awesome, one because it’s the first motion-sensitive billboard that I’ve seen, and second, the format works great for the venue.  A coworker of mine is in D.C. this weekend and even though I’ve never been there, I recommended the Spy Museum, I’ve only heard people rave about it, next time I’m down in Washington, I’ll have to check it out:

Just because it’s funny:

I don’t want to say I told you so.  But I told you so (well, at least maybe).

Student newspapers at private schools are sticky business, I should know.  From where I stand, the school is in the clear to do this.  Should they?  Well that is another matter entirely.  My heart goes out to the writers and editors, I know how hard it can be, without the administration threatening the jobs of faculty members (good grief).

For your reference (full size here):

Panera is testing a “pay what you think it’s worth” store, and if it works (the money goes to charity), will open more.  It’s fun, since I’m writing this in a Panera.  With moronic teenage girls running the bakery counter.  I’ve heard them argue about the unfairness of driving, and how they are stapling napkins.  I’m not sure why either.

Ever want to know how the stop sign was created?  Slate investigates here.  And here’s what would happen if a corporation had been charged with making it:

And Slate takes a look at this year’s Clio Awards.

This is amazing, and the first building reminds me of Myst Island.  I know, huge nerd, but we all knew that, didn’t we?

Projection on Buildings from NuFormer Projection on Vimeo.

This is worth a read.  I never realized that Einstein’s Theory of Relativity was made into a political controversy.  Sigh.

Good gravy, this might be a record for me!  Hope you enjoyed it, catch everyone soon!

Alright, I’m finally starting to go through everything from last month, let’s see how much I can cram into this one post before it gets too unwieldy or I get lost and confused.  I’ll try to break up the links with images and videos, so read and click away!

I’ve followed the story here and abroad for a while because I’ve found it extremely interesting, but it seems that now gay men can donate bone marrow in Canada.  Another step in the right direction for Canada, we’ll see how long it takes the U.S. to follow.  Sweden also recently ended their ban on gay blood donation.

I kind of like Lady Gaga’s music, and even though she sometimes comes off as bat-shit crazy, she really is a good person.  Seen here, she meets Queen Elizabeth II, obviously knowing when to pick her publicity/battles.  I wonder what she would be called if she was ever given the title “lady”?

This is kind of crazy, but strands of tiger DNA has been found in the AIDS virus.  From what I’ve read, it is thought that HIV/AIDS came from monkeys (I think), so I’m not sure how this fits in with research and whatnot.  But in a giant breakthrough, researchers have found that stem cells can kill HIV, or at least, have the proof of concept.

Have you seen the Wii’s holiday ad, I really like it:

Are you in a dire situation?  Just hit the button.

If you haven’t seen it, PostSecret’s new video is pretty amazing:

PostSecret: Confessions on Life, Death and God from Frank Warren on Vimeo.

The Episcopal Church elected its first openly lesbian bishop.  Canterbury isn’t too happy, I can’t even imagine (or care for that matter) what ex-bishop Duncan is saying.

When you click through to see Yale students protesting some evangelical preacher on their campus, make sure to see how many categories on his sandwich board you fall into.  Obama voters, Dirty Dancers (really?), Hindus, Feminists…you’re all on there.  And going to hell, apparently.  Like I always say, it will be a party, and we’re all apparently invited!

And here is a picture of my favorite protester, Chris Pesto from Syracuse:

This link from Gizmodo, is an awesome cheat sheet for buying a new TV, check it out if you’re in the market.

I think the evangelical preacher at Yale would like this link.  It ends up making me angry if I read too much, but if you want to see the hilarious things that people worry about, namely, people working retail during December that would dare to with you “happy holidays” instead of “merry Christmas.”  Stupid people aren’t allowed to believe things that I don’t.  Currently the most offensive, GAP, mostly due to their awesome commercials.  Here’s an example:

I am absolutely sickened by the new Gap commercial comparing Christmas to Solstice and “do what you like”. I will NOT shop at the Gap, Old Navy, or their sister stores any more nor will my teenagers. …

And here’s the commerical

I’m liking the campaign mostly because it’s pissing off the right so much.  And from what I can gather, a direct response to the right after they pulled shenanigans back in the fall.

Speaking of good ads, I love this one:

As well as this campaign for Levi’s:

Also, this one for Discovery Channel:

Someone alert the Russians, vodka is now available in pill form.

I’ll go ahead and say no, progress bars on traffic lights is not a good idea.  But interesting idea though.

The Catholic diocese of St. Louis sent $10,000 to Maine to help overturn their marriage equality law.  I have a big post coming up for that, with all kinds of links and updates, really everything that has happened since NaNoWriMo, and the election at the beginning of November.  People are now protesting the diocese of St. Louis, but truth be told, $10,000 was just a drop in the bucket.  It will make your skin crawl, stay tuned.

Dollhouse may be cancelled, but their marketing is just really starting up (thanks a lot, Fox), here is Rossum’s November ad:

I don’t understand this at all, how it works, or even that it could be done.  Scientists have trapped a rainbow, and my mind just exploded a little bit.

I found this song on a mix CD that I’ve had for a while, and I’m really liking it, although the music video leaves a lot to be desired:

If I was in Seattle, I would go here, and blow up golf balls and use cannons for mini-golf!  I would go there a lot.

This has been making its rounds, and it rocks:

And since it is the end of the decade, we’ll be getting lot of these vidoes.  Although I think this left out a lot of stuff, it’s a good start.

Ok, one more video then I’ll break it up a little bit.  This video made me like Martha Stewart a lot.  It’s a good thing:

If you liked Harry Potter, or even if you didn’t, you should really read The Magicians, I read it, and could not put it down, and was really hoping there would be more than one, but as of now, it’s a one off book.  However, you should pick it up, it examines what a magical world would be like if it was college, instead of a prep school, and the hazards and problems young adults have to face instead of teenagers.  Check out this article from io9 about it if you’re interested, and you should be.

Ok, I think that’s it for now, sorry for the length, although there is still a lot more for me to go through and post for you.  I’ll be back with more soon, enjoy the day!

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