Today's Mighty Oak

Wherein I talk about NCAC

The Washington Post has a great profile on two gay brothers, one an Eagle Scout, the other finishing up his project and paperwork now, and their involvement in a local protest to encourage the National Capital Area Council to vote for equality.

Here’s the crux of the matter:

For those who are against including gay youth in the Boy Scouts of America, they don’t see a continuum in someone’s life,” Felker said. They don’t see that little boys who think kissing anyone is gross discover only later who they want to be on the receiving end of that gesture. “What is it about that person’s character that suddenly makes them incompatible with the core values of the Boy Scouts? They didn’t change from being cute little Cub Scouts into being morally questionable adults. They’re still good guys. They still really care about the social good.”

A switch just doesn’t flip making someone gay and making them suddenly lose all the positive values they’ve learned from the BSA, nor are the two mutually exclusive.  They never have been.

And again, it’s not as if there have never been gay men and lesbians in the BSA, we’ve always been there, working to make the world a little better.  And we see the positive impact that the BSA has on kids, and has on adults (they learn quite a bit as well), and it’s important that as part of the greater world, we’re part of the BSA movement as well.

All my best,


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