Today's Mighty Oak

Alright, let’s see what we have today.  First up, the new trailer for Kick Ass 2 (NSFW):

A Firefly MMO has been announced, although it appears to be exclusively for mobile phones.  Will be interesting to see what it’s like, but it may be too late. 

A great ad campaign which uses national flags.  Very well done.

A mash-up I didn’t expect to see:

John Williams has come on board to score Star Wars: Episode VII.

What if the Internet was laid out like a galaxy?  Check it out here.

It has some strong language (deservedly so), but the best response yet to Orson Scott Card comes from Harvey Fierstein.

Can Richard Simmons stay still for 60 seconds?

The new trailer for the next Hunger Games movies is here.

I was never into the boy bands the first time around, but I kind of like this song, maybe it’s a weird reverse nostalgia thing:

Amazing “get well soon” wishes….to roadkill.

The best (or worse) drinking game ever?

Okay, one more video, this amazing thing happened:

That’s it for now, have a great one!

Alright, let’s see what’s going on.

First up: SEE?!?!  I’M IN DEMAND:

The (red band) trailer for the new Kick Ass movie, which I can’t wait for!

Instead of playing March Madness, you should play Star Wars March Madness.

I’m taking this as a sign that I would be a good parent.  Because I still have my parent’s set (and it goes away after we’ve been drinking, we’re not stupid)

Awesome typography/science posters.  A favorite:

You can tell the haters are really reaching for straws, when they’re attacking random swaths of all kinds of people: for adopting children.  And just remember, NOM is a certified hate group, hopefully this will make some other people notice.

So, my thoughts on the new pope: it’s awesome that he took the name Francis, as he’s one of my favorite saints.  Also cool that he’s a Jesuit, although I think that I always heard they had the sterotype of buying lots of land and making lots of money, which is the opposite of Pope Francis, who rode the bus to work!  Now, just like the other 114 cardinals, he still hates the LGBT community, women and you know, anyone who’s different, not that I expected anything different though.  More importantly, the new Archbishop of Caneterbury is enthroned on Thursday!

Because adding Batman is awesome:

E. L. James, the “author” of 50 Shades of Grey, is publishing a writing guide.  Excuse me as I go throw up.

Awesome note from a dad to his son.  It popped up in my newsfeed at work and I teared up a little bit:

This of course, comes after Rob Portman, sitting Senator from Ohio comes out for Marriage Equality.  You know, when it affects his son.  Yes, we’re happy that he’s supporting equality, but you should be able to see the need for equal rights without it personally affecting your immediate family.

Sooooooo, at the big conservative political gathering last week, there was a real life, true racist walking around.  Now to be fair, there are crazy people everywhere, but it’s fun to point this out.

John Green fills us in:

That’s it for now, have a great one!

Alright, let’s see what we have today.

One of my professors actually had this happen at her kid’s school, and I think it’s smart.

Today was the deadline for briefs for the Prop 8 and DOMA cases going before the Supreme Court.  Briefs have come in from Democratic members of Congress, Republican lawmakers, NFL Players Chris Kluwe and Brendon Ayanbadjeo, 300 major corporations and the rest of the 50 briefs can be read here.

President Obama weighs in here (the justice department submitted a brief):

Kathy Bates is joining American Horror Story for Book 3, very exciting!

A statue of Rosa Parks has been unveiled at The Capital.  Fun fact, she is a saint in the Episcopalian church.

I love when the Internet makes things like this:

How about a replica of yourself…made from gummy candy?

That’s it for now, have a great one!

And we’re back.  Here’s what we have today.  First up, my new favorite song from Glee:

The Governor of Michigan admits that the war on unions doesn’t benefit the workers.  Imagine that.

Really cool Walking Dead art installation, the fingers got cut off as the days counted down:

“Wait, I can do something.  There’s injustice involving cake!”  More reasons to love Charm City Cakes.

Say goodbye to the iron, and hello to the cat.  This is why I only play Stars Wars Monopoly.

Speaking of Star Wars: Death Star lollipops:

It is sadly, now strange enough to print a newspaper, that it can be a reality show.

Awesome church sign of the day:

 That’s it for today, have a great one!

First up, I’m at a bit of a loss for words.  Remember how the Catholic Church is strangely concerned with all of our private bits and the sex that we have?  You know, with the “pro-life” stance and the marches and the protests and whatnot?  Well, they can change that position as soon as it’s financially beneficial to them (you know, after basically killing the two children in this sad, sad story).

And just a reminder, open, legal, safe access to comprehensive health care (which includes abortion and family planning services), as well as marriage equality, results in more stable families.

People being awesome:

So now we can 3D print houses for use on the moon!  And of course, it’s a Mobius strip, which is totally cool!

The Good Men Project is launching the Hacker Scouts.  Building rockets, small electronics, sounds like fun.  If you’re in NYC, check it out.

The good Men Project also looks at the unthinkable: What if my son doesn’t like Star Wars?

Too nerdy not to pass up:

 The original Batmobile sold for 4.2 million.

So, in Utah you can be fired for what your boss thinks your political affiliation is.  Crazy.

That’s it for now, have a great one!

Alright, first up, what’s been playing non-stop for me.  Sadly, Swedish House Mafia is breaking up, but a good remix:

A great piece over at JoHo about mourning Aaron Schwartz

Hmmmm, more Star Wars movies, that will be running parallel to the next trilogy.

Funny or Die adds commentary to Jodie Foster’s bizarre speech.

Fun facts about Morgan Freeman:

That’s it for today, have a great one!

Alright, let’s see what we have today.  First up:

It  may be almost 70 degrees (and I’m in shorts in January), this is awesome:

The White House has denied the request to construct a Death Star.  But go read the response, someone is a great writer, and a huge nerd, it’s awesome!

A magical 3-in-1 connector from CES, seems strange it took this long to come up with this, but it should make Apple users very happy.

The Dark Knight Trilogy, condensed to three minutes.  Spoilers, obviously:

Violence erupts over the AP/Chicago manual wars.  Via The Onion, of course.

For all the Myst geeks out there, this totally reminded me of the entrance to Channelwood:

The Good Men Project takes on bathroom graffiti.  The image is worth clicking through.

What is less popular than root canals, used car salesmen and even Nickleback?  Congress.

I’ve been listening to this almost non-stop, I think the beginning of it is kind of bland, but halfway though it picks up:

Saving sound in a bottle, pretty cool idea.

Also via The Onion, so true, or at least, close to the truth:

Monks will now accept prayer requests via text, pretty cool!

JoHo has a good post up about the suicide of Aaron Schwartz, one of the founders of Reddit, and one of the creators of RSS.

While there were of course a wide range of things that made me change jobs, this certainly was up there among the top of the list.

Music recreated from The Hobbit, Part 1:

That’s it for now, have a great one!

Alright, I’m back, have a couple bigger updates to get caught up after my month of writing a novel, so here we go.

First up, an awesome ad from Germany:

Slog shows off the Book Vending machine.

Waaaallllmmmmaaarrrrttttt cccccaaaarrrrreeeessss:

Need an emergency compliment, for yourself or someone else?  Click here.

The Whiskey Advent Calendar.  I don’t have anything to add to that, actually.

Awesome stunt by Best Buy on Black Friday:

I love Pantone, but even I think this is a little much.  But when you have to match colors, I guess you might as well go all out.

Anderson Cooper gets in an awesome burn on Twitter.  So fantastic and gratifying to read.

Let’s assume that this is in celebration of Movember:

And for some politics, guess what percentage of the popular vote Romney got.  No really, go ahead and guess.  You’ll never guess what percentage he got. AHAHAHAHA.

The Good Men Project breaks down what the electoral college map would have looked like had only white males voted, and MaddowBlog breaks down some other really cool maps as well the result of the gerrymandering that went on after the last census.

And if someone complains that the Democrats don’t care about the deficit, just show them this link.

Alright, let’s see what we have, first up, this amazing performance by the OSU marching band, the amount of cheering is awesome:

The Tom Hanks/Nerdist typewriter saga.

Since we can’t learn about his tax returns, we can instead, make stuff up.  Sounds legit.

And this is just asshatery at it’s finest.  Much like the owner of Papa John’s saying that if Obama is reelected he’ll have to raise pizza prices for his customers.

Angry Birds Star Wars is coming, and I’m excited.  Cautious, but excited:

PTSD is absolutely vicious, and the VA at best sometimes, seems incompetent.  Will this work, I’m not sure, but I hope it can at least bring some conversation to the table at the condition and how we can work together to support our veterans.

ManMade DIY has a flow chart on how to pick the perfect apple.

If it weren’t for all the tunnel construction (and my schedule), I would go to this play, looks pretty amazing!  And it’s done with Zunes!

I’m so glad that this is now a thing:

I don’t think it will work, sadly, but a valiant effort to have a reasonable conversation about gun violence.

This just confuses me, but I want to make one!

And if you haven’t read it, Chris Kluwe once again knocks it out of the park.  Or I guess I should use some sort of football analogy.

That’s it for now, but I’ll be back soon with more!

Alright, let’s see what we have today.

First up, in horrific news: bacon shortage.

This is just awesome:

One of Mitt Romney’s sons is mean.  Just saying.

And the awesome Mitt Romney/Lucille Bluth mashups, a favorite:

This will totally be my brother and his wife’s child (if and when they have kids, as far as I know, not in the works):

It’s funny, because now Gov. Walker wants unions….:

This is pretty amazing, How I Met Your Mother in under a minute:

Amtrak is testing 165 mph trains!

Scott Brown’s staff made a really racist video about Elizabeth Warren.  She hits back:

And finally (a lot of video today), remember Shit ___ says?  The creators talk:

That’s it for now, have a great one!


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