Today's Mighty Oak

Today marks the anniversary of the Stonewall Riots, what is commonly referred to as the beginning of the modern LGBT equality movement and the reason that June is Pride month.  If you’re not familiar, here’s what happened:

People ask why we celebrate pride.  NoFo writes it much more eloquently than I ever could, here is an excerpt:

We’re proud because despite relentless persecution everywhere we turn—when organized religion viciously attacks and censures and vilifies us in the name of selective morality, when our families disown us, when our elected officials bargain away our equality for hate votes, when entire states codify our families into second-class citizenship, when our employers fire us, when our landlords evict us, when our police harass us, when our neighbors and colleagues and fellow citizens openly insult and condemn and mock and berate and even beat and kill us—we continue to survive.

We’re proud because—thanks to the incredible bravery shown by gay people who lived their lives openly in the decades before us—we can live our lives more and more openly at home, at work, with our families, on our blogs … and even on national television.

We’re proud because after all we’ve been through, the world is starting to notice and respect us and emulate the often fabulous culture we’ve assembled from the common struggles and glorious diversity of our disparate lives.

We’re proud because this weekend we’ll celebrate with drag queens, leather queens, muscle queens, attitude queens and you’d-never-know-they-were-queens queens, and together we can see through the “pride” in our parade and enjoy the underlying Pride in our parade.

Quite simply, we’re proud that we have so much to be proud of.

We can take some time, and even in the face of hatred, bigotry and discrimination, we can carve a place in this world, claim it our own and celebrate.

We can celebrate the community that we have, the radical acceptance that we embody and the fact that we’ve survived.  We have a chance to come together, remind ourselves we belong to a larger community, have some fun and take back our city; just for a little bit, even when it’s still dangerous to be perceived as gay, even in places like The Village:

This is my home. I’ve walked by that corner hundreds of times while holding Tony’s hand. And now, holding his hand again, I felt sick to my stomach. I felt sick because of the injustice. Because of the loss of life. Because my home had been violated. Because I thought we had moved beyond this. Because I felt vulnerable.

We know that hatred will continue, but still we march forward.  We have pride because it helps those coming after us.  In the words of Harvey Milk, it gives the next generation hope:

And this is a chance to celebrate the fact that I’ve survived.  A chance to celebrate the fact that I’m a proud gay man.  And even that act, powerful unto itself, has hopefully made a difference.

The most important and powerful action a person can make is to come out to those around them.  Then the LGBT community isn’t a scary abstract anymore, it has a face.  If you know someone who is openly LGBT, you see their humanity.  You can understand that we’re not asking for anything special, just the same rights everyone else is guaranteed by the constitution.  A chance to be happy.  A chance to live the life we want, surrounded by those we love.

When will we stop talking about coming out?

“Many of us want to, and will: when a gay, lesbian or transgendered kid isn’t at special risk of being brutalized or committing suicide.

“When a gay person’s central-casting earnestness and eloquence aren’t noted with excitement and relief, because his or her sexual orientation needn’t be accompanied by a litany of virtues and accomplishments in order for bigotry to be toppled and a negative reaction to be overcome.”

We will stop talking about coming out when it’s not news anymore, when the last barriers have finally been broken down.  We’ll stop screaming for our rights when we’re finally treated as equals by our government.  We’ll only stop telling our stories when they don’t matter.

This is a bit heavy handed (the original that this parodies was also over the top), but Crew Magazine put this together, and it rings true:

So we keep fighting for progress, wherever we can.  We celebrate our advances and keep chipping away at our obstacles: and this month we can celebrate both, as well as the individuals that make up our amazing community.

We’re proud of how far we’ve come.  We’re proud to keep fighting.  We’re proud.

All my best,


Pride was this past weekend, and it was kind of perfect in so many ways, and pretty much exactly what I needed.  If you’re interested in what my day was like, read below.  It’s kind of long, and very much like an actual blog (I know, scary, right?).  If not, I won’t be offended either, promise.


Last week, the Boy Scouts national council voted (61% in favor) to approve the membership resolution which allows openly LGB youth to be members of the program (as far as I can tell, there is nothing either way about gender identity, I’ve seen some conflicting reports, so I’ll keep digging).

Which means that children that start off in Cub Scouts (or Boy Scouts, Venturing, etc), are able to come out and be their honest selves.  An amendment to that membership policy to allow openly LGBT adults was sent to committee and it looks like won’t be acted on for a while.  The new membership policy goes into effect on Jan. 1, 2014, leaving time for the national organization to update their youth protection, anti-bullying and other programs.

Of course, this creates a strange situation where youth can come out as gay, would have to leave their troop when he turns 18, but could remain a youth member of a Venture Crew (or Ship or Post) until he is 21.

And this also brings about the biggest hypocrisy, which anyone with half a brain can see: The BSA is proud of you and happy to have you until you’re 18, but after that, you don’t meet their moral code and have to be kicked out.  That somehow, non-heterosexual adults are dangerous and immoral.  

People on both sides were outraged, which was to be expected I suppose.

On the right, we have the hate-groups proclaiming that this is the end of the BSA, and that they should still be discriminating against children.  Yes, let that sink in.  These are groups advocating that a group should be discriminating against children, simply for how they were born.

They scream and yell that this will lead to straight kids sleeping in tents with gay kids.  But they need to remember that that has been happening for over 100 years.  The big lie is that the membership ban is a policy that’s been in place for over 100 years.  The BSA itself is 103 years old, the membership ban was not added until recently (the 1990’s), and then reinforced in 2000 via the supreme court case.

This is not about sex (or politics as many add), it never has been.  Any sexual contact in Scouting is inappropriate, just as it always has been.  I’ll never really understand the obsession those on the right have with gay sex.  Seriously, they think about it more than I do, or any LGBT friend that I have.

And to reiterate…again…there is no link between homosexuality and pedophelia.  I’ve written about it extensively, The case against discrimination.

But they need to realize the public component to sexuality, that’s the missing piece.  A Senior Patrol Leader talking about scheduling his Eagle Scout project around a dance he is attending with his girlfriend is the public side of sexuality.  There is nothing inherently wrong with that, just the scheduling woes of a typical teenager.  But for a gay kid, having to tiptoe around details in his life is a minefield.  And not exactly trustworthy either.

No one is asking or saying that Scouts are completely open about every facet of their lives with other members of their troop.  But tight bonds form, lifelong friendships are forged and a whole patrol works so closely together that it’s like a family.  And hiding such a big part of your self, even a fact that has no bearing whatsoever on your abilities as a Scout, is asking the impossible.

What those opposed to this also need to remember is that the BSA is faith-based, but does not subscribe to one particular faith.  You can’t impose your own doctrine onto others or use it to set policy.  And there are plenty of religions that reject the idea of homosexuality as sin.

On a side note to this, I get a certain amount of glee watching the folks at On My Honor freak out over all this, but their membership (and again, you can’t hold everything random facebook group members say against the group itself, but when it’s the vast majority like this, you start to make some connections) gives Christianity such a bad name.  The amount of misogynistic, anti-muslim and anti-jew speech, on top of the homophobia, is just appalling.

And on the other side, we have those who gnash their teeth and rend their garments because the change doesn’t go far enough.  This is a stepping stone to full equality and a huge step in the right direction.  They need to remember that this is the more important step, the one that protects the youth.

The BSA is a youth-led organization; it exists for the youth.  Adults that are threatening to leave because this isn’t enough need to check their egos at the door and see this as the positive step that it is.  There are going to be gay kids that need your support in Scouting: be there for them and keep pushing for change from within.

And again, anyone with half a brain can see that the adult membership ban won’t be around for much longer, and kids can see the inherent hypocrisy of the current membership policies.

The BSA is a private organization, and still has the ability to set its own membership standards, just as any private organization does, that is what came out of the Dale v BSA case in 2000.  The government did not step in and make this happen, it is a new policy enacted by the voting members of the national council, a private organization setting its own membership standards.

There is no gay agenda to destroy the BSA or the foundations of the United States.  There is only a wish to be seen as equal, to be treated fairly and to offer every single youth the chance to be part of a fantastic organization.

And we need to remember that this is a big step forward, the BSA is no longer discriminating against children: treating every youth with basic human decency.  This is not adding sexuality to the Boy Scouts, this is simply acknowledging that LGBT youth exist.

Scouts for Equality and the Inclusive Scouting Network (along with the HRC and GLAAD) continue the fight, even though we don’t know how long it will take.  But more change and full equality is coming.

Today we celebrate.  Tomorrow we continue the fight.

All my best,



This is actually the second time I’ve written this out (I got distracted, surprise surprise and I timed out), which means I’ve lost the list of links I had here.  But suffice to say it’s the normal hate groups predicting the end of the BSA and in this case, demanding that we keep hurting kids (and the leaders that voted for the change, seriously, there were calls for drownings).  By this point, you can probably recreate what they said on your own, so we’ll let them keep their filth to themselves.  A few other councils have announced they are in support of a fully-inclusive membership policy, so it’s nice to see that spread across the country as well and the opposing group to Scouts for Equality is trying to form their own national group, but since they can’t find one that hates the right people, they are mulling making their own new organization from scratch.  Which will be great once they get sued for using Merit Badge (which has a copyright) or anything else similar.

I love the phrase “For science!” so I was excited to see a study released about the affects of marriage equality and discrimination:

[P]reventing gay and lesbian couples from getting married leads to negative side effects, including a 37% increase in mood disorders, a 42% increase in alcohol-use disorders, and a 248% increase in generalized anxiety disorders, according to Mark Hatzenbuehler, a psychologist at Columbia University.

And the opposite is true as well:

Hatzenbuehler has also found, in a study conducted in Massachusetts, that gay men experienced fewer stress-related disorders after that state permitted gay marriage.

In a study tracking the health of 1,211 gay men in Massachusetts, Hatzenbuehler found that the men visited doctors less often and had lower health treatment costs after Massachusetts legalized same-sex marriage.

It’s interesting to see studies showing this, and just the fact that having the rights we fight for are enough to boost public health.  Coupled with the economic benefits of marriage equality and non-discrimination ordinances, it really is a no-brainer.  And that’s science!

You can read more about it here.

All my best,


Updated: Check out the very bottom of this post for an update log.

I think that sometimes I take for granted that everyone else isn’t inside my head.  Believe me, that’s a good thing (for all of us), but just in terms of some knowledge, I want to make sure we all understand what I’m talking about.

Chances are you’ll recognize or know some of what I’m talking about below, maybe even all of it, but I hope you learn something.  I’ve tried to organize it in sections, hopefully it makes sense.  I also tried to keep it brief, there are of course many more details and many more subjects I did not get to, and I’m focused on Pennsylvania, since I’m here.  Your mileage may vary.

There’s a lot we should be proud of (ignoring the fact that we had to fight for what few rights we have), and a lot to continue to work for.  There are many people we owe quite a bit to, and all those we continue to fight for.  Let’s get started.

Hank Green (SciShow, Crash Course, Vlog Brothers), sums up the biological side of things pretty succinctly and is a good place to start:

Alphabet Soup
LGBTQ….There’s a lot more letters that come come after, many of which I don’t know.  Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Trans(gendered and sexual), Queer, Questioning, Ally….and the list goes on and on.  Hence the name, “alphabet soup.”  In our desire to be inclusive, we have a huge tent.  I’ve noted it elsewhere, but I, when I remember, like to use the order GBLT, because who doesn’t love a good BLT sandwich?

Lawrence v Texas
This 2003 supreme court case struck down anti-sodomy laws across the country, although many still remain on the books.  Anti-sodomy laws were used primarily against the LGBT community to literally invade their bedrooms and arrest them, while heterosexuals engaged in any sodomy behavior (any sex not for procreation) were not prosecuted.  This was actually the second time these laws were brought before the supreme court, the first being 1986’s Bowers v Hardwick.  Basically, before these laws, it was illegal to be LGBT in states with these laws.

Hate Crimes
Federal hate crime legislation protects citizens against hate crimes based on a variety of classes, and in 2009, sexual orientation and gender expression were finally added (as well as other expansions of the law).  Hate crime protection gives police forces additional funds to investigate and prosecute hate crimes, as well as bringing stronger sentences for those convicted.  Fun fact, heterosexuals are now finally protected from hate crimes by homosexuals as well.

Hospital Visitation
It was not until 2011, after a series of high-profile incidents, that hospital visitation rights were extended to the LGBT community (in hospitals receiving federal aid).  Imagine not being allowed to be next to the person you love as they lie dying in a hospital.  Powers of attorney, patient wishes and even civil unions had been ignored, leading to the necessity of an executive order.

Don’t Ask Don’t Tell was the policy, fully repealed in 2011, that made LGB members of the armed forces hide who they were or face a dishonorable discharge.  Members of the military can still be dismissed for being transgendered.

Defense of Marriage Act is what currently defines federal marriage law and the reciprocity between states’ marriage laws.  The federal government does not recognize same-sex marriage, so couples in states with marriage equality are barred from over 1,100 rights and must file separate tax returns.  Lambda Legal brought the case Windsor v United States to the supreme court to overturn parts of DOMA, especially those dealing with federal recognition and taxation.  Edith Windsor is a widow, but was forced to pay over $300,000 in estate taxes when her wife died, since in the eyes of the federal government they were strangers.

While all 50 states have reciprocity of heterosexual marriage (i.e., when you get married in one state, you’re recognized as such in all 50), each state may individually decide whether or not to recognize same-sex marriages, civil unions or domestic partnerships for other states, leading to a patchwork of legality for same-sex couples as they travel across the country.

This video, shows why fighting DOMA is so crucially important:

Prop 8
Proposition 8 is the ballot initiative that removed the rights of same-sex couples to legally marry in California, creating three classes of people in the state: heterosexuals, homosexuals who were not married, and homosexuals who were married, but would never be able to marry again (in case of the death of a spouse or divorce).  AFER, the American Foundation for Equal Rights, brought the case Perry v Schwarzenegger, and it was argued before the supreme court after a string of victories for equality.  Side note: Schwarzenegger and the government of California declined to defend Prop 8 in court, and as the basis of standing was examined, the case evolved and is now finally known as Hollingsworth v Perry.

Marriage Equality
One scenario, even if parts of DOMA is repealed, is the continuation of a country with a mishmash of marriage laws.  Fighting for full, federal marriage equality is necessary, not just for a marriage certificate, because that is not what defines a relationship, but for the social recognition, the stability of a family and the comfort that we’re all equal in the eyes of the law.

Employment Non-Discrimination Act, which has so far, been a pipe dream.  This law would make it illegal to fire (or not hire) someone based on their sexual orientation.  Versions that also include gender expression have also been proposed, but to the same effect.  Currently, it is completely legal to fire someone for their real or perceived sexual orientation.

Student Non-Discrimination Act, the same as ENDA, but protecting students from institutionalized discrimination.

Housing Inequality
Just like employment, housing and housing loans can also be denied based on sexual orientation and gender identity.

Lavender Scare
Just like the “Red Scare” of communism, this was a systematic purge of LGBT workers in the federal government.

Blood Ban
Any man who has sex with a man (and that’s the language used), regardless of sexual orientation, since 1977 is barred from giving blood for life, according to current regulations.  All blood is already screened for a multitude of diseases, but the implication here is that all gay men have HIV, or at least, we all contracted it simultaneously in 1977 and that heterosexuals have no diseases that couldn’t be detected.

Immigration Reform
Until 1991, members of the LGBT community could not legally immigrate into the United States.  Immigration reform is also of special concern to the LGBT community because, when coupled with DOMA, we face extra barriers to overcome to be with the person we love, if they happen to be a citizen of another country.  Bi-national same-sex couples are routinely separated, having no protection under the law, tearing apart families.

Local non-discrimination
This of course, varies by area.  Allegheny County, for instance, has their own version of ENDA (which does not apply to 501(c)3 charities).  If I were to work less than a mile to the east, I would have absolutely no protection against employment discrimination.  Philadelphia recently passed the most comprehensive protection package in the country, and Pennsylvania is once again attempting to enact statewide protections.

Boy Scouts of America
I’m not going to go into it here as it is constantly evolving and I’ve written about it…at length (and yes that was in the voice of Prof. Snape).  If you’re interested, just read the rest of the blog.

Freedom of Association/Postal Service
Before 1957 it was illegal for LGBT citizens to use the postal service to promote their rights, and prior to Stonewall (and far after), LGBT groups were routinely harassed by police.

While not the first time members of the LGBT community stood up for themselves, it is what kicked off the modern gay-rights movement in 1969.  After being raided, the patrons of the Stonewall Inn, in New York City, stood up for themselves, were joined by fellow citizens of Greenwich Village, fought back, and the ensuing riots was the catalyst for our demand for equality.

Harvey Milk
The first out elected official in the country.  Elected to the board of supervisors of San Francisco, famous for his work for equality, not only for the LGBT community, but the elderly and children as well.  His famous quote, in reference to coming out and working to make the world better for those coming after him, “You gotta’ give them hope.”  Was assassinated, along with the mayor of San Francisco.

James Dale
Brought the supreme court case Boy Scouts of America v Dale in 2000, led to the BSA upholding their ban on LGBT scouts and leaders.

Matthew Shepherd
Brutally murdered in Wyoming.  His mother created the Matthew Shepherd foundation and extension of hate crimes to cover sexual orientation and gender expression was the Matthew Shepherd and James Byrd Jr. Act.

Alan Turing
British scientist responsible for the modern computer age and cracked the Nazi enigma codes during WWII.  Was convicted of being homosexual by the British government and sentenced to chemical castration.  Committed suicide before the sentence could be carried out.  He has yet to be pardoned by the British government.

Jason Collins
First male athlete in the big four (football, baseball, basketball, hockey) to come out while still playing.  Although has not been re-signed (free agent) for the 2013-2014 season.

Brian Simms
First out state official in Pennsylvania, elected in 2012.  Currently represents downtown Philadelphia.

I’m from Driftwood
Video series dedicated to the many unique stories of the LGBT community and our allies. (

It Gets Better Project
Founded by Dan Savage and his husband Terry Miller to combat LGBT suicide.  The idea is that because of the Internet (and YouTube specifically), we don’t need permission to talk with the kids that need our support the most.  We can tell them that life does get better, and it’s worth sticking around for. (

You Can Play
Founded in memory of Brendan Burke, out, gay player and manager for Miami of Ohio by his father (Maple Leafs former GM, Brian Burke) and brother (Flyers Scout, Patrick Burke), You Can Play has officially partnered with the NHL to tackle homophobia on the ice, in the locker room and in the stands. (

Trevor Project
Crisis intervention and suicide prevention for the LGBT community.  (

Human Rights Campaign
The main lobbying group of the LGBT community, working with local organizations and lobbying in Washington, D.C. for equal rights.  Their symbol is the yellow equals sign on a blue field.  Fun fact, you can be a card-carrying gay (or ally), by joining the HRC (they have fairly useless donor/membership cards), but it’s a nice gesture.

SLDF/Out Serve
Servicemembers Legal Defense Fund and Out Serve merged after the repeal of DADT, they work to support LGBT members of the armed forces, veterans and their families.

Equality Pennsylvania
The state-level organization working for equality in Pennsylvania.  Reintroduced the state-level ENDA in 2013 with record support, over 100 co-sponsors in the house and senate.

Lambda Foundation/Delta Foundation of Pittsburgh
The Lambda Foundation is the local LGBT organization, the Delta Foundation of Pittsburgh is a spin-off organization that puts together Pittsburgh Pride.

Lamba Legal
National legal organization focusing on LGBT issues and fighting for those with HIV/AIDS

Parents and Friends of Lesbians and Gays, national organization of allies.

Previously the Gay and Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation, now just goes by GLAAD and also focuses on trans and bi issues as well, media watchdog for the LGBT community.

Pride is usually celebrated in June to coincide with the anniversary of the Stonewall Riots, although some locations move it around due to weather concerns.  An open celebration (seriously, everyone is invited, including allies) of how far we’ve come, the fact that we’ve survived and enjoying the community that we’ve created for ourselves.


Update Log

May 27 – Added alphabet soup, a few other details.

The BSA national board meets in fourteen days and on the agenda is the change to membership standards, which would allow openly gay youth, but not adults.  The staggering amount of information from their various surveys has been released, and I think it’s presented in a bit biased way, seeing as all the pro-equality comments are skimmed over at the very end of the information packet, but that may be me nit-picking.

The voting process itself is amazingly intricate (although from what I gather, no more intricate that votes of other large corporations or governing bodies).  The big news of course, is that the largest backer (in terms of sponsoring units), the Mormon Church, is supporting the proposed membership standards.  In fact, only one of the major sponsoring partners is against the change.

And no, the proposed change is not perfect.  But it’s a step towards full equality, and a step in the right direction.  We have to remember that.  Right now, kids are being discriminated against, and that kind of institutionalized discrimination drives young people to suicide.  So even though there are plenty of adults, like me, who would love to go back and volunteer, we have to check our egos at the door and remember that this is a youth organization and we have to support the youth first and foremost.  This isn’t about us.  We have to abide by the campsite rule and make it better for those coming after us.

And yes, the policy basically comes down to this:


But youth are smarter than we give them credit for, that I promise you.  They see the hypocrisy, and understand that it’s a step in the right direction (not to mention that it’s not a viable solution long-term, just in terms of the gray definition of youth when you pull in OA and Venturing).  But this gives them a place to be safe, a place to belong and a place where they can finally be themselves, become better citizens, be exposed to hobbies and vocations and develop skills they’ll carry their whole lives.

And besides, LGBT members have always, always been members of the BSA.  We just lean on those around us, and recognize that there are many fighting for us inside the organization as well.

In the meantime, an equality minded similar organization is showing growth, the UK Scouts (where it all started) is inviting everyone to join them at Pride celebrations this summer and a gay former Scout spends a day with a local troop, giving them the best cinematography merit badge classes ever:

Zach Wahls, founder of Scouts for Equality, mops the floor with an anti-equality activist, and the Good Men Project hits is perfectly with this essay.  A father and son team are cycling across the country to raise awareness for the membership change, while at the same time, conservatives aregoingcrazy making shit up (three separate links there), and the epicenter of all this, the Cradle of Liberty Council in Philadelphia, will be vacating their long-time headquarters because of the national stance (that they tried to work-around).

Also, in the weird side of things, the Family Research Council has nothing else to do besides steal photos, badly doctor them and try to pass them off as from Irving.  I don’t have anything to add to that, but sometimes, you just have to acknowledge the bizarre and keep on moving.

We’ve come a long way since BSA v Dale.  We have further to go, but this is a step towards full equality.  If you haven’t already, contact your local council, or donate to Scouts for Equality.

Community has always been a very important concept for me.

Throw on top of that, how much I enjoy doing community service, and I found an awesome group: Gay4Good.  Once a month we get together and give our time to a different non-profit around the city.  I did my first project with them over the weekend, and had a really good time.

A couple people asked me though, what the point of the group is.  Their reasoning is why does there have to be a specific gay community service group?  Why label it and just keep it open to everyone.  While I think there is some credence to that line of thought, I think we’re at a place and time where these kind of groups are still needed, and more importantly welcomed.

I explained that for a couple reasons, I think the very idea of a group is great: one, it provides a group where we don’t necessarily have to worry about being judged, not being our full selves, and can instead just pitch in together and do some community service.  Two: it’s good PR for the LGBT community, you know the whole “we’re not monsters, look we’re doing community service!” line of thinking.

But I also think that it also helps us build community.  It goes back to the idea of a family of choice.  We can choose who we serve with and we can see the support that we have, even if it’s not always as evident as we wish.

I’ve done a lot of community service.  A lot of much larger weekends, but it was still a lot of fun.  We all pitched in to help the Downtown Pittsburgh Partnership with a couple different projects, and aside from a few differences, it was very similar.  I felt more relaxed of course, and I found out that I have a very different definition of “clothes you don’t mind getting dirty” than most others.

Next month, we’re participating in the Harvey Milk International Day of Service and doing three simultaneous projects across the city (followed up by a happy hour to benefit a fourth charity), which will be fun, and once again, it looks like I’ll be playing in the dirt (more landscaping).

And a fun aside, there actually was a straight guy with our group this time.  Granted, he was there for court-ordered community service, but you know, he was there working with us.

And yes, of course there is a nerd component to this.  One of the reasons I love the Myst community so much is the fact that we really are a community.  We care about each other, we know each other and we reach out to each other in so many ways.  Also, fun fact, depending on the translation from Sumarian, URU means community (or more commonly, “city”).

Anyway, I’m excited to help out again as often as I can, and I’m very happy to have found a part of the LGBT community that I think I feel very comfortable and welcomed in.

All my best,


The Washington Post has a great profile on two gay brothers, one an Eagle Scout, the other finishing up his project and paperwork now, and their involvement in a local protest to encourage the National Capital Area Council to vote for equality.

Here’s the crux of the matter:

For those who are against including gay youth in the Boy Scouts of America, they don’t see a continuum in someone’s life,” Felker said. They don’t see that little boys who think kissing anyone is gross discover only later who they want to be on the receiving end of that gesture. “What is it about that person’s character that suddenly makes them incompatible with the core values of the Boy Scouts? They didn’t change from being cute little Cub Scouts into being morally questionable adults. They’re still good guys. They still really care about the social good.”

A switch just doesn’t flip making someone gay and making them suddenly lose all the positive values they’ve learned from the BSA, nor are the two mutually exclusive.  They never have been.

And again, it’s not as if there have never been gay men and lesbians in the BSA, we’ve always been there, working to make the world a little better.  And we see the positive impact that the BSA has on kids, and has on adults (they learn quite a bit as well), and it’s important that as part of the greater world, we’re part of the BSA movement as well.

All my best,


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