Today's Mighty Oak

Wherein I talk about slut-shaming

Dustin Lance Black, screenwriter of “Milk” and boyfriend of Tom Daley (not really important, they’re just cute together), was recently asked to speak at his alma mater’s graduation.

However, once they realized there naked pictures of him  on the internet, they rescinded the offer, citing their previous sex scandals and not wanting to draw attention to those issues.  Well, guess that backfired, since now it’s back in the forefront of everyone’s mind.

We’re quickly getting to the point where no one running for political office won’t have naked pictures somewhere on the Internet.  Teenagers (and adults) have cell phones with cameras, it’s going to happen.

The pictures were lifted off Black’s ex-boyfriend’s computer, and he won in court after suing them, because of how they were procured.

But Black hits back, and his response is eloquent:

For too long now I’ve sat silent on this issue. That ends here and now and with this sentence: I did nothing wrong and I refuse to be shamed for this any longer…

And yes, we were doing what gay men do when they love and trust each other, we were having sex. I have never lied about my sexuality. If you invade my privacy, this is what you will find. I have sex. It brings me joy, fosters intimacy and helps love grow. I hope anyone reading this can say the same for themselves and for their parents…

With this cruel act, PCC’s Administration is punishing the victim. And I ask you this: If I was a heterosexual man or woman with this same painful injury in my past, would PCC’s Administration still be rescinding such an honor?

I think it’s a good response, and it’s nice to see.  I hope it makes other organizations think twice about things like this in the future.

All my best,


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