Today's Mighty Oak

She ended her sentence with a preposition; there can be no doubt that she is evil.

Wow, all kinds of stuff to talk about! I made a list, but we’ll see if I remember the stuff I didn’t add to the list (not likely):

I headed up to SVC on Tuesday to meet with various people to discuss some projects. Afterwards we hung out in the Carey Center and had a good time playing pool. Later that night we went out to Buffs, and I saw my friend Kelly (I worked with her at summer camp) and we caught up. Hopefully we’ll be able to get together again soon.

The weekend before was OA Winterfest at Heritage, which was a good time. I got to do some Brotherhood Counseling (which involved the llama – I used it to help teach the Delaware words…and somehow it worked!) and had a wonderful time. I helped as much as I could with the Ceremonies Committee (since I’m not the official adviser, even though I do a lot to help them out) and had hot chocolate with the Tecumsa adults, so everything was in order and right with the world. I didn’t have a chance to catch OA Jeopardy, but I did suggest that if they hadn’t, they should change the final Jeopardy question. For years, it has been to name, in order, all the Lodge chiefs, including the transition chiefs. However, at this point, there are members of the lodge who weren’t alive when the merger happened….(that made me feel real old).

At the Enda Casino I ran a go fish/blackjack table and had a blast. A ‘band’ was brought in, but they were way to loud for the space (couldn’t hear each other at the table) and also didn’t know the guitar part to ‘Free Bird.’ Sadly, that fact didn’t stop them from playing it twice (they would stop once they got to the huge guitar solo that everyone knows).

In book news, I added a bunch more book review and more are coming, I promise. I also picked up ‘Crossroads of Twilight’ for two bucks and picked up the new Zahn novel (‘Outbound Flight’), so I’m very excited to read those!

I finally got to see ‘March of the Penguins’ which was awesome. Not as scary as I had heard, but still not the best for small children. In other movie news, I had a ‘Saw’ dream, which scared the crap out of me (now I think it’s cool, but still disturbing). Jigsaw locked me in my downstairs bathroom, but would let me out to perform various tasks, kind of like in Saw II. Why I didn’t get run away when he let me out, I’m not sure…but it was a dream, so that makes it ok….or at least, as ok as a dream like that can be!

I saw one of the three assholes (and that was censored for this blog) who decided that since I wasn’t Catholic I shouldn’t be involved with my old scout troop at Roundtable this week (blatant discrimination, as well as against principles of the Boy Scouts and the Catholic Church, see Ex Corda Ecclesiae). He didn’t recognize me, and asked who I was. I calmly replied, and his smug smile quickly faded as he realized I knew he was the one pulling all the strings in the background. He didn’t speak to me the rest of the night (as he paraded around trying to find something to do, whining to anyone who would listen) and I just bored holes into him, and he squirmed each time he saw me. I now have a new purpose, to make him feel as uncomfortable as possible! Apparently I’m good at holding grudges…and I think I’m begining to accept that, and use it to my advantage.

The author of PostSecret, Frank Warren is going to be at Pitt on Monday, if I can ever find out where the WPU Auditorium is, I think I’m going to go. I already have a meeting at CMU that night, so it won’t be a problem. If I end up going, I’m also going to take my books, maybe he’ll autograph them!

In URU news, it launches on February 15 with a new age! The DRC site was redesigned and given a corporate makeover by Cate (see title of this entry), and things are just generally exciting! And of course, Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows will be released July 21!

I think that’s it for now, more work to do (coding and writing), look for more book reviews soon and I’ll catch everyone in a bit!

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