Today's Mighty Oak

Well, she’s a teenager. She ignores me anyway, so I don’t think she’ll even notice if I ignore her back.

Pretty big update today, hope you’ll find something you like!

First up, scientists have figured out a way to kill the emerald ash borer, the invasive beetle destroying America’s forests: by designing a special bug zapper they want to have sex with.

Explore the Death Star with this interactive map.

I feel as though this was specifically made for me:

A porn parody in the style of Wes Anderson.  It’s exactly what it sounds like.

New Line is planning on doing an L. Frank Baum biopic, awesome!

Watch this awesome guy high-five people trying to hail cabs in NYC:

The Dalai Lama says there’s no reason for a successor, he should be the last.

HRC president apologizes to the trans* community.  Which is really, really a big deal.  Awesome.

This was also bisexual visibility week, and here’s a great article about something I learned this week: lopsided bisexuality.

A Rube Goldberg machine powered only by light:

Did you catch the gay couple in the DirecTV commercial during the opening game of the NFL season?

Judge rules that BP was grossly negligent in the 2010 Gulf Spill.  In other news, the sky: blue.

Awwwwww, Groot is the latest celebrity who’s nudes got hacked from the iCloud (fake, obviously.  He’s a sentient tree)

Is this the most important image on the Internet:

Seriously, the universe is beautiful.  Check out this new picture of Andromeda.

While playing for the Dallas Cowboys, Michael Sam is wearing number 46, the year the NFL and MLB (in the minor leagues) color barriers were broken.

Remember, when you open your school to one religion, you have to open it to all.  That’s how the Satanists are passing out books at a school in Florida.

This guy is faster than a speeding train.  Amazing:

A gay festival in Russia was attached with poisoned gas.  The people who gassed the festival?  Members of the Russian Orthodox Church and and a local lawmaker.

However, because of all the blowback of the Socci Olympics, the IOC is adding sexual identity protections to prerequisites to host future games.

Panic! At The Disco nails it:

Big news from the Catholic Church, they may allow members to use birth control.  I mean, besides the cases they already do.  And besides the fact that most members already do.  But still, progress!

And also in good news from the Catholic Church, the Pope personally presided over a wedding of 20 couples, including one couple already living together and one couple where the wife already had a child.  Redefining matrimony!

And the best way to end any day:

Have a great one!

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