Today's Mighty Oak

Wherein I remember to be grateful

Written: 02/20/2011

Facebook is a strange, strange place.  One of the current annoying trends is people posting on their wall and asking others to pass it on, about how 3% will repost.  This tactic has been used for good causes, things like soldiers and fighting cancer, funny things, Browns fans, and stupid thing, people that need to be punched in the face.

Last week, one of the bartenders posted an anti LGBT bullying message.

I was extremely grateful.  One truth that I’ve learned, is that it’s hardest to come out to those you care about the most: you have more to lose, the stakes are higher.

I don’t really care about acquaintances, co-workers (aside from the fact that I would lose my job) or family (my close family I know will love me no matter what).  But I’m really worried about a couple close friends, I don’t want to lose them, I care about them.  So it was nice to be reminded that I’ll still have a seat at the bar, and still have a friend to drink with (and watch Wipeout with).

Maybe it’s a turning point, maybe I can relax a bit, or at least, be in a better place.

All my best,

The King of Spades

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