Today's Mighty Oak

And I’m back, with some videos for you, first, The Daily Show and The Colbert Report take on DADT:

The Daily Show With Jon Stewart Mon – Thurs 11p / 10c
A Few Gay Men & Women
Daily Show
Full Episodes
Political Humor Health Care Crisis
The Colbert Report Mon – Thurs 11:30pm / 10:30c
Be Almost All That You Can Be
Colbert Report Full Episodes Political Humor Economy

Next, Stewart talks about the blogosphere and the “violence” therein:

The Daily Show With Jon Stewart Mon – Thurs 11p / 10c
The Blogs Must Be Crazy
Daily Show
Full Episodes
Political Humor Health Care Crisis

Colbert discuss Palin. Just remember, “Sarah Palin is a f*ucking retard…it’s satire.” Yes, yes it is.

The Colbert Report Mon – Thurs 11:30pm / 10:30c
Sarah Palin Uses a Hand-O-Prompter
Colbert Report Full Episodes Political Humor Economy

And finally, the White House has an awesome follow up to Palin’s speeches:

Watch CBS News Videos Online

Alright everyone, I have a lot of stuff to post again, so bear with me.

First off, Dollhouse went off the air two weeks ago, I’m still sad about it, but I highly suggest you watch it on DVD (skip the first few episodes of Season 1 and start with “Man on the Street”), in case you’re wondering here’s what you missed (spoilers, obviously):

Priya’s painting from season one was auctioned off for over $6,000, all going to the Children’s Hospital of Los Angeles.  And io9 recaps why we’ll miss Dollhouse, and it’s an excellent read.

But luckily, Lost is back.  Here’s what you missed the first five seasons:

And here are Newsweek staffers who have never seen Lost trying to explain what’s going on:

A new series of books is going to be published via Geocaching.  I saw an updated interview with the author, and he’s trying to spread them all over the globe, pretty cool, but kind of impractical.  Also, I don’t seem very interested in the books themselves.  Oh well.

Thankfully, PG+ has more than 35 members.  And by the way, it’s awesome!  I’ll be writing about it over at Metblogs pretty soon I hope.

Thanks Supreme Court:

I’m not sold on the iPad, if it was open to more than just the app store, I think I would get one, but right now, I don’t think it’s worth it.  Check out Slog’s coverage of it, icnluding this gem of a sentence:

UPDATE: Post edited and cleaned up, because I was drunk.

Pensblog has an awesome guide to hockey fans.  Check it out here.  And the game is still going on tonight but the doors open early at 6 p.m.

One of the guys I work with is the Mayor of North Irwin!  I call him Mr. Mayor now.  Apparently the city council just fights a lot, so I want to get a group from work to show up with posters and bells like at a little league game or something.  I think it would be fun.  Also, as I like to mention, he won by 23 votes: mandate of the people!

Berger and Green made it to BoingBoing!  Oh boy!  Explosion!

Betty Bowers, America’s best Christian is back, this time, she’s cooking:

Ever wonder what the 57 Heinz varieties are/were?  Check them out here.

A Dr. Pepper flash mob took over the NYSE, they were not too amused.

Words.  Can’t.  Comprehend.  Ewwww?

I can’t embed it, but here’s the link to Pink’s awesome performance at the Grammy’s.  It reminds me of her performance in Australia, pretty awesome.

Jesus gets a make over:

JESUS2000 from jesus 2000 on Vimeo.


NPR has a great article about the passage of time, and how we perceive it as we age.  Check it out.

Rob Tisinai is back, his videos are articulate, well researched, and just all around amazing:

The Don’t Ask Don’t Tell hearings continue on.  Want to see McCain absolutely owned?  Check out this link.  Not that he’ll change his stance, but it’s great to see nonetheless.  Here’s more reactions to the hearings.

This is pretty awesome, and I think Pat would really dig it:

I commented earlier about the first legal male prostitute, and how he, ahem, compared himself to Rosa Parks.  Yeah, he’s not bright at all.  Well, the New York Post partook in his services (not all of them), check it out, but be ready to laugh a lot, and barf.

And if that didn’t enrage you enough, check out these three links about the “relief work” Scientologists are doing in Haiti.  Disgusting.  Because Haiti doesn’t need food or water, no, they need machines to con them into thinking they have dead alien spirits inside them.  If you’re still looking for something to do to help, look no further than Savage Love, Facebook, and an awesome idea.

Are you going to be appearing on The Daily Show?  Read these tips first!

I talked about it over at Metblogs, but The Big Money also covers the redesign of the Heinz ketchup packet.

Have you been to SellecWaterfallSandwich?  It’s exactly what you think it is.

I like the ads, especially the first one, a lot.  However, I do have to agree, I won’t be taking marriage advise from Utah thankyouverymuch.  Also, the comments are a great read!

Want to commemorate the recent snow, get the t-shirt (I also suggest the map of Pittsburgh shirt):

That’s all I have for now, I have more, but I need to take a break, this has been a long post, but I’m almost all caught up!  Catch everyone in a little bit!

Alright, I hope everyone had a good weekend, I’m back with all kinds of stuff, enjoy everything!

First, I’m going to kill you with cuteness.  This monkey sounds like R2D2!

Last year it was announced that Joss Whedon was going to direct an episode of Glee.  And now it was announced that Neil Patrick Harris will guest star in that episode!

Speaking of Glee, the Christian Right is warning parents not to let their children watch it, for, and get this: including too many musical numbers.  Thank goodness they were here to point out the obvious!

But thankfully, the courts have ruled that colleges and universities can decide not to science credits from classes that taught only creationism.

Have you had the urge to listen to “Mrs. Robinson” lately?  It could be because of the huge scandal in Ireland recently.

Conan put the Tonight Show up on Craigslist, although it has already been taken it down, you can check it out at The Consumerist.

And here is the most expensive sketch, from his final night:

Speaking of, this is how the late night wars went down, according to a Japanese news station.  I don’t understand either:

Watch this clip of Gov. Rendell (The Gov. of Philadelphia, I mean, Pennsylvania), does me make some sort of slip implying that he’s gonig to run for Senate, or am I reading too much into his comment about “some of us” losing our races:

This is floating around out there, but apparantly, the number of Crayola crayons doubles every 28 years:

Would you like a Router made from Legos?  Of course you would!

Tim on Distorted View mentioned this one, as well as some other ones, but I do agree, this must be the best Rickrolling ever!

I’m not sure what to think about these signs.  I like them, I guess, and I appreciate how oddly specific they are…

This commercial played while I was at the bar yesterday, I laughed, a lot:

More weight to the only reason I want a PS3: Little Big Planet is going 3D!

If you didn’t watch the Hope for Haiti telethon last Friday, here is my favorite performance of the night:

If you haven’t heard, the fear-mongering and hateful Focus on the Family will be running an ad during the Super Bowl.  Which is interesting, since CBS doesn’t show ads “touches on and/or takes a position on one side of a current controversial issue of public importance.”  Right…

And just to keep us up to date, The Onion has a great roundup of God’s Anger according to Pat Robertson, the jerkface.  Although to be fair, Satan did respond via a letter to the editor.  And here’s a fun little game to pass the time, staring Pat Robertson, Martin Luther and (wait for it) Hitler

I don’t like cats.  Never have.  However, I do have to give this cat credit.  A lot:

The guys over at the NOH8 campaign have an awesome blog post called “Redefining Republican,” written after the two McCain’s (Cindy and Meghan) joined the campaign.  Worth a read.

Speaking of Prop 8, you’re telling me that the LDS church didn’t want anyone to know that they were involved?  I’m supposed to be surprised, right?  Here’s the followup, it’s just as important as the first link, as it corrects some of the reporting.  Basically, it’s not a direct quote, but how a witness observed the communication.

Patrick, once again, has an awesome blog post, this time about the Internet as support group, including a note from “The interwebs.”  A little past Cluetrain, but still related, so I’m going to tag it.

Go, right now, and play first person tetris.  Enjoy!  And speaking of video games, hardcausal has an awesome article about explaining games to your grandmother.  Worth a read.  And Nintendo Power makes fun of…Nintendo.

Guinevere the Boy Scout returns, check out her latest post here, an awesome entry about the Winter Parent and Son weekend.

The following video is supposedly DVR proof.  The concept is sound, and I believe proven.  If you keep your product in the middle of the screen, even someone fast forwarding through the commercials will see it long enough to make an impression in your brain.  And while yes, that is true, this ad misses the mark.  Seeing a picture of a grasshopper does in no way make me want to purchase their phone, it doesn’t even correlate, because the brand isn’t in my mind first of all, and secondly, since it isnt, there isn’t enough time for me to see the tiny phone and make the connection.  Not bad for effort, but totally missing the mark:

Contrary to the title, I did not find most of these funny.  While I do think they are good ads, not hilarious by any means.

Caution, more fun animals: Ok, moose are funny enough when they walk or run, they appear as though they  just have extra joints and their limbs just kind of flail about.  And the music in this video is awful.  But watch it anyway, just on mute.

Have I mentioned how much I love Representative Grayson?  And I’m still trying to learn more about the Supreme Court decision, apparently it doesn’t’ change as much as first thought, but it’s still a scary precedent, to be sure!

And now, a fun chart:

Speaking of food, good job, Giant Eagle!  This really is a good use of the Advantage Cards.  And to anyone who was surprised that they were monitoring your purchases I ask, really?

Interested in copy writing?  Appreciate the word ‘inconceivable?’  Check out the Princess Bride Guide to Copy Writing.  That’s right.

The guys from the Woot! podcast went to CES and made this video.  If the Wii by itself destroyed TVs, than that bowling ball is going to make so many, many people cry.  Who would think that that is a good idea?

What would The State of the Union be like of Steve Jobs delivered it?  Slate finds out.

The first live tweet was sent from the International Space Station.  And my mind has exploded a little bit.

Honestly, I’m surprised no one else thought of this.  The BBC straps a camera to birds heads and lets us fly with them:

Ok, that’s it for now, giant post!  Have a great one everybody!


Happy Martin Luther King, Jr. Day everybody!  And since he was a proponent of civil rights, I’ll start with a link from the LA Times about the Prop 8 trial:

Many opponents of same-sex marriage argue that it violates God’s will. Maybe theirs. My God doesn’t fret about homosexuality. And I figure if gays and lesbians can gain some comfort and happiness from formal marriage, then let them. Congratulations and good luck.

Andrew Sullivan jumps in with statistics about divorce, and, brilliant as always, the Onion jumps into the fray as well.

I think Parkour is really graceful and beautiful to watch, this video puts it in flip book form, which just blow my mind:

parkour motion reel from saggyarmpit on Vimeo.

Nevada just registered the first male prostitute after a change in the laws allowed it to happen.  Although, after reading the interview, he’s either stretching (he compared himself to Rosa Parks, yes, really) or just really dumb.  I can’t quite figure it out.  I started the link on the second page of the interview, which is where it starts to really get weird.

Here’s a cool spoof ad (complete with lots of swearing, so NSFW).  Although I really shoudln’t talk, if the iPhone was on Verizon, I’d get one (mostly for the ability to play Myst):

Slate takes a look at the new Domino’s ad, which I happen to like, probably a little bit more than Slate does.  Check it out here.

I’m a bit behind posting this, but if you haven’t seen it, enjoy:

It’s a little old news, but I didn’t post about it, and it still blow my mind, Slog put together a comprehensive list of the past administration (and Gulliani) trying to deny that 9/11 happened on their watch.  My brain huts a lot when I try to comprehend this kind of logic.

Here’s a cool video about the power of images (and graphic designers).  It reminds me a lot of the theory we discussed in my communication classes, if you’re interested in seeing more, check out

Speaking of technology and how it changes us, Patrick has a great article about how technology can bring strangers together.  A frightening situation, but an awesome use of the web.  Also, I may have linked to this one already, I can’t remember.

Here’s a new site I found, all about fonts.  I’m geeking out a little bit.

Alright, I think that’s it for now, have a great one!

I’ll be back with a larger post in a bit, as I’ve actually been keeping up with and going through all my links, but for now, I’d like to discuss Lady Gaga.  I’ve been enjoying her music more and more, even though I always seem to be behind on music being released.  Patrick has been talking about Bad Romance, and I watched the video yesterday, and love it, especially the last scene.  In that vein, I’d like to bring your attention to these two images:

And this one, a wider shot:

Does anyone else think she looks like Hedwig from Hedwig and the Angry Inch in these shots?

Also, apparently it is impossible to buy an unedited version of The Fame Monster.  This is what the Amazon page says:

Please note: Any apparent edits on this release are intentional and part of the final mix.

Somehow, I actually doubt that, I’m guessing it was put up after enough complains about the CD being edited.  If anyone knows where to pick up an unedited version of it, let me know.

Ok, that’s enough pop culture for one post, I’ll be back later, have a great one!

Just a quick NaNoWriMo update for everyone.  I always post my book cover once I have it finished, so here it is:

I’m still working on the back cover, but that’s the front.  Very simple, and I think it works, since it’s a horror novel.

Also, this latest episode of NaNo Video slipped in:

Hey everybody, quick update here.

The New York Times is finally getting around to some big coverage of the Uganda “Kill the Gays” bill.  And it appears to have garnered some real attention.  Which is a good thing since it appears that work from US politicians and lobbyists have brought about a law that would enable a nation to perform state-sanctioned genocide.  Good comments from Dan Savage here (not his first mind you, but some more recent ones).

Two big questions still loom in my mind.

1. If this were a different minority, say something racially motivated, or religiously motivated, would we not have heard the outcry?

2. If it “wasn’t the intent” of US politicians to draft a bill that would execute people based on who they are and who they love, then what exactly was their intent?  What other end did they expect to see from going into Uganda and stirring this up?

PittGirl is getting a second blog!  Always exciting!

The Daily Show With Jon Stewart Mon – Thurs 11p / 10c
The Best F**king News Team Ever – Tiger Woods’ Faith
Daily Show
Full Episodes
Political Humor Health Care Crisis

And of course, check out Dan Savage on Countdown, or his piece here on Slog:

Still writing 09 on your checks?  I’m actually not, although I think it was 2004 where the whole year, I just never got the hang of it.  The whole year, I was off.  Terrible waste.

Andrew Sullivan checks in here about Iran.  The picture is amazing, of course.

I don’t like to write about work.  Aside from the occasional mention, mostly due to my schedule, I just don’t care to blog about it.  The same goes for work, I do not care to discuss sex, religion or politics, it’s rude and really has no place at work, it will just inevitably make someone mad.  The few times I get dragged into a conversation, I find the nearest exit to the conversation and then physically leave so I’m not pulled further in, I would rather have solid, productive, working relationships with everyone there, and those kind of discussions never help.  However, every now and then, something happens that I just have to write down, lest I forget it, and lest my anger subside.

Cue the vagueness (and flashback sequence, I’m thinking like how they used to on Roundhouse, using a bunch of cast member’s waving arms with the camera walking through them): some time ago a bunch of us were eating lunch.  And people were talking about their schedules and it was mentioned that we have Martin Luther King, Jr. day off, but not President’s day.  The President’s day holiday was moved to Independence Day to make it a four day weekend.  However, one of my co-lunch-eaters started to make a comment about that fact.  And that person had that look on their face, and that tone to their voice.  But thankfully, said person stopped themselves before they made the extremely racist comment that was bubbling just below the surface.  Because, you know, Dr. King was only probably the greatest advocate of civil rights and equality we have ever had in this country.

Now, I typically give everyone the benefit of the doubt, to a fault, and to no end.  But I have also sat in that lunch room and been told that inter racial marriages should not be legal.  Not because a certain person was racist, no no.  Because it is unfair to the child.  “Those marriages never last and it isn’t fair to the child.”  So you’ll have to excuse me if I have lost my patience for some of my coworkers, at least when it comes to what will come out of their mouths.  I’ll keep reading at lunch, and exit whenever I need to, self defense and all.

So maybe that person held their tongue because of me, I’ve chirped up a few times when I think things get out of control or offend me.  So maybe I’ve had a positive impact on some people, making them think a bit before they speak.  But who knows.  So excuse the rambling, I do apologize, but I wanted to make sure I remembered that comment, seems somewhat indicative.

That’s it for now, at least I think.  I have more to write up, but I’ll work on it another time I think, have a great one everybody!

Quick update here, I hope everyone had a fun and safe New Year’s Eve!

Speaking of, I wish I could have posted this yesterday for everyone.  But you know maybe for everyone celebrating Orthodox New Year’s…wait, what?

Best thing I found out during the holidays: Pita Chips are awesome!  Why did I not know about these before?

Good gravy, is Google really trying to break into gaming now?  And while it makes sense for them to be in casual games (Remember I posted earlier this year about Popcap games inside WoW), this is getting a bit much.  But hey, if they go in, and so does Apple, which has been rumored for years and I don’t think it will happen, won’t that be a nice little fun grouping of companies: Nintendo, Microsoft, Sony, Apple and Google.

I showed the original video a few days ago, here’s it backwards, which is really forwards:

City Paper has a pretty cool wrap-up of 2009, check it out.

Or you can check out Carbolic Smoke Ball’s.  I suggest reading both.

I’ve never read or seen anything to do with Twilight.  But to those who have, does this about sum New Moon up?

This is a pretty cool site, and I think I could spend a lot of time looking up words, but hey, I’ll be learning stuff in the process!

And finally, what I actually originally was going to post, the biggest 25 pop songs from last year, mashed up into one amazing track.

That’s it for now, I’m hoping to do two big posts this weekend (really though, if I get one of them done, I’ll consider it a success).  Have a great one everybody!

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