Today's Mighty Oak

Quick update, let’s see what I have today for you all.

First up, this must have been very awkward, for so many reasons, I don’t think it could have been better planned on tv.

I’m really digging this awesome beervertising, although it should work with most amber and dark beers, not just Guinness:


Steven Colbert made Maxim’s list of 100 hottest women.  Yes, you read the correctly.  He once again used a write-in campaign to win.  Pretty awesome.

A good read about DOMA, and my favorite line:

How many live in the eight leastpopulated states? Less than 3 percent. Three percent — also known as the margin of error. (Which raises a terrifying scenario: It’s possible these states are completely empty.)

And from Copyranter, a cool ad for the torture museum:

That’s it for now, I’ll be back in a few days after the wedding festivities, until then, have a great one!

Quick update, let’s see what I have.

First up, an amazing episode of The Flog this week from Geek and Sundry:

You should go read this amazing cartoon from The Oatmeal.  You’ll even learn some things!

From Depressed Copywriter:

And Team Geek and Sundry Faced off against The Nerdist on All Star Bowling:

Quick update for everyone, let’s see what I have today.  First up, from Better Book Titles, “The Colour of Magic” which is the first book of an amazing series:

If you haven’t watched it before, a short TED talk by Frank Warren of PostSecret.  Fun fact, whenever the conversation comes to who I could have dinner with if I could with anyone in the world, Warren is always on my list.  I saw him speak at Pitt and it was amazing, so check out the talk.

Good Old Games is finally able to offer the Quest for Glory series.  All five games!  I’m totally excited and going to be losing a lot of time to these (one and five are the best, in my opinion).  Such amazing games!

I’m trying to find a link, but the rumor I heard on a podcast is that in the upcoming Spiderman tie in game, if you preorder (I think from Amazon), you unlock the ability to play as Stan Lee in one of the levels.  Epic!

Awesome new blog from a jaded copywriter: Depressed Copywriter:

In case you care, which you shouldn’t, check out Bristol Palin’s response to Obama’s interview yesterday.  The irony will make you laugh out loud.  Or weep, probably both, actually.

And if you too need to ‘evolve’ on the issue, may I suggest this link.  I especially love images 4, 6 and 14

The staff of the Stranger got a plastic dinosaur and took lots of pictures with him!

That’s it for now, but I’ll be back again soon, have a great one!


Fairly big update for you today, let’s see what I have.

First up, pretty awesome spot via Copyranter:

Tampa Bay drafted a paralyzed player, who would have been in this year’s draft class.  Very, very classy.

I was just talking about Stephen King yesterday, so it’s nice to see him asked to be taxed, but here is the more important quote:

  I don’t want you to apologize for being rich; I want you to acknowledge that in America, we all should have to pay our fair share. That our civics classes never taught us that being American means that — sorry, kiddies — you’re on your own. That those who have received much must be obligated to pay — not to give, not to “cut a check and shut up,” in Governor Christie’s words, but to pay — in the same proportion. That’s called stepping up and not whining about it. That’s called patriotism, a word the Tea Partiers love to throw around as long as it doesn’t cost their beloved rich folks any money.

This is a bathroom I would never, ever use.  Although I guess it would certainly help you shit, just from fear.

Awesome ad:

MaddowBlog also covers the war on voting, here in Pennsylvania.

Totally not appropriate for work, but I love watching these three grandmas as they watch the Kim Kardashian sex tape:

 The Good Men Project has a top ten list, of why you should only read top ten lists.  Very clever, I especially like number four.

There’s a big stink about Dan Savage and his recent remarks.  I have a lot of thoughts about it, although he sums it up very well.  Please have a read here, it’s long, but it’s worth it.  And the sad but true follow up, a study has revealed that non-religious are more compassionate that those who are religious. Guess that’s why the “Christian” Right has been able to draw up so much fake outrage and cries of being bullied when someone uses their own freedom of speech to disagree with them and point out some hypocritical facts about parts of religion.

But anyway, go read the first link, totally worth it.  Have a great one, I’ll be back with more soon!

Lots of fun things, let’s see what I have today.

First up, this has been making it’s rounds, but check out the Drama Button:

Canada is awesome.  Case in point: glow in the dark, dinosaur quarters.  I know, right?!

Just remember kids, this is me:

I think parts of it look a little sloppy, and they got weird dialogue from him, but check out the awesome R2D2 cake:

Copyranter has boccie ads:


Next time, they need to at least use a tripod, but the new world-record for Rube Goldberg machines, from Purdue Engineering:

And lastly, Funny or Die hits it out of the park with this awesome (and NSFW) video (which I can’t embed, sorry).

That’s it for now, I’ll be back soon with more!

Quick update, let’s see if I can get this in before my battery dies (I forgot to charge my netbook, and since I haven’t had it on in a while, it used all the battery updating itself and all the programs).

First up, a new look at Snow White and the Huntsman (which looks so much better, and darker, than “Mirror Mirror”):

And Copyranter comes through with an awesome outdoor campaign for shampoo, and for JP Morgan Chase.  Unlike Copyranter, I really like one of the ads, I think the art direction is amazing:

That’s it for now, back when I’m recharged!

All kinds of fun things today, let’s see what all I have for you:

First up, this is amazing and scary:

Copyranter has some ads for Playboy.  Honestly, I like them, they’re witty, and of course, NSFW.

Copyranter also posts some stunning ads for musical instruments:


Very quickly, Arizona is becoming a place I would never want to go visit.  I feel as though I need to save my friends who are living there.

Hot tub boats.  Exactly what they sound like, and they sound like heaven!

And a few fun political pics from around the Internet for you:

I do try not to be too political here on the blog, but some things are too good not to pass up.

Have a good one!

Second bonus update for everyone, let’s see what else I have for you:

First up, this is just too cool, I’m just not sure how well he could see:

Apartment Therapy has a couple cool posts: first up, playing laser tag with your smartphone.  They also cover what they think Siri looks like:

And lastly, art made from old CDs.

The first picture (the one on the post) to me looks altered, but if you click through it’s actually a series of pictures: Meh, Romney.

Science is working on creating a thread that converts body heat to electricity, allowing you to charge electronic devices, pretty awesome.

Oh, somebody was bitter:

Slog covers the future of photography, as well as billboards and real-life Google Googles.

And finally, we’ve found the corner in which you can place baby:

I’m back from two weeks away, and back to the blog.  I’ll be posting more updates soon, as well as a short update about my trip to Maryland/Delaware, but in the meantime, enjoy all of this:

First up, a video from NASA about watching the Northern and Southern Lights from the International Space Station, absolutely beautiful!

And a really cool video from The Guardian:

Copyranter comes through with an awesome gif, a really cool interactive ad, misleading chalkboards, the truly horrifying, an ad which I like, but he doesn’t and the latest amazing cover from The New Yorker.

This also comes from Copyranter:

And here is a compilation from Better Book Titles.  I especially love their take on “To Kill a Mockingbird.”

And here is the second trailer for The Avengers:

That’s it for now, have a great one!

Short update, and sadly, probably the last update for a while.  I’ll be at a conference for a week and a half and then visiting some friends in Maryland after that, but I’ll be back after.  I’ll see if I can check in.  I’ve been fighting with the mobile apps for the site, but I’ll keep trying.  Anyway, enjoy what I’ve found for you this time:

Via Copyranter, amazing ad for The Walking Dead:

And this just cracks me up:

Salon remembers David Foster Wallace.  One of these years, I’ll finish Infinite Jest.  It really is my white whale.

And nothing much, just TORNADOES ON THE SUN: 

That’s it for now, have a great one!


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