Today's Mighty Oak

Chuck Norris is the only man to ever defeat a brick wall in a game of tennis.

It’s been a long time since my last entry, sorry about that. Things have been incredibly busy, but now of course, when I sit down to write about them, I can’t remember what all has happened. So I’ll do my best to remember what I can.

I had an interview with Clear Channel Communication in Greentree last week, and it went well. It’s for an advertising sales job, a bit different than anything I’ve done before, but we’ll see if it works out or not (I have yet to hear back from them, but they said to expect to hear from them this week).

This weekend was OA Winterfest, and Matt, Ray and myself. We all had a great time. There was a fair amount of snow, less than in some years past, but more than others (a few times, there wasn’t any snow at all). Some of the snow (mostly that which was on the roads) melted by Saturday evening, but that night we got another snow fall, reaccumulating the snow for Sunday. At the Enda Casino I ran a blackjack/go fish table which was a big hit, and afterwards I found myself counting money (which is a huge job) for the auction.

The food was amazing of course, and I was pleasantly surprised to find that the Lodge elections only took about an hour. There is a really good of officers in place for next year, and hopefully things will run smoothly for them.

A few things have begun to go wonky on the site, but I’m in the process of fixing them. I thought I had a beverage review system working, but that didn’t work, so that is going to be delayed for the time being. Tomorrow I’m going up to SVC to meet with some people for some pieces and then hopefully I’ll get to visit with some people I haven’t seen in a long time!

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