Today's Mighty Oak

Week 6 (but really talking about 4 and 5)

First “real” blog post in a while, sorry about that.  I have a bunch of notes (and a second card filled), so another post should be following this one soon, assuming I can get some free time to write it out (and remember what all my notes meant).

I saw Transformers (which I might have mentioned here before), and it was amazing in every sense a movie could be!  The only downside was it was long enough that I was uncomfortable by the end of the movie (Uniontown movie theater seats are not comfortable).

However, on the way back, driving down 119, I did hit a possum, which was very sad.  It’s actually the first bit of roadkill that I’ve produced.  But it was either that or go careening over the hillside, so I figured it was better for everyone involved (except the possum).

Also speaking of animals, there was a hummingbird in Keystone today.  Tim caught him and we let him free, naming him Petie (in honor of the bird from freshmen year).  There was also a hummingbird in the Stockade today, I like to think it was the same one.  I went for a hike around the lake (and took a ton of pictures) and saw 2 squirrels, bringing my reservation total to 3 in all the years I’ve been here, a ton of deer and two black snakes.

I saw a bunch of leaders at the end of week four when I went to visit at Freedom’s blue card party.  I saw Vern, Karen Liebman, Mary Hines (the scouter, not the ARHD, congratulations Mary!) and Jeff Jones.  I ended up sitting in my old chair, and Jeff sat down in his, it was wonderful!

I learned how to play Texas Hold ‘em one night while I was CQ, which was very exciting, and I came in second place (we didn’t play for money, as it was a spur of the moment thing and none of us had money with us).  My last CQ is tonight, which is exciting, I’m going to do some work here in the office, organizing and such to save myself some time in the future, then I’m heading to bed after reading a bit.

A week or two ago, a bunch of us went out to the Pike and one of the local houses had fireworks!  It was a lot of fun to watch them go off as we listened to the (decent) band, Impaqt.

On a sad note, Victor’s kitten, who he named after me, died on the fourth of July.  Very sad news indeed, Victor called me from Alaska to let me know.

Oh well, that’s it for now, catch everyone later!

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