Today's Mighty Oak

Wherein I talk about my extended family

Written: 8/13/2012

Over the weekend, my brother and sister (in-law) celebrated their wedding with a big reception.  Since the ceremony was small, a lot of out of state family couldn’t make it, so they had planned to have this reception.

And sometimes, I realize that I forget how much I love my extended family, and how much stereotypes are way off.

A bit of background, my sister (in-law), which by the way, I’ve always just called her my sister, so I have to force myself to add the “in-law” part, is African American.  Her family is awesome, and has accepted me without question and I can’t even begin to describe how much I love hanging out with them.

My uncle and aunt who live in DC have two adoptive children, both of whom are also African American, so I’ve never really thought it strange.  Watching their granddaughter, play with my other cousins on the nearby playground, was awesome.  And none of us could help but smile at the insistence that they not leave, since all the cousins were still playing.  Even my sister’s sister’s child was quickly pulled into the fold, playing with all the other kids his age, acting like just one of the other cousins.

Now, most of this family is from West Virginia.  Sometimes I have to remember that WV left from VA over slavery, joining the north in the civil war.  Maybe it’s because that side of the family is Episcopalian, which, I was happy to see the “The Episcopal Church Welcomes YOU” bumper sticker.  They preach that, and they live that.  It’s true, and I’m always happy to be reminded of.

Now, the other side of the family, is also just as welcoming, except for one exception.  But I am happy to report, that those last few holdouts, have “evolved” on the matter, and welcomed my sister with open arms into the family.  Maybe they saw all the other love and realized that skin color really doesn’t matter, maybe they saw the love between my brother and his wife (can’t say sister there, that would be weird).  But either way, I’m glad the family from PA finally caught up with the majority of civilized society (oh I wish that was true).

Anyway, just a lesson to everyone, myself included, that we need to make sure we’re not making snap judgement and that it is possible for people to evolve.

All my best,

The King of Spades

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