Today's Mighty Oak

WOLF BLITZER: Uh, yes, upon last reports, Anna Nicole Smith is still dead.

Alright, fun update today.

You may have seen the video of strangers kissing.  This is a much better version:


First up, a GOP lobbyist was trying to write a bill making it illegal for gay men to play in the NFL, specifically targeting Michael Sam.

And a Republican from South Dakota thinks business should be able to refuse to serve gays…and racial minorities.  While many Republicans feel that way, they aren’t dumb enough to add the second part to the sentence and expose their bigotry.

Coco Peru plays the new Grand Theft Auto, and her commentary is hilarious:

A bar in South Carolina put up a sign saying no conceal weapons.  Funny, but insulting.  But I like it.

An asshole teacher in West Virginia was suspended after mocking the Gay-Straight Alliance in his school on Facebook.

Randy Rainbow does a great song dedicated to “Adel Dazeem:”

It’s weird to think that a Catholic website is giving away guns to entice more people to join.  But hey, maybe Jesus would have wanted us to have semi-automatic guns. 

A man looked at the birds on the wires outside his home and translated it into music, and it’s beautiful:

Robbie Roger’s team captain made sure to include him in the locker room message, and it’s awesome:

The St. Patrick’s Day Parade has for years not allowed LGBT groups to march.  In response this year, Sam Adams, Guinness and Heineken all pulled their sponsorships.  The leader of the hate-group, The Catholic League, decided he wanted to test it and applied to march in the NYC Pride parade.  He was granted a space, but like every other group, is required to attend a training session about safety and logistics, which he is now claiming is “gay training” and refusing to attend but blaming it on the gays.  Sigh.

That’s it for now, have a great one!

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