Today's Mighty Oak

Week 3, again!

I hope everyone had a wonderful Independence Day. I ended up going out to Nemacolin’s fireworks show, which was pretty good. It was a bit short, but fun nonetheless. We were up on top of a hill, the wind was blowing and there were lots of people. I also got to see the Nemacolin Castle for the first time from a fairly short distance. It is beautiful and gigantic, I want to go back and take pictures of the property sometime, but I don’t think they would be happy if I did that.

A fun new product coming out on the market is the ability to add falvored water to a faucet or pitcher. I believe Brita is doing it, and it should hit retail pretty soon. Pretty cool, although I like the idea, I tend to want a variety of flavors, not just one at a time, but it seems really cool nonetheless.

Apparantly Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix opened early in Pittsburgh for a special sneak peek, which was available via myspace. Pretty cool, I’ll watch it when I’m home next at the end of the month.

Speaking of myspace, there is a band, “The Karl Hendricks Rock Band” which was recently featured in the Post Gazette. One of the band members was wearing a Heritage Iron Man shirt, and I was trying to get in touch with him. It took a lot of tracking down, but I found them on myspace, and finally made contact (thankfully, I had a myspace profile from a while ago, I still have yet to really do anything with it, I’d rather just stick to facebook). It turns out he got the shirt at a thrift store, and had no idea what Heritage was. He was interested though and was very pleasant, which was nice.

Although I did get a small reprise on Tuesday: the power went out on the whole mountain. Our phones worked for a while, but soon enough their battery backup went down and I could do just about nothing. So I sorted the mail, pulled some things out, cleaned a bit and then just relaxed on the porch until we had power again.

In other gadget news, a company in China is releasing a device that detects seismic activity and alerts those around it. You only get about 30 seconds warning, but it’s still better than nothing. We have what we call the ThunderChicken (it’s really called a ThunderBolt, but it squawks) which alerts us to nearby storms, so it’s kind of like that, and could be very useful in places like California.

When I was home last weekend, I saw a great sign at the Taco Bell in on 22: “Best Chicken in Miracle Mile.” The Chick-Fil-A is set to open right next to it, and I think Taco Bell is feeling the pressure.

I also got to try out Big Brain Academy at E.B. Games, which was really fun and a bit addicting. My brain got a C++ rating (I kid you not, although I don’t know the language), but to be fair, a couple walked right in front of me while I was playing, blocking my wiimote from interacting and it wasn’t very good at giving instructions, I’m sure if I went through again I could do better.

I also headed over to Ken’s (from Liberty, not the Ranger) house the other night, which was a nice time. He needed to pick up some stuff and wanted some company. The ride was a lot of fun, Emmeline went as well and we just went there and back, but it was nice to be off property for a bit.

I think that’s it for now (I have one other note written down, but for the life of me, I can’t remember what it means, so it will have to wait for now), I have a second list all filled up in the office, so hopefully there will be another entry soon! Have a great one!

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