Today's Mighty Oak

Alright, let’s see what we have today.  First up, Mark Hamill pays tribute to Carrie Fisher in a wonderful way.  Joe Manganiello remembers the time she glitter bombed him.

This optical illusion is blowing my mind!

USA Today did not hold any punches when writing an editorial about Drumpf.

Jessica Jones is coming back, and I”m very excited:

We have a new chapter of Harry Potter!  Kind of.  Not really

DeRay McKesson is suing FOX news after being constantly slandered, good for him.

2 Political Junkies has an amazing icon of Darlene Harris, Defender of Faith and and Small, Noncompliant creches.

Did you know Wikipedia has a list of individual dogs?  They’re all very good boys.

A great take on being gay for the holidays:

In horrifying legal news, SCOTUS has declined to hear a case about employment discrimination, leaving a split in circuit court decisions.  This will be the followup to the Masterpiece Cakeshop case.

Also in bad news for us, gay people are more likely to have trouble sleeping.  But some good news, we tend to have happier relationships.

More scientific evidence about why some people are born gay, and the correlation to having older brothers.

That’s it for today, have a great one!

Alright, let’s see what we have today.  First up, in a great bit karma, a man who was refused a legal marriage license by Kim Davis is running to unseat her.  And she had to watch him fill out the paperwork.

One of my favorite podcasts, Welcome to Nightvale, is coming to TV, on FX.  I’m really not sure how this will work, but I’m excited!

An interesting, and infuriating dynamic concerning harassment, Matt Lauer and his treatment of Hillary during the campaign.

Submitted without comment:

Need a DIY holiday gift?  Here’s how to make wood-infused liquor.  As easy as is sounds.

Carrie Fisher’s dog, Gary, her constant companion, will appear (or at least an alien version of Gary), in The Last Jedi!

Another NaNoWriMo is in the books (ha) and I’m catching up with everything, so this is a long post  Here’s what we have today.  First up, a friendly reminder:

A reminder, ‘ex-gay’ isn’t a thing.  You can’t pray away the gay.  Although this man thinks he did.

A South African judge won’t let a gay couple adopt since they aren’t out, it would be damaging to the child.

Just to put in perspective how insane and bad things are, the President’s World AIDS Day proclamation didn’t mention gay people  Let that sink in.

An amazing comic from Surviving The World about the holiday wars.

And of course:

Sarah Silverman has a great response to the many, many famous men being outed as sexual predators.  Give it a read.

In a big step in the right direction, a judge has paved the way for sexual orientation to (finally) be a protected class in Pennsylvania.  For over a decade, legislation hasn’t been able to make it through Harrisburg, so this would be a really good step forward.

Painting restoration is amazing to watch!  It’s pretty much like magic!

Steve Grand has a new music video.  It’s a good song, the video is a bit forgettable:

Pinky and the Brain meets “Silence of the Lambs” is hysterical.

Men with muscles and money are more attractive.  A study was done about this.  That study was a waste of money.

Very important news!  Disney’s Star Tours will stop mixing eras up during the program.  A wrong has finally been righted!

Speaking of Star Wars, here’s a recap:

The trailer for season 3 of The Magicians has me very excited!

Now you can make the English Triffle from Friends that doesn’t taste disgusting.

Have you set up your gaytivity scene yet?

In case you forgot, OK Go is amazing:

This year, the GayVN awards (for porn, apparently) have put all non-white actors into an ‘ethnic’ category (and keeping them out of other categories).  And thankfully, some actors are speaking out and taking them to task for it.

A second actor speaks up here.

Just in case you’re one of the few who haven’t seen it, the new Avenger’s trailer:

For all your mass shooting ‘thoughts and prayers’ needs, just fill in the blanks.

Justin Trudeau gave an amazing speech apologizing to the Canadian queer community for how they were treated in the past by the government.

And finally, the Supreme Court will hear a huge case about business’ right to discriminate.  I’m really nervous about it, but hoping Kennedy pulls out a win:

Have a great one!

Shocker, people are idiots.

It’s decorative gourd season!  Check out this video years in the making:

Kids can become certified ninjas in Japan!  Well, close enough, at least!

A photographer added Pennywise into the engagement photos she did for her sister.

An awesome local protest piece of art here in town.

I”m so excited for Black Panther, check out the new trailer:

What happens with Chris Griffin and Pinky read Star Wars dialogue?  Tons of laughter.

Disney brought real sloths to the DMV to recreate Zootopia.  I’m so jealous!

Wizards of the Coast has pulled together some statistics about the most common race and class combinations, it’s pretty interesting.

Mika’s new song has dropped, and it’s catchy:

Another mystery solved: the scrolling text from The Matrix was a sushi recipe.

As always, XKCD makes a great point.

The trailer for season 3 of Eastsiders looks great (and even includes a stop in Pittsburgh)!  But sadly, Colby Keller is in it, so I may not watch it because of that (although I think this was filmed before he was doubling down on his white privilege):

That’s it for today, have a great one!

Alright, let’s see what we have today, first up, the new Google ear buds are going to change the world with live translations.

Stan Lee takes a stand against bigotry.

Fitz and the Tantrums’ new song is my new jam:

A touching tribute to Matthew Shepherd.

And speaking of, the politician who was saved by a married lesbian spoke at a convention dedicated to taking away her rights.

Oh hey, so did the president.  The first to do so.  He spoke at a convention that has discussed ways to pass legislation to put gay men to death.  Let that sink in.

Also in the horror show that is this administration, Jeff Sessions has rescinded protections for trans* people.

The president has also removed all mention of the queer community from the Health and Human Services department, meaning no mention of queer focused health initiatives.

And Jeff Sessions rescinded other protections for all members of the queer community.  These are things that affect people you love.  Be fucking pissed.

Okay, quick pallet cleanser.  The new trailer for Super Mario Odyssey takes the form of a Big Band musical number:

After the horrific shooting in Vegas, just a reminder that your thoughts and prayers do jack shit.  We need comprehensive gun control in this country, including a rescinding of the second amendment.

It boggles my mind that it takes something personally happening to someone for them to take action.  It is not that hard to actually think about other people and try to imagine a better world for them, as well as yourself.  But, predictably, when gun violence is close to a gun fanatic, suddenly, he realizes his mistake.  It infuriates me that it takes a tragedy like this for him to realize how wrong he is, but hey, at least he came around I guess.  I just won’t be patting him on the back for his sudden realization.

A Dutch news program takes on (with dark humor) the insanity that we live with here in the US:

Okay, the graphic designers have gotten a hold of the US map.

Speaking of graphic designers, a great SNL skit about fonts:

And if you can believe it, the man who created Papyrus, responds!

Stranger Things 2 (or the second season, not sure what to call it) looks amazing:

The president rolls back the mandate for birth control under health care, because he wants to drive up abortion rates, the cost of healhtcare and get rid of preventative medicine.  Just kidding, he’s a racist and since it is both something Obama put into place and a GOP wet-dream, it’s gone.

And I’ll just drop this here, the 10 things you need to know about Patriotism:

In good medical news, due to PrEP, there has been a huge drop in new HIV cases in England (where it was studied).

And finally, the amazing trailer for Star Wars: The Last Jedi:

Alright, let’s see what we have today.  First up, a beautiful look at Pluto!

Hyperloop One had it’s first test run, and it looks really cool!

Eli Lieb’s new song:

There is a new AR Star Wars resort coming to Disney, and I really want to go!  In other Star Wars news, a fake study about midichlorians made it into four scientific journals.

Would you like to dance like David Bowie?  From Labyrinth?  Of course you do!

In a huge blow, the new administration is arguing that federal protections do not apply to LGBT workers.  This was an absolutely huge win during the Obama administration, so this is a tough loss.

The Catholic Church: still a hate group.  Now a bishop has said that gay men won’t get last rights or funerals.

And finally, an awesome behind the scenes peak at Star Wars: The Last Jedi:

That’s it for today, have a great one!

Alright, let’s see what we have today.  First up, the only way to present a puppy:

 Lord of the Rings tarot cards, pretty awesome artwork!

There will be a fantasy league for the puppy bowl this year.  Yes, you did read that correctly.

A little late for this year (unless you celebrate Orthodox Christmas), but this is well done:

The Onion takes on hell.  And it’s fabulous take-over.

How big is the moon?  This big.

How a choir of “silent monks” did to celebrate Christmas.

A son’s Christmas gift to his dad:

An alternate ending to Harry Potter, very well done, actually.

How Libertarians have failed the country on gay rights.

When Thomas Kinkade and Star Wars mix.  Pretty awesome!

That’s it for now, have a great one everybody!

Alright, let’s see what we have today.  First up, the trailer for Disney’s Maleficient:

I really can’t prepare you for this, but 12 awful sex tips from Cosmo…presented by Gollum.

All the weird stuff that Blockbuster is putting up for sale on Craigslist.

And also, the new Muppets trailer:

Sadly, I don’t fit the age categories, but if you do, you can audition for Star Wars Episode VII

As it turns out, dinosaurs might have been bigger than we thought.  Scary!

Who knew that dollar bills could be such works of art.  Check them out here

In breaking news, women make less than men.  And it’s awkward when it comes out in politics.

Personally, as a matter of style, I don’t use the Oxford comma, but I’m always of the camp that whichever style you choose, you be consistent with it.  And XKCD covered it here.

That’s it for now, but I’ll be back with more soon, Happy Thanksgiving!

It’s been a while, so I have a lot of fun stuff to share, let’s get started.  First up, amazing facts about frogs:

Holy crap, scientists have invented Lightsabers!

The commissioner of the NBA slams the Olympics for their handling of the Russia LGBT laws.  And speaking of, Brian Brown, head of NOM, worked with Russia lawmakers to draft the legislation working its way through the Duma to forcibly take children from LGBT adults.

And lastly about Russia, a music video about the torture of the Russian church:

Sometimes, grandmothers play one of my favorite games, Cards Against Humanity.  Yeah, weird and creepy, and I would have given her the point for that round.

Just like you can’t open a business and refuse to serve the Irish, or women, or Jews, you can’t flat our refuse to serve the LGBT community.  Unless the Republican party gets it way, of course.

The new trailer for the next Hobbit movie:

You’ve probably seen the Chipotle ad that’s making its way across the Internet, but here is the “truth” version.

Here’s a great essay about the impact Harry Potter has.

And another great essay at the Good Men Project about gay sex.

This will make you smile, I promise:

That’s it for now, have a great one!

Alright, let’s see what we have today.  First up, the Patton Oswalt Star Wars filibuster (all from his head by the way, not scripted) has been animated:

As the debate about voter ID laws continue, here’s some startling facts:

Between 2000 and 2010 there were 649 million votes cast in general elections; 47,000 UFO sightings; 441 Americans killed by lightning; and 13 credible cases of in-person voter impersonation.

So this is really, really scary: a child has burst into flames…four times!  And to be fair, he would more likely be part of the FF (Fantastic Four/Future Force, whatever they’re called at the moment).

Awesome music video from Mumford and Sons…and fiends:

A federal court has struck down a bigoted anti-Islamic law in Oklahoma.  It’s really nice to see that, as there has been a rash of hatred in the south (and the west) and it all seems so knee-jerk racism with no grounds in reality.

Good news, the American Bar Association is pushing a ban on using the “gay panic” defense.  Nice to see that making its way forward as well.

This is a bit sadistic, but fun to watch.  Turn on the English closed captions to know what’s going on:

That’s it for today, have a great one!

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