Today's Mighty Oak

When everything’s coming your way, you’re in the wrong lane.

Let’s see what we have today, first up, don’t worry, Drumpf is taking a long weekend.  Thank goodness there isn’t a war starting in Western Africa or North Korea is reading nuclear weapons.

Speaking of, Al Franken is having none of Betsy DeVos and her lies or support of gay “conversion” therapy.  DeVos also thinks we should have guns in schools because of bear attacks.  Seriously.

Dumpf is already planning slashing large chunks of the government, including essential services for women who are victims of domestic abuse, and the national endowments for the arts and humanities.

And in further horrific news, Drumpf has already shut down the office of AIDS policy.  To those saying “we survived Bush/Reagan, we’ll survive this,” I will remind you that we literally are missing a generation of gay men due to the AIDS crisis and Regan’s refusal to even say the word.  Check your privilege, not everyone made it.

But let’s look at the positives, here’s a great thank you to Obama:

Brian Sims is introducing legislation to ban conversion therapy in the state!

In other good news, the abortion rate is the lowest it’s been in decades! (expect that to change as Republicans seek to close health clinics, but for now, good news!)  A reminder, those of us who are pro-choice don’t want to see more abortions, and with comprehensive sex-ed as well as access to resources at Planned Parenthood, the abortion rate will continue to decline!

And here’s how to dedicate yourself to making the world a better place!

Okay, one last comic before we move on:

xkcd has a shout out to Yucca Mountain!  Yes, I’m an energy nerd.  I’ve accepted that (and a transportation nerd).

And JoHo looks at how maybe, just maybe, we’re not a horrible species.

I had a great weekend, and I’ll be uploading some pics and talking about it soon, so look for that!


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