Today's Mighty Oak

Alright, let’s see what we have today (lots of video):

First up, it’s an overused song, but it is the encore to the musical American Idiot, and is a great arrangement:

My favorite bit about the entire horse meat scandal?  Denny’s wouldn’t deny that they served horse meat.

For those who like Sriracha, how about in your beer?  I”ll pass.

Thanks to Josh for finding this high adventure urinal:

I may have posted this before, but it is a beautiful episode, and timely, since I just read Hyrule Historia.

This is a little trippy, but I love it:

Woy posted this to twitter, and although it’s now a bit sad, it’s a great sign:

As a reminder, the ACLU defends free speech.  Even if it’s speech they don’t agree with.  That’s kind of their job and why I support them so much.

Lots of nerdy fun in this one:

The aptly named, Is Nate Silver a Witch (.com)  Probably, by the way.

NFL Quarterbacks and their Muppet counterparts.

I enjoyed this short TED video:

Alright, that’s it for today, have a great one!

Alright, let’s see what we have, first up, this amazing performance by the OSU marching band, the amount of cheering is awesome:

The Tom Hanks/Nerdist typewriter saga.

Since we can’t learn about his tax returns, we can instead, make stuff up.  Sounds legit.

And this is just asshatery at it’s finest.  Much like the owner of Papa John’s saying that if Obama is reelected he’ll have to raise pizza prices for his customers.

Angry Birds Star Wars is coming, and I’m excited.  Cautious, but excited:

PTSD is absolutely vicious, and the VA at best sometimes, seems incompetent.  Will this work, I’m not sure, but I hope it can at least bring some conversation to the table at the condition and how we can work together to support our veterans.

ManMade DIY has a flow chart on how to pick the perfect apple.

If it weren’t for all the tunnel construction (and my schedule), I would go to this play, looks pretty amazing!  And it’s done with Zunes!

I’m so glad that this is now a thing:

I don’t think it will work, sadly, but a valiant effort to have a reasonable conversation about gun violence.

This just confuses me, but I want to make one!

And if you haven’t read it, Chris Kluwe once again knocks it out of the park.  Or I guess I should use some sort of football analogy.

That’s it for now, but I’ll be back soon with more!

Quick update for everyone, let’s see what I have today.  First up, from Better Book Titles, “The Colour of Magic” which is the first book of an amazing series:

If you haven’t watched it before, a short TED talk by Frank Warren of PostSecret.  Fun fact, whenever the conversation comes to who I could have dinner with if I could with anyone in the world, Warren is always on my list.  I saw him speak at Pitt and it was amazing, so check out the talk.

Good Old Games is finally able to offer the Quest for Glory series.  All five games!  I’m totally excited and going to be losing a lot of time to these (one and five are the best, in my opinion).  Such amazing games!

I’m trying to find a link, but the rumor I heard on a podcast is that in the upcoming Spiderman tie in game, if you preorder (I think from Amazon), you unlock the ability to play as Stan Lee in one of the levels.  Epic!

Awesome new blog from a jaded copywriter: Depressed Copywriter:

In case you care, which you shouldn’t, check out Bristol Palin’s response to Obama’s interview yesterday.  The irony will make you laugh out loud.  Or weep, probably both, actually.

And if you too need to ‘evolve’ on the issue, may I suggest this link.  I especially love images 4, 6 and 14

The staff of the Stranger got a plastic dinosaur and took lots of pictures with him!

That’s it for now, but I’ll be back again soon, have a great one!


Quick update for everyone, and hopefully I’ll be back again later today, here’s what I’ve found this time:

First up, the NSFW trailer for the new movie Ted:

And speaking of NSFW, check out the first episode of Savage U.  It’s edited for a younger audience, so short clips, almost sound-byte quality, but its a good watch.

For your daily dose of political news, check this out:

Sad that there is such a price discrepancy!

Geek and Sundry kicked off this week with two great videos, first up a new music video from The Guild:

And the first episode of The Flog:

And lastly, I will also be back with my annual Good Friday post, but until then, enjoy this:


Back with a couple things for everyone.  First up, I’ll have to wonder if my laptop bag (a new one I just switched to by the way) will forever smell like vanilla, since I splashed my drink onto it.  Not too much, but enough.  But then the table next to me spilled their entire drink on the floor, so I feel a little better.


A follow up to the cello Star Wars, I like this one better by the way:

Here is the Muppabet, which reached the end, and has since ended.  That’s a neat idea though, to have a set end for a blog.

Don’t click unless you want to feel your arteries clog up.  I’ll give you a hint, it involves a McRib, bacon and fried mozzarella sticks.

Okay, one more Muppet item, this amazing mash up with the Lord of the Rings.

Here’s a good graph for you:


The creator of TED is looking to recreate the conference once again.

I have a few friends who will love this for the pokeman reference.  I have others who will love it for the gardening skills.  Here is the pokerose.

When I’m out in public and can overheard a first date, I live tween using the hashtag #FirstDateEavesdropping and it’s a fun time.  Andy Boyle did the same, but with a break-up

He’s out of the race, and didn’t have a chance to begin with, but I had a special type of vitriol for Herman Cain, seeing as he’s racist against the Lebanese.

That’s it for now, catch everyone later!

Another quick entry for you:

First up, awesome clocks, I hope to own one one day.

Pretty awesome idea for renters with overbearing landlords, a chair that is a satellite dish:


I love this idea, use your wedding reception as a mini TED Conference.  Break out the (PowerPoint) slides!

This is probably more of a link for The Great and Secret Show, but I’ll post it here.  Skyrim apparently needs a bit of an update.  One of the things I think the Myst series did very well was the story told by the world (since there were so few characters, Myst IV being the exception of course, but let’s not talk about Revelations).

Okay, that one was a lot shorter than I thought.  I’m updating my computer, and it needs to restart, so I’ll be back in a bit.

First up, a couple social media updates.  First, the person responsible for the Red Cross’ twitter feed tweeted under that account, when he thought it was his personal account.  The result actually was a ton of people pledged to donate blood with some help from Dog Fish Beer.  Pretty cool to read about how a company dealt well with a faux pas.

And to follow up, Slog links to two maps: one here, the other here, to help you track the revolutions of the Middle East.

And here is the counter-argument about Twitter specifically not toppling governments:

I can’t tell if this is real or not, but this could only happen via the Internet:

Here is a great list of awesome flyers.  One of my favorites:

We went out last night for a friend’s birthday, and what has become somewhat of a tradition, there was a lot of Bacon on Dana’s fries.  So in honor of that, I give you this amazing chart.

Take a look at this, it’s really cool to watch.  I’m pretty sure I’ve seen an older version of this as a TED talk, but this is way cooler:

Have you played Angry Birds?  If so, check out the letters home from the Pigs, really funny!

And this is just cool, check it out:

BuzzFeed has an amazing infographic about Girl Scout Cookies that is just giant, so go check it out.  Also, I really miss the Lemon Coolers, they were great!

Okay, one more video:

Nah, I lied, here’s a new original from Funny or Die, the premise basically started in PA:

Daily Kos has an interesting article about Republicans and reproductive health

Okay, that’s it for now, but I’ll be back later with more, have a great one!

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