Today's Mighty Oak

theFriday5 (1)

So I joined a whole bunch of groups on LJ, and this one seemed cool, and a good place for some inspiration on what to write, it's called theFriday5 (really, The Friday Five, but I like how I formatted the name…).

They send out five questions (in the form of a friend subscription) and I respond to them, and am supposed to comment with a link to my responses, although I'm not sure if I will or not…we'll see.  Anyways, on with my inaugural questions:

1. What book or books were special to you in your childhood?
Goblins in the Castle instantly came to mind.  I read that book constantly, I hope it's around somewhere.

2. What was particularly special or memorable about those books?
I loved the story, the idea of a forgotten past and secret passageways in a castle and befriending and ogre and discovering and escaping from a hidden and evil society.

3. Have you re-read any of them as an adult?
No, sadly I'm not sure if I have my copy any more.

4. If so, were the books as good as you remembered them?

5. What do you think about movies being made out of children's classics (like the Chronicles of Narnia, Lord of The Rings, etc.)?
I think the books are great, as are the movies, however they aren't a substitute.  The books contain so much more depth.  And besides, I hate questions like this, they are two different mediums and should be treated as such.  Yes, books make for great screenplays in many instances (and vice-versa), but the two are engaging becasue of different things and provide the user with vastly different experiences.

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