Today's Mighty Oak

Alright, let’s see what we have today.  First up, it turns out that intelligent people drink more.

In case you forgot, Rick Santorum is an idiot.  Like, there aren’t enough words to decry this man.

If lawyers were copywriters.  It’s sad, by the way.

And for fans of “Orange is the New Black”

The beginning of the year-end round-ups (I’ll have a special post later, still waiting for one more video to be released), but here are 45 of the most powerful images of the year.

A man went an entire day (with one slip-up) by only saying “Hodor.

Research has proven that anti-LGBT legislation causes harm, especially on young people.

And sadly, speaking of, a prominent Russian actor was applauded when he said he wants to burn all gay men alive.

The final book in The Magicians trilogy comes out in August, and we have a cover.

That’s it for today, have a great one!

Alright, update for everyone, heavy on the videos, but I hope you enjoy them all:

First up, a fan-made trailer for a Mega Man movie.  It takes a while to pick up, but not bad for less than $1,000:–PFbE

Scientists are working on new self-healing materials that use the energy from the sun to repair themselves, pretty amazing!

I just finished reading the Hunger Games Trilogy, and it was awesome, now I need to go see the movie.  In the meantime though, here is a trailer for The Hipster Games:

The NYT covers addictive digital games, pretty awesome.

Big stuff from Google with their augmented reality glasses, and the inevitable remake of it:

Also from Google, they’ve been working on using Street Maps technology in museums around the world, now they’ve shot the interior of the White House:

So…Santorum is crazy.  For a while, he was campaigning on a platform of outlawing porn.  I was talking with a friend this week, a speaker brought into her work place was also known for going on tirades about pornography.  And we all agree, it’s a case of “He who doth protest too much…”  But anyway, in response, porn stars (ahem, hard, ahem, working Americans who would be put out of work) came together to make a video in protest:

One of my favorite church signs, going viral:

And lastly, holy crap, you know people are stretching when they want to protest Desmund Tutu.  I saw him speak at my church, and the man is amazing and a living saint.  If you ever have the chance to listen to him lecture, please do, you will not regret it, I promise.

That’s it for now, thanks everyone, have a great one!

I’m back from two weeks away, and back to the blog.  I’ll be posting more updates soon, as well as a short update about my trip to Maryland/Delaware, but in the meantime, enjoy all of this:

First up, a video from NASA about watching the Northern and Southern Lights from the International Space Station, absolutely beautiful!

And a really cool video from The Guardian:

Copyranter comes through with an awesome gif, a really cool interactive ad, misleading chalkboards, the truly horrifying, an ad which I like, but he doesn’t and the latest amazing cover from The New Yorker.

This also comes from Copyranter:

And here is a compilation from Better Book Titles.  I especially love their take on “To Kill a Mockingbird.”

And here is the second trailer for The Avengers:

That’s it for now, have a great one!

Bonus update today:

First up, from The Gutters, check out this one, which takes a look at an upcoming crossover, and this one, which conquers a common problem:


Copywranter takes on free condom ads, which, since I’m a twelve year old, made me giggle.  He also looks at century old predictions from 1911.

The previously known as Colbert Super PAC, Building a Better Tomorrow, Tomorrow, is now the Definitely Not Coordinating with Stephen Super PAC, as he ramps up his campaign in South Carolina.  Awesome.  Make sure to check out their first ad.

Saw this a bit ago, on a fun note, I have the backpacking stove they feature in it.  Pretty awesome:

In drug-related news, Pot smokers have healthier lungs than cigarette smokers, and some people are claiming that the drug-war is killing more than alcohol or guns.  While I don’t agree with that based on the data presented, the war on drugs is still a colossal waste of time, money and resources.

He is a vile, horrible person, but I do have to give Santorum some props for selling sweater vests as a fundraiser.

Washington State is posed to have marriage equality (two votes short in their state senate), and as expected, the Catholic Church is butting into civil rights and urging citizens to oppose it.  Slog has a great rebuttal technique.

Wizards of the Coast is working on the fifth edition of Dungeons and Dragons, and it’s being partially crowd sourced, which is kind of awesome.  The New York Times writes about it here.

That’s it for now, thanks for reading!

As someone from Southwestern Pennsylvania, whenever Santorum is in the news, I feel obliged to apologize for him.  Please don’t hold it against us, we’re a wonderful region and you should totally come visit.

But as a friendly reminder, even if he was really running for President (he has no chance of winning either the nomination or the election, and he knows it.  He’s running for a job at FOX news for the next four years), he has quite a few problems.

You’ve probably heard a lot, so I’ll put some thoughts behind the jump:


Quick update for everyone, let’s see what I’ve rounded up this time:

First up, if you’ve seen the many parodies of “Shit Girls Say,” this is probably one of the more clever ones.  Although not accurate (unless it’s a silent order of course):

Following yesterdays political news in Iowa, BuzzFeed has 25 people google’ing “Santorum” for the first time.  Hilarity ensues.

One of the blogs I follow is UpADownA.  And they posted this very beautiful image of an oatmeal stout (my favorite kind of beer):


Makes me want to to drink a New Holland Poet.

George Michael (the singer, not the Arrested Development character) is rightfully pissed…after Christian groups were praying for his death while he had pneumonia.  Note to those groups: Jesus told us to love one another.  I don’t remember anything about hate.  You’re doing it wrong.

Today’s whoops from the Catholic Church.  I feel sorry for the kids though, but at least they got financial assistance.

I know it’s after Christmas, but here’s a really well-done animation:

That’s it for now, be back soon, have a great one!

Couple quick things, and I’ll be back real soon with more (I think Google Reader is eating some of my saved items, so I need to get through them real quick!):

This comes from the Maddow Blog, not sure if it’s is real or not (I’m guessing not), but fun nonetheless:


It looks like we finally have the official Zelda timeline.  Gamers knew it existed, but I honestly never thought we’d see it.  I’m hoping the book this comes from gets translated and released in America.  Check it out here.

So, it turns out that Santorum may or may not have acted illegally to get a sought-after endorsement.  I don’t know enough about campaign finance law.  But the other story is that he had a million dollars in his war chest.  Who knew?

It always amazes me how different sockets are around the world, here’s a handy guide:


I’ll be back with more in a bit!

Another big update for everyone, hope you enjoy:

Following on the heels of my previous toaster update, check this out:


Think of all the money you could make on eBay!

I’m not a fan of Santorum, as it turns out, no one really is.  But even so, there are enough free fonts out there, you don’t need to steal any, Rick.

Unplggd has an awesome, if impractical, way to use old ethernet cords, take a look:


Remember when Florida passed the law requiring those getting aid to pass a drug test?  At a cost charged to those getting aid?  Well as it turns out, only 2% tested positive.  Compared to the entire population of Florida, which has a drug-use rate of over 8%.

I have no idea when Girl Scout Cookie time is, but here you go, the sales of the cookies, by variety:


Popular Mechanics has an awesome article showing three different ways to store your extension cords without them getting tangled.  If you have some time some weekend, it could be a fun project!

I don’t follow Dinosaur news that closely, however, I have to agree, this has been my favorite dinosaur for as long as I can remember:

Check out these awesome wedding pictures, make sure to scroll all the way down for the whole story.

I can’t add much more to this sign:


Or this one:


If you haven’t seen it, make sure to check out BuzzFeed’s gallery of the destruction wrought by the East Coast earthquake.  I like number 18 the best.

Here’s the trailer for the book of the blueprints of the Star Wars universe:

And finally, I want to head to Sherwood’s in Fayette County, looks awesome!

Couple things for everyone, first up, happy day after the Rapture!

You’ve probably seen this already, but really, Santorum, what the crap?!  You honestly think McCain doesn’t understand torture?  My mind seriously can’t wrap itself around the stupidity of Santorum‘s thoughts.

And speaking of politics, here’s the official GOP bracket:

So, there are apparently porn parodies of everything.  However, one nerd took all the sex out, and it turns out Star Trek: The Next Generation porn is actually a pretty good episode.

Slog has an article up about MakerBot, the 3D home printer.  I just watched a podcast about this too, I can’t wait until this becomes cheaper and the technology advances.

Fun video:

Scientists may have found a new planet we can live on!  Awesome.

Points to Ginny for cracking the code as to why Pittsburgher’s brake unnecessarily:

BRAKE! Look! A tow truck. Let’s slow down in case a dozen children jump out of the truck and run into the road. It could happen.

That’s all I have for now, catch everyone later!

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