Today's Mighty Oak

And dreams came around you in a hazy rain

Quick update today, first up, in case you missed it, watch President Obama’s farewell address.  For a little bit, it made me hopeful for the future, and is a great send off for the work we have to do during the next administration.

And speaking of Obama, he surprised Joe Biden with the Presidential Medal of Freedom with Distinction, and it’s touching (and well deserved)

A new trailer for The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild dropped, and it looks amazing:

A new study has estimated that Pokemon Go has added more than 144 billion steps to our global activity levels.  That’s awesome!

Mark Hamill (who voices the Joke in the Batman animated series) is doing god’s work by reading Drumpf’s tweets as The Joker.

Current regulations make gay men remain celibate for a year if they want to donate blood, and a man did that, to protest the discriminatory ban.

And finally, the IOS has a great video about how we have to work together, have a watch:

That’s it for today, have a great one!

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